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990 · Jun 2013
hues of your eyes
JR Jun 2013
beautiful boy with deep green eyes
a hidden river of hurt and lies
cover me up with your sweet smile
a kiss on the cheek to last me a while

lovely boy with eyes so blue
I wish I could give myself to you
lay by your side in fields so sweet
filled with the sound of our heartbeat

handsome boy with the darkest of eyes
not a thing of you do I despise
your sweet laughter and tender words
are the loveliest things I've ever heard

- j.r.
JR Jun 2013
painted lines on a map
tracing our travels
our dreams
yours in blue, and mine-
mine a vibrant, rosy red
miles apart - so close to my heart
and more than once
the lines crossing
tying knots
full of memories
a touch here
a smile there
two words
whispered nothings in my ear

— The End —