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1.2k · Jul 2016
Life Is A Lesson
Joshua Stanley Jul 2016
Hurt and pain.
There's much to gain.
Peace and love.
It's all the same.
Confusion and doubt.
We're not without.
We weep, we cry.
We plead, we try.
We laugh, we smile.
Only to be hurt
by one last trial.
Life is a lesson,
so learn it well.
Maybe, one day,
you can tell it's tale.
954 · Sep 2016
Joshua Stanley Sep 2016
Its like a plague that never goes away,
Or an animal and its prey,
It waits...
And waits...
And waits...until you're ready,
Then closes in and devours you...
From the inside out.
ALL you see is shadows of the ones you once knew,
No more happiness,
No more laughter,
No more love,
Its like a thunderstorm that blocks your soul.
Your soul becomes a black hole,
Whatever said, heard, or learned,
Is forgotten, never brought up again,
No longer does anything matter,
Its all darkness,
Like a plague that never goes away.
835 · Oct 2016
Joshua Stanley Oct 2016
Memories in my life fade away
As I replace them with others.
They are forgotten and stored away.
Although the memories are pushed to the side,
They are safe so I may remember them in the future.
Our mind is like a book;
It writes down important things and keeps them between the pages forever.
Maybe our whole album of memories:
Our first steps, first love, first grief, and others
Were meant to be there for us to never forget.
752 · Nov 2016
Joshua Stanley Nov 2016
Imagine yourself
Alone in your head
You're hanging, dangling
From a silver thread

Empty, alone
With the monsters within
Internally screaming
You just want to give in

Now imagine that's you
Every day, every hour
Forever sinking
Like a wilting flower

You try to tell your dad
And you try to tell your mom
But they say you're being silly
You've just got to move on

Because teens don't know sorrow
Nor the hardships of life
They're just kids with imaginations
Just looking for attention, right?

You think that there's none
Who know how you feel
You're just so alone
But the feelings- they're real


But mostly

And you're friends
They go on
Like nothing has changed

"They must not care"
Your thoughts whisper
The lies in your brain

You can't escape it
Trapped in your own skin
You're ugly
You're hated
But you mask it with a grin

You hate what you feel
So instead you feel nothing
Your insides are numb
Your confidence crumbling

You look to other things
To stop the pain
Cutting, pills
But it gives you no gain

And the people around you
Shout abuse your way
"You're hurting yourself, stop it!"
That's all they ever say

No matter how you plead
That you're broken inside
They turn the other way
They run, they hide

They say you're just foolish
It's all in your head
What they don't know, is inside
You're already dead
747 · Jul 2016
How Could I?
Joshua Stanley Jul 2016
How could I be so lost,
In a place I know so well?
How could I be so broken,
In a family so together?
How could I be so lonely,
Surrounded by so many?
How could I be so unhappy,
Surrounded by so much beauty?
How could I be me,
When even I remain a mystery?
701 · Aug 2016
Can't Run
Joshua Stanley Aug 2016
Depression is oppression.
It's a deadly hidden message
Defined by self-hate.
It seals its prisoner's fate.
It holds you captive and throws out the key.
It stabs and jabs just to see you bleed,
Inflicting wounds that scar for life.
Destruction is its mother and death its wife.

You can cry, but it will always ignore your screams.
It terrorizes your soul and haunts your dreams.
It sends you false hope through a bottle or pill.
It destroys your goals and inflicts its will.
You can't run, nor can you hide.
By its rules you will abide
Until it celebrates that you have died.
Open your eyes, or you will be its prey.
It will blur your vision in the most twisted way.
It will seek your destruction and call for your head.
You will lie and wait but never rest in your bed.

Peace will come to those who want peace,
But as long as you feed him, you will see the beast.
You can't run, nor can you hide,
But if you conquer the beast, you will survive.
Prayer and hope can lead the way.
Cling on to every word you pray.
Hope is in truth.
Hate is in lies.
Pray for your soul and open your eyes.
701 · Feb 2017
Restless nights
Joshua Stanley Feb 2017
I'm breaking;
I can't be fixed.
I'm missing,
But I won't be missed.

Still shaking
From what I fear.
I can't let you in,
So don't come near.

I guess you're right;
I'm way too thin,
And I'm fighting a battle
That I'll never win.

