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Feb 2013 · 472
To a Lost Girl
JR Lacehewe Feb 2013
Kiss me, before I forget the taste of delicacy
Before my eyes haze over with the dullness of all that is not you.
Do you even hear me?
          Screaming behind false teeth
                    Dying behind emotionless eyes

          Submerge your head in the depth of your reflection
                    But do not forget who patiently waits at the edge of the bank

                    If just once your eyes did not betray the curve of your lips
                              If once I thought your laugh was pure

                              Perhaps then I would survive too.

                                        Until then I will wait for you to resurface

                                                  ­Or retrieve your drowned body from the sea.
Feb 2013 · 548
On Louise
JR Lacehewe Feb 2013
‘Twas autumn when I found you broken there
Reduced to mutt, a once proud hound lay still –
Fur dripping salty rain – lost eyes unfilled
With hope or love of self, your spirit bare.
I let you in my chamber not aware
The drowning heart in loss had lost its will,
Yet you taught love, and I to laugh until
The walls were naught and of one soul we shared.
But when she found us, jealousy grew real;
She told me pure and harmless love was more,
And so you left, her will consented to,
With comfort that in storm at least you feel.
She thought my virtue left at beauty’s door;
Were it she knew, ‘twas me I saw in you.
Feb 2013 · 755
El Aislado
JR Lacehewe Feb 2013
Yo estaba acerca del sabor de amistad
Veo el amor para mi voz y mi cuerpo
Pero mi alma duerme con realidad

Espero que me veas -
Espero tu abrazo
Creo que me conoces
Pero te conozco

Cuando respires, respiro
Cuando toso, respires más profundo

Yo sacrificiaría mis pulmones para
          tus alientos

Yo sacrificaría mi alma para

Yo he.

Y no me ves

No has nunca.


I was close to the the taste of friendship
I see the love for my voice and body
But my soul sleeps with reality

I hope that you see me
I wait for your embrace
I think that you know me
But I know you

When you breath, I breath
When I choke, you breath deeper

I would sacrifice my lungs for
           your breath

I would sacrifice my soul for

I have.

And you don't see me

You never have.
Feb 2013 · 598
A Love Sonnet
JR Lacehewe Feb 2013
Whilst water lapped my tired feet
At tranquil pool I sought to rest
In that, of company no less –
A humble, simple-hearted sheep.
She came to me on verge of sleep –
Head nuzzled into heaving chest;
My sister from our worldly nest
Where we were bred from heaven’s keep.

The shepherd watched from where he stood
And from his lips a smile beamed
As I began as best I could
To wash her hooves amidst the stream
Our kindred bodies, souls, and blood
Entangled in a Christian Dream.
Feb 2013 · 2.1k
JR Lacehewe Feb 2013
They are



               ­               aesthetics,




Do you not feel the heat – my wrist on yours
burn tales more rich than ours on nights more dark
than souls too tense to feel the eyes of God
draw shame on backs of necks so close?

Or is it

                                                             ­                                                                 ­        just me?




   ­                    ludicrous


I know its there I know the life that flows
through limbs of mine can move through cloth to touch
the skin of yours I hear your eyes I see your voice
I breath you in why else are we so close?






  ­          happy


                                        ­                                                                 ­                                    secluded.

How can you sit not feel those things I feel
not think those thoughts I think not see your wrist
sink in to flesh as soft and pink as lips
I long to taste? We are al-ways al-ways
al-ways al-ways al-ways al-ways

so close...

They are






            ­           incandescence

                                                  ­  maybe.

But still

               They are
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                             here.

— The End —