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3.3k · Sep 2013
Country Boy
josieboux Sep 2013
I want a country boy,
who picks me up in his beat-up
lived-in pick up
a football-playing
Sunday morning worshiping
second son of a tight-knit clan
that looks at me
with his unclouded blue eyes
not searching for faults
or explanations
no need to foresee the future.
And I'd look up
grateful to some glorious power
for giving this country boy,
this southern-drawl using
sweet-tea drinking
yes-ma'am-answering gentleman,
just to me.
999 · Oct 2012
josieboux Oct 2012
Is this what you wanted?
I guess now you’ve won
The battle is over
It had never begun

The dawn came as always
The day must return
With it your silence
Of that I have learned

But tell me one thing
It’ll take but a minute
Were you there for me?
Or did you simply want to win it?

If one day we meet
Pause not in remembrance
I promise you I won’t
Not then, not now
Nor everyday since.
850 · May 2012
josieboux May 2012
strokes, blurs

  rough chaotic blotches of color

invade a clean, blank canvas

somewhere inside

grey birds call to me

their songs bursting into blue flame

branches whine upon the shoulder of the air

secretly proud of their special burdens


black unobstructed markings


their tears obscuring, concealing

so we cannot see it, feel it

cannot taste the bizarre sweetness

of a world untamed

of a life

unprotected by the shield

of a clean, blank canvas
825 · Oct 2011
josieboux Oct 2011
perhaps its just a mistake
a terrible mistake
a mistake made against his will
his fragile will

i can't expect perfection
for im not perfect myself
i am flawed

it is my flaws that haunt me
and tell me i should forgive, forget, and let live
continue to love
only partially broken
but making myself mend
what wasn't my mistake
in the first place

but of course
it was all
just a terrible, unforgettable mistake
that he made the choice
to make
668 · Nov 2014
josieboux Nov 2014
With baited breath and sweaty hands -
we held onto one another like we were drowning.
lips upon lips as if salvation could be earned by passing
oxygen and oxytocin like playground cooties.
fingers intertwined, we'd trace patterns on each others skin
in the back row of empty movie theaters.
You were ecstasy, You were everything
the life-sized puzzle piece to my jagged jig-saw
and best of all...
you were Mine
629 · Oct 2011
Lost in Indecision
josieboux Oct 2011
there's so much I don't understand
its a wonder I'm here at all...
pass by through petty masquerading    
      and petty smiles I don't deserve
emotions that flicker
but refuse to flame
sparkles that promise glory, but
as they turn ash
bring me to shame.
if you promise to keep a secret
I'd tell you I miss you-
and you'd say you miss me too,
wouldn't you?
if only you'd leave
so I could come find you
hug tight
and exclaim that I'd never let you go.
unless of course,
you wanted me to-
but you wouldn't
wouldn't you?
542 · Oct 2011
Daily Tragedy
josieboux Oct 2011
a boy died today
i scream
banging my head against the wall
my nails cutting into my pounding fists

a boy died today
i cry
fierce, angry, wet tears roll down my face
mapping out the directions
my sorrow will take

a boy died today
i sit
staring off into space
not screaming
not crying
just trying to forget

a boy died today
just like yesterday
and tomorrow it will happen again
so why don't you cry?
why don't you scream?
why are you pretending everything's alright?

a boy died today
i think
i know
i remember
sinking into my pain
letting it overtake me
leaving me broken
a boy died today.
477 · Oct 2011
Not Worth It
josieboux Oct 2011
Look at me
          i become enchained
                           reluctant to breath
                                            to lose the moment.
Touch me
            i am on fire
                     unable to speak
                                   suddenly i am without logic
                                                             without thoughts.
Kiss me*
         i am lost to myself
                  waiting for you to pull back
                                 to decide i'm not worth it
                                                         that I never was.
470 · Oct 2012
josieboux Oct 2012
I want to cry
To give in to my urges
To scream, kick, kiss, and eat

I want to hear my voice
Echo through the walls my singular reality
Shattering my illusions

I want to punch the earth
With the ferocity of a thousand simultaneous lightning storms
Turning the night into the day

I want to push him up against the wall
No thoughts
No objections
Just us
And the spark of what could be

I want to eat my way through a meal
Without fears of what I’ll gain
Of what I’ll have to feel guilty about

I want to say
To let the dam break inside me
To let the monster roar
To hear the gasps of those around me
And think
“I’m free”
411 · Oct 2011
The Monster
josieboux Oct 2011
is one ENOUGH?
    I guess not.
       two then
         each one-
      making their mark.
      but you won't stop
            until you leave a SCAR.
then HOLD HER as she cries
        because of the blood
your hands have caused
        how do you FEEL?
               anger? maybe.
               REGRET? that too.
   unable to believe,
  that you're the MONSTER
            that caused her pain
but you can feel the ACHE in your hand
   as you unclench your fist
   it'll NEVER happen again.

— The End —