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Joy Luther Jun 2014
It's 1:01
& things aren't that bad
At 12, they were pretty bad,
But now they aren't

At 12, things looked dim,
Lots of hatred, confusion & desperation
But now it's 1:03 & everything's ok

It's 1:04, & I'm not mad anymore
I decided my few friends, are good ones
Too good to be lonely

It's 1:06, & my headaches gone.
The puzzle fits now, I fathom now what I
Didn't then

It's 1:07, & I'm happy we've left it all
Behind, that things
Worked out

It's 1:09, & I just want to say
It'll be ok,
Everything's going just fine now.

For once

Joy Luther Jun 2014
she told me
God is above
all I see are the birds
That mock my captivity
Joy Luther Apr 2014
I ******* despise this place,
All it does is tears me apart.
It's like a ******* prison,
& I just wanna shoot everyone
E v e r y o n e.

School makes me ******* crazy.
I don't want to go to a place where
Everything & anything
Is about a competition within ourselves.

Where we try to be better than the other person.
Oh honey,
You must be ******* with me when you say,
S c h o o l
Will be our most memorable.

Because honestly,
All I feel like doing when I step into this hell hole,
Is to,
Run away.

Joy Luther Apr 2014
I know it's wrong ,
I know I shouldn't,
But I can't bring myself to say,

You already have someone else,
You don't need me.
Yet you keep coming back,
For more.

You act so nice & sweet
Behind closed doors,
When with me.

But when infront of everyone,
You act like you don't even know me.
You treat me like a
Like I'm invisible,

I will never understand why is it
That the roads always lead me back to you
& I don't know what the *******'re trying to do
To me.

But after all this time,
For me,
It's STILL you.
Just leave her already.

Joy Luther Apr 2014
Bury yourself in my arms,
Break the bottle you keep your feelings and thoughts in,
Talk to me, I'll listen
And if you let me,
I promise, I'll take care of you
Please don't fight it
Just close your eyes,
Reach out your hand, &
Let's fall in love.
All over again

Joy Luther Mar 2014
I can't find the words
To describe how
I feel about you

All I know is a second
Doesn't go by without
You on my mind

But then again
I know we're not meant to be
We cannot be

So why do I allow myself to
Fall for you?
Why do I feel
When I look into your eyes?

I want you
But I don't (can't) want you
I like you
But I don't (can't) like you

I'm torn in between
My want for you vs
The sanity of myself
I try to fight this feeling
But I just can't
Do you understand what I'm saying?

I can't find the words
To describe how
I feel about you

Joy Luther Mar 2014
I need to accept that
You will never be mine
We will never embrace each other
& That
Our lips will never meet

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