I have so many flaws;
I don't know where to start
From my messed up hair
To my messed up heart.

So what's the point
To continue to fight?
When my restless days
Turn into restless nights.

This life hasn't been fair.
I can finally tell
That nobody cares,
And it hurts like hell.

I still don't understand
What was God's cause?
Why did He put me on earth
With all of my flaws?

Was I born just to die?
Am I part of a plan?
Made to finally see
That I won't die an old man.

I don't know how to live.
I have nothing to gain,
And all I want from you
Is to end all my pain.

I'm losing sight
Of what I've already seen.
I'm losing my grip,
And I'm barely seventeen
691 · Jul 2016
Joshua Stanley Jul 2016
Depression is here everyday
And it never goes away
Go away! I yell into the dark
As if someone is there
I feel as if I'm a prisoner
In the dungeon's lair
And as always no one cares
Do I dare?
Dare to care about anyone but me?
Could it be,
Someone there?
Someone there to care?
No, just an image
That's the way it will always be
No matter how hard I try
I just want to get by
I go through life day by day,
I thought pain was supposed
To go away with time
But it's not
It's still here
Here with the fear
Fear that I will get hurt more
681 · Aug 2016
Through it all
Joshua Stanley Aug 2016
Friends come and go
Life flies by right before your eyes.
You loose ones you love
Yet through it all you still love your life.

People leave you to fight alone
You put on a fake smile to hide all your pain
Yet someone still knows your hurt.

Through it all you still put on a front to satisfy those around you
Thorough it all you wouldn't change a thing
Through it all you wouldn't trade your life for fame.

You build a wall to try to keep from getting hurt
You lock up you heart and throw away the key to see who cares enough to look for the key
Through it all there's not many people that got you to open up yet still you love it all.

Struggles meet you in the face to watch you slip up
Yet through it all you wouldn't change a thing.

Through it all you wouldn't change a thing
Through it all you wouldn't trade your life for fame.
502 · Jan 2017
Joshua Stanley Jan 2017
I'm glad you're happy.
I guess it's what I deserve.
I can't change the fact
You make my heart swerve.

I had my chance,
I ******* it all over.
Threw away my only luck
Like a four leaf clover.

I'm not saying that I'm perfect,
I'm not saying I'm a nice guy,
But be mine once again.
Not only will I make it worth it,
But I'll ****** try.

You really don't understand,
You're worth more than a hundred grand.
I never wanted it to be like this.
It hurts because you're the one my heart will miss.

I can't take back the moment.
I can't make your happiness change.
Don't look at me now, I'm broken.
It's like I'm being shot at a shooting range.
490 · Aug 2016
She Is
Joshua Stanley Aug 2016
She smiles, I cry.
She is outgoing, I am shy.
She loves, I am alone.
She is amazing, I am unknown.
She is beautiful, I am a mess.
She is happy, I am depressed.
My mask is perfect:
She hides me
368 · Jul 2016
Joshua Stanley Jul 2016
why do we begin if we don't plan to finish
why do we love if we don't want to get hurt
why do we live if someday we must die
why do we smile if we really hurt inside
why do we frown when everything is upside down
why do we plan but not take to action
why do we cry when someday it will be alright
why do we get mad if we really should be glad
why do we mourn when somebody is gone
why do we say hi if we really mean goodbye
why do we question what shouldn't be questioned
and answer what shouldn't be answered?
tell me now...why?
365 · Jun 2017
Joshua Stanley Jun 2017
I lay in bed alone at night and wonder why I'm here.
I do so much for everyone
Why don't they show they care?
I met this girl who said she loved me
something I haven't heard in so long.
She used me for my money
what a ride she took me on.
There is so much hurt I feel, so much anger trapped inside.
Sometimes I wish my dad was here, but to me he's not alive.
I have no one to talk to
These drugs seem to be the only way
Turns out it's a lie just like the smile I put on each and everyday.
I know outside I'm smiling, It's the face I fake for you,
But inside my soul is crying and there is nothing I can do.
I know my family loves me,
I'm there when their decisions are poor.
I'm sick of feeling like this walked on rug thrown upon the floor.
I lay in bed and wonder what the hell I'm doing here
Can I wake up from this dream?

— The End —