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899 · Nov 2012
Josiah Hayes Nov 2012
Sadness is a razor
Uncertanty marks my arms
Dissapointment carved my thighs
But the crimson is so beautiful
When all you want is to die

My arms cry for a breakup
My legs for being unwanted
New skin where the old used to be
Your body is now haunted

But the scars have a certain beauty
Be it from razor, needle, or knife
They show that you were strong enough
To not give up on life
888 · Oct 2012
Josiah Hayes Oct 2012
Sweet girl
Busy girl
Now she's just a dizzy girl
Took one too many pills and shots
The world kept going but she did not

Pretty girls
Mean girls
They gave her a real whirl
They broke her into pieces and fed 'em to the birds
Her armor was shattered by their whispered words

Silent girl
Tierd girl
Now she's just a liar girl
She plasters on that smile, so the world can see her not
So that they can't see every day is a battle and that for every breath she's fought

Tiny girl
Quiet girl
Now she's just a dying girl
All her strings were cut, her mind was full of strife
The people, the mirror, the everything here--sapped her of her life

She's gone...
743 · Nov 2012
Josiah Hayes Nov 2012
The most surprising thing about it
     Was how sweet the concrete tasted
Once I rushed the twenty stories
     To give it a kiss
621 · Oct 2012
Josiah Hayes Oct 2012
Tired eyes
Quiet lips
Seal the night
With bottled bliss

Shaking hands
Tightening throat
Around your heart
You'll build a moat

Shattered image
Dreams in your cup
You don't really care
If you ever wake up

Calm your mind
Envision those hills
Medicate your life
With more of those ****** pills

Never a good night
Don't think of sleeping well
Because you know with every morning
Comes another day of hell

Let it slip through your fingers
Like sand in a sieve
Stop buying into it
Don't ever believe

Let your heart harden
They've had it all wrong
'Cause in the end you know
You only breathe for so long
509 · Oct 2012
Don't Speak
Josiah Hayes Oct 2012
There they are, those words of yours
Right on your tongue
Just past your lips
And that’s where they’ll stay, isn’t it?
They’ll hang there, so inert and stagnant
Never to be spoken, never to be heard
I can feel them, these words
So palpable, so thick, so painfully dense
There’s nothing greater than your silence to saturate our air
Just say the word, and let it end
But no, you can’t, you won’t, these words are static
Never to be spoken, never to be heard
476 · Nov 2012
Little Boy Blue
Josiah Hayes Nov 2012
I remember a time when I had a heart
A time when we were a work of art

I remember when I could touch the moon
When thoughts of you filled me like a balloon

I remember how it felt to be perfectly fine
How I thought that I would call you mine

I remember how it feels to be fractured inside
I lost count of how many times I cried

I remember you
I remember you
And how I became little boy blue
When my heart was left to wither too
406 · Jul 2013
To the River
Josiah Hayes Jul 2013
Your soul was paper thin
So you grew skin thick as stone
And when your armor wasn't enough
You were glad that you sank faster
395 · Jun 2013
Josiah Hayes Jun 2013
There are three different views of love:
Love is for the weak
Love is for the week
Love is
350 · Jul 2013
In the dark
Josiah Hayes Jul 2013
Only at night
Can I truly see myself
And that's why
I'm afraid of the dark
348 · Jul 2014
Forgive Me
Josiah Hayes Jul 2014
I am a rolling storm
A force of nature you just can't predict
I am what wakes you at 3 a.m.
And makes you hide under the sheets
Hoping, wishing, praying for some form of relief
I am a whirlwind
With a force so great & strong
I'm here for the moment that feels like eternity
But with the next, I will be gone
I am static interference, like white noise inside your head
I am the poison you drink, but it is I who dies instead
There will be no church with stained windows
There will be no gleaming steeple
I am the ******* reason why
Some storms are named after people------

I destroy all I touch

— The End —