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Joy Ful Sep 2010
Adoration like neverending flow;
a laceration the size of my heart.
The radiant bean of paling face aglow,
a pooling mess mistaken for black art.
A tourniquet I have made from your love,
that stops the bleeding where it first began.
Such salvation was bfeore undreamed of,
and such was the case for the perfect man.
You were the allayer of all my pain,
and you chased the pain and sadness away.
I asked of you a promise, "please remain,"
Your reply to me was, "I'll never stray."
     Your smile brings to me absolute sunshine,
     your effect on me is but still divine.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2010.

This one was written for my upcoming one year anniversary with my boyfriend. :)
Joy Ful Mar 2010
I never meant to bruise your heart with pain,
To steal away this happiness with haste.
Truth be told: I'd much rather feel than feign,
and all your love have longer gone to waste.
I stand conflicted, and I now am broke.
I'm at a loss for the words that I need.
How do I tell you that I can't devote
without the lost ability to mislead?
Over my head now looms what I fear to lose,
but what I'd prefer to let go than break.
To lead astray would be but to abuse,
what I want is not his pure heart to take.
Guilty conscience draws ever closer still,
What he needs me to be I can't fulfill.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2009.
Joy Ful Mar 2010
Afraid I am to lose myself in you,
  Yet so bold and brash I am to love,
So tempting it is to pivot quick and run,
  Or flee on winged arm of dove.
So careful I am with where I place my heart,
  So cautious you are in how it's held,
No use it is, to pull myself back,
  To you, I find myself wholly compelled.
In you, I find fragments of myself,
  Lost forever, I had thought for so long,
In the crook of your elbow, I sleep,
  And I know that it's where I belong.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2009.
Joy Ful Mar 2010
Let not you lose this vision you seek,
and see her as she was.
In recession of your jaded sight,
you'll find she has but flaws.

Her eyes in placid pools of gloom,
and hair of arid dirt.
Lacking motivation,
too depressing and inert.

Compared to her you steal the sun,
and represent but kind.
But when you open tired eyes,
You'll see that you've been blind.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2009.
Joy Ful Mar 2010
Let not the world fall to its knees too quick,
Hold fast your heart and longer hide your love.
The sun's bright candle burning at the wick,
Heart's position stationed as it doth move.
Shakespeare's Sonnets never do compare quite,
His words hold stronger meaning to mine ear.
With pen in hand I hope to see him write,
Across the page, his fluent voice I hear.
His words, like honey, descend off the page,
In a puddle I remain stagnant soft.
Mine heart he has stolen, he can engage,
This heart is his and he may have it oft.
Clear is my happiness what once was not,
All love I hold for him is not forgot.
(c) 2009, Joy Vanasse.
649 · Mar 2010
Long since are the days...
Joy Ful Mar 2010
Long since are the days when my heart's been aflutter,
Glance 'pon your eye, and these words I can't utter.
Igniting all silence, my brain melts away,
Something about you brings on words I can't say.
Before you I mellow and have not a care,
But despite that, these feelings I cannot declare.
All this affection leads into one thought,
Something I've searched for, longed for, and sought.
Words build up inside me, and as it turns out,
They're words that forever I've tried not to shout,
I've kept them quiet, and tried not to mind,
You're all that I've wanted and needed combined.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2009.
Joy Ful Mar 2010
His heart on mine has such firm longing hold,
And his has but sweet and forever grasp.
So strong this love though endless, yet not old,
His hand strong on my weaker heart has clasp.
Before today my heart free-bound was lost,
Now in mine eye I see it now has place.
Before his life and world and mine had crossed,
thought not gone be problems I had long faced.
Smile always sitting now upon my cheek,
Perpetually elated I now find.
Not so sought this feeling I'd found to seek,
If now to leave, for his heart I'd need pine.
For his heart, my mind plays but a slow song,
To his pure heart, my lyrics but belong.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2009.
635 · Mar 2010
Wait I Love You.
Joy Ful Mar 2010
Where mine heart has made safe it's home sweet home,
and it takes solace and shelter in you.
I keep close eye on this heart; it won't roam,
to your heart it could never be untrue.
In your arms, safety and happiness win,
Love given and taken in exchange.
Oh, to wonder where it is you've yet been,
Valuable entry now much less than strange.
Ever and always am I to be here,
Your heart on mine has such strong and firm hold,
Out of love these words are uttered sincere,
Unaware can you be to what you're told.
Look into vertical not just the gloss.
More than the lines can get the point across.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2010.
525 · Dec 2010
Alone I am without you.
Joy Ful Dec 2010
Alone I am without your loving hold,
and when my heart has nothing there to clutch
my basement room becomes so freezing cold.
The only thing I want is you, your touch.
I wish I could spend each day and each night
encased and wrapped up in your warmth, your heat.
Your fingertips could drag down and ignite
and they could fall upon my chest - retreat.
I want to lightly rush my fingers through
and up and down. I want to know you well.
I want to know you as only so few,
and in your heart, I want to ever dwell.
     Forever content, I can only be as
     your precious heart, my own broken heart has.
(c) Joy Vanasse, 2010.

— The End —