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Jan 2014 · 629
If Just For One More Day
Joshua R Laird Jan 2014
To the friend I lost but could have found
Had pride not held me back
And sunsets missed with summer scent
When thoughts were chained with work

To the pretty stare from a girl across
My eyes refused to see
And a chance at love with happy days
That fear made so absurd

To dreams that danced and filled my heart
But never came to be
Restrained and painted black
With suffocating doubt

To tears of pride that should have been
Had hope not slipped my hands
And taken all I had to give
Buried now beneath cold ground

To smell the air through autumns breeze
And feel the sand beneath my feet
Had I not expected all
And thrown it all away

Chances lost or fortunes made
Neither matters more
I'd give it all and all that's asked
If just for one more day
Jan 2014 · 679
Just Worlds Apart
Joshua R Laird Jan 2014
She's out there somewhere
Looking for me
She knows I exist
but is waiting to see
Walking her path
and wondering like me
when we will meet
As patience wears thin
and she blinks her tears away.
I walk the same path
the very same day
Out there somewhere
and blinking my tears away
looking for her
an ache in my heart
Just worlds apart
Oct 2013 · 788
I Just Can't find the words
Joshua R Laird Oct 2013
Now is the time that my words stumble while my mind is elegant and eloquent and the beauty that I see and the cacophony that swims through my ears and tickles my soul while the scent of the divine gift grown and fired by god himself cannot be described fairly by my bumbling dialect, or what I’ve forgotten. And I just can't find the words.
It's there, it’s there in my head dancing and teasing and growing and weaving and begging to be known in more of its glory and sheer dazzle where it deserves to be awed but I just can’t find the words.

And I don't know what to say or how to describe the tears that reflect the beauty of what I see, the magic and majesty of creation from a blind man whose vision is fathoms and miles and years beyond mine but whose truth keeps him in the dark but I just can’t find the words

How do I tell you how a song a simple melody and medley of words and ideas and cadences that blend and swirl and surround and lift my heart to places through and past Heaven? Where my skin tingles and my spirit swells and I care for nothing but the song that has whisked me from that moment’s particular hell and I just can’t find the words.

How do I say that I am broken and weak and humbled complete and still my misery moves my feet
and how my shred of hope and speck of faith each lift a foot one in front of the other towards a Dream that fights me at every moment to be known and while my angel fades more day by day while I lose my way and I just can’t find the words.
Joshua R Laird Jul 2013
Crimson trails down ivory tips
Trading essence between souls
A bite
A *****
A flush
A drip
Color drains from soft warm cheeks
Away from frost peels rosy lips.
Now what shall you barter?
With darkness caging your soul,
How will you sell it?
When the need is high
& your spirit is low,
Another dance with the demon
While your candle still glows?
Jun 2013 · 479
No Matter Where I look
Joshua R Laird Jun 2013
Where are You?

What is it like to stare at the soul through the burning eyes of one you love

How does it feel to have reciprocated a need, a need that burns so deep inside

What sound makes the words that channel your thoughts in one direction only

And who chains the heart for the one and only, and only the one that brings you light

How does a smile lift your day like a summer sunrise can't

And how does a giggle that rankles another bring so much joy to your ears

What does it take for someone else to want to help and share my tears

Who is she that sees me broken and spent and scratching my way

But still dips a shoulder and gives me an ear willing to share my days

Why do I want this and need this and see this everywhere I look

But still only a single set of prints that line the path to my back

And everywhere, other people happy, no matter where I look...
Mar 2013 · 579
The First She Was Here.
Joshua R Laird Mar 2013
She was here the first in body with friend
come to meet me and introduce me as friend
next she was here in soul dug in and already caught
come again to meet me, me dug in and already caught
next she was here in person beset and ready to steal my kiss
waiting the right moment till the other was ready to see my kiss
Next she was here in heart, my heart, ready to claim it her own
throwing daggers at his heart, ensuring his will beat alone
Now she is here in my head, swimming and pushing all aside
swimming in my head and pushing it all aside including him
I think we were once friends.
Dec 2012 · 1.7k
It was Always you...
Joshua R Laird Dec 2012
In the end I begin to see it was always me
It was me, it was me  
& I can plainly see
It was always me
At the start I thought it was you I saw
Clearing a path for me to cross
I thought it was me clearing the day
Making more room for you to get in my way
I assumed it was you who opened the door
To take out the trash
While I brought in more
But it was me I knew from the very start
At the end of it all who abandoned your heart
In the end I begin to see it was always me
It was me, it was me
It was always me
Before it was said it was you I thought
That laid down the rules and said don’t break my heart
But now I see it was me
who laid them all down
And broke it a lot
At first it was you who showed me the truth
But somehow I knew.... I always knew
How you just make things work
The way you always do.
It was you, it was you
It was always you...
Dec 2012 · 512
My Words
Joshua R Laird Dec 2012
So what is it that brings you to my words...
To stack them and pluck them into your life like little bricks
To grind them and hold them and mold them until they work for you
What is it that I say that you need to hear...
To extrapolate my intent and humanize your fear
Why should it be me whom lay naked my soul...
So you can clothe bareness in your life and once again feel whole.
Why must I eviscerate experience and gut my past...
So you’ll have meaning in yours and love that might last
Why must I shake and tremble and grind my teeth...
And shed tears over someone I’m still waiting to meet
Why can’t I now lean upon you...
And hide behind your walls and bury my truth
And will you be there when I can’t hold on...
And I need someone else’s words to help me along
Nov 2012 · 578
I am Here
Joshua R Laird Nov 2012
I am here
Encased in flesh and pain
A temporal Beacon that bares my name
The past, the future, the here and the now
Like a kiss blown from a lovers lips
Or the wind that blows the autumn leaves around
It matters not
It’s all the same
I began but will not end
Like my mind that dreams
My soul that speaks
My heart that loves will love again.
I am here
Trapped for now in bone and blood
But soon my time will come
And my wings will set me free
Releasing me
from human bonds
To live how,
And where,
And when I want
And let the real me shine.
I’ll leave behind
The Pain, the tears
The debilitating fears
The insecurities that paralyze
The jealousy that never dies
I’ll leave it all behind
And take with me the one thing
The only thing I ever needed
A memory
Nov 2012 · 588
If Love Were a Poem
Joshua R Laird Nov 2012
If love were a poem I could change the rules
I could write the person, the place, the excuse
I could set the expectations and lower the bar
I could ease the pain of the wounded heart
If love were a poem I could open the door
I could even the odds for the lonely and the poor
I could show the way for the wayward lost
I could build a bridge for souls to cross
If love were a poem I could have it myself
I could understand it like everyone else
I could make it through the blackest of days
I could open my eyes and chase the demons away
If love were a poem
Then maybe I’d know.
Joshua R Laird Oct 2012
My Magic is gone and no spell was cast
No eyes to glaze no mind to crash
My words were right my emotions too
Her response was wrong, the curse was true
The Witch she wrote and wrote and re- wrote the words
The message is right but the actions are wrong
I think she spoke sweetly but lied all along
Her words they spoke and touched and lifted my heart
And cradled my soul then raked them apart
I still see the magic it whisks all around
Nipping and biting not making a sound
She sees it too, but now it is hers
And with blood painted lips she kisses the words
Her emotions are right, the message is too
But my response is all wrong and the curse remains true.
She’ll never be mine, And I never hers.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Joshua R Laird Oct 2012
Dwindled are the chances with choices that are fettered with vain.
My life played back to burden my soul, chastise and lay me to blame
Recorded grief to remind me my mistakes and take measure in my pain
To look back at a cluttered past and dwell on what could have been
To crush what all is good and strangle hope before it reaches my heart
Before light and glory reaches my eyes and reminds me what could have been from the start.
New are the choices that are fettered with naught
Old are the binds that bound mine sense and stole me from my promised path
Prayers are the paths that guide me now so I don’t twice make the same mistakes.
Joshua R Laird Oct 2012
Welcome my brother said one snowflake to another
Let us paint the land with diamonds of white
Let us put crisp in the air and blanket despair
And brighten the hills with delight
Welcome my brother said one snowflake to the other
Let us widen the smiles of children enthralled
And kindle the aged with their youth
Let us vault from the clouds with a magical shroud
Let us decorate every roof
Welcome my brother said one snowflake to another
Let us dance in the street and stick to the feet
Of those frolicking in the snow
Let us fill up the sky with a brilliant disguise
And sequester the dark from the glow
Welcome my brother said one snowflake to the other
Let us cover the streets with glorious sheets
Until the blackness comes up melting through
This is the end said the snowflake to his friend
And I’m happy to melt here with you.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
The Long Road Down
Joshua R Laird Oct 2012
The world my stage with shackled minds
By fits of rage
My anger will be known
With heaven bound & glory without
With the world unchecked
Fire I claim mine own
When Angels bleed & lose their wings
Through demons seed
It’s me who peeked there lust
When tears have trails & twisting paths
Of human failures
It’s me who slaughtered trust
When words of truth & festered hope
Become lies and smoke
It’s me who whispered first
When children dream of innocence lost
And old men scream
It’s me who mothers curse
When death is close and courage wanes
When goals seem so far
It’s me who dwells so near
My name is fear
And I live in the eyes
And on the frozen lips
Of those who do...
And who do not know.
Oct 2012 · 401
Joshua R Laird Oct 2012
God, I believe in you...
Do you believe in me?
There are wonders in this world
That I don’t need to see
They’re there.
There’s music still unsung
That I don’t need to hear
It’s here.
There are trees that stand so impossibly high
How high I don’t understand
But they stand.
There’s life in the ocean that is so incredibly small
That no man could gaze to see
It’s in the sea.
There’s love inside my soul
That burns for one I have not met
But she’s there
And she’ll find me yet.
There are those that say there are no Angels
But they are there
And mine will find me yet.
God I believe in you
Do you believe in me?
There’s life I haven’t lived
What do you need from me?
Sep 2012 · 679
Little bird
Joshua R Laird Sep 2012
Little Bird...
You’ve captured my heart
Broke & Black & Ruined I thought…
To Every passing cloud you sing
To Darkened souls a light you bring

Sing little Bird, sing & lift me up...
From the drowning waves of Sorrows Pool
Sing little Bird, sing & carry me up…
To the waning light of tomorrows moon

Oh little bird…
You’ve lifted my soul
Dank & empty & dark as coal…
To every shade of color you kiss
To every sun that’s set I missed

Fly little bird fly and show me the way…
From the oceans of wonder to Heaven’s Gate
Fly little bird Fly, & carry me away
From the Oceans of Hell & to my fate.
Sep 2012 · 621
Still I wait
Joshua R Laird Sep 2012
Stacked are my days with nothing changed
And only night to tell them apart
Wishing and hoping and dreaming

Breath by breath and closer to death
Measured with beats of my heart
Clawing and scratching and seething

Wanting for touch withering away
Feeling less with every thought
Crying and begging and pleading

Surrounded by those who understand love
Heaven denied from the start
Searching and praying and needing

And still.... I wait.
Aug 2012 · 575
A Lesson
Joshua R Laird Aug 2012
Heaven is a walk through the gardens of hell
If you stop and smell the flowers… you burn your feet
Silence is the song of the tortured mind
Never was a sound that sounded so sweet
Love is a disease that infects the soul
& Pain reminds you it’s there
Hope is a dream that keeps you alive
It bridges the gap between love & Despair
Despair is a drug that keeps you from living
Living is an addiction to life
Life is a place between Heaven and Hell
A lesson learned only through strife
Aug 2012 · 813
Joshua R Laird Aug 2012
A winding Journey down soft white cheeks
Translucent salty fluid grief
Or are they shared along with smile
A mother’s love for newborn child
Do they bide with splintered dreams
Thoughts of past and better things
Do they come when loved ones go
With renewed hope do they flow
Crystal globes of hidden shame
Bursting torrents of pride unchained
Releasing binds of truth and pain
Cleansed eyes and soul for a brand new day
Aug 2012 · 2.6k
Joshua R Laird Aug 2012
I lie awake... visions haunt my altered mind.

& I think... of days before my stolen life.

& I scream... I wish to God that I could cry.

A twisted mangled mesh of wires hiding neath my man made skin.

Liquid filled electric pulse the half of me that lies within.

The other half will fade away as nature runs her course.

My nightmare though will never end I'm made to live by force.
Aug 2012 · 720
Lost in a White Flower Maze
Joshua R Laird Aug 2012
Lost in a white flower maze…
Butterflies rise while demons rage.
Home is forever, forever gone…
Snow is home now from dusk until dawn.
Hear me; hear me now my beautiful child…
The snow is deceiving, wicked & vile.
Blissful at first…Healing the pain,
& then comes the storm, blinding with rain.
Lost… in a white flower maze…
Demons run free while Angels wait…
Aug 2012 · 478
Joshua R Laird Aug 2012
Maybe death is calling
Maybe Hell is coming
Maybe Time has got a name
Maybe Dreams are real
Maybe Nightmares too
Maybe life is just a game
Maybe Water’s dry
Maybe demons cry
Maybe Angels have no wings
Maybe truth is lie
Maybe God has fear
Maybe the deaf can hear us sing
Maybe love is real
Maybe the dead can feel
Maybe faith can conquer hate
Maybe Darkness rules
Maybe Daylight’s cruel
& Maybe Heaven waits

— The End —