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Joshua Coffey Dec 2014
I see you sit upon a brook side lush
Between some thick and lovely brush,
And neatly tuck a stem behind your ear
What else are you hiding that I might fear?
You said you saw him last night in your head
Head, bed, I only hope it wasn't bed.

Eyes that strike me like a winter sunrise,
Shine into mine and catch me by surprise.
I fear a women with a cunning lie
A girl that might tell me what but not why.

Your hair shines deep like brushed and careful strokes.
The ones that took a year to cut and coax
Into a portrait framed with darkened hues.
But you don't have a cunning lie. Do you?
There, a subtle truth behind your words.
A tough of tenderness, but I'm still on guard.

One hand outstretched you call me closer,
Your smile, A curl that strikes a perfect fifth.
The kind that queues the brass and sends the room
Into a symphony composed for you.
You give me signs that I should hope for more,
So somehow, I commit myself for what's in store.
Jul 2014 · 444
I love you
Joshua Coffey Jul 2014
Nah, I don’t
That was just a wispy thought i had as i kissed you
Standing in the rain
Under the stars
And in my basement

It’s funny that I thought about that
Cause that’s the kinda **** romantics do
And i’m not like that (at all)

I’m not scared to tell you how i feel
In my selfish, veiled way
I think you’re cute and funny and nice

And we’re not dating
Cause that’s complicated
And i definitely don’t love you

Although, I don’t see anyone but you
Even when I’m not actually seeing you
Which is kinda funny
Cause I didn’t know it was possible

For one girl to steal the beauty
Of all the others

Maybe I do
Jul 2014 · 330
Joshua Coffey Jul 2014
I left and ran away
I never looked back
I just kept on going
and I made this all up
I didn't do any of that
I said, I made it all up

But in the same way
My mind made it up
exactly the way I wanted it to be

I wanted it to hurt just a little
and I wanted it to be wonderful

I wanted you to kiss me goodbye
and you did

And just like that I wasn't making it up anymore
I was running from it all
But not because I despised it

I ran away to do nothing and everything
at different times

I ended up by myself
Watching some water waver
Between two rocks

Some fish played in the that spot
It was beautiful
And that meant way more to me than just water
Jun 2014 · 910
Ancient goofs
Joshua Coffey Jun 2014
Do you think cavemen used to run through fields
feeling the rush of wind on their face
and the joy of being alive?

Do you think they jumped on each other's backs
And splashed each other with water?

Did they smile and glow just like we do
during a fit of tickles?

Or did they just **** mammoths
and draw cave art?
Joshua Coffey Jan 2014
My heart is made of stone
The stone that lies under the others
As to not get trampled

You give me the signs
I used to look for

My passion is kept close
Right between the folds of my arms
And the surface of my chest

I knock on your door
But then run away

My simplicity is showing
But you will never see it
Peeking out of my shallow smile

I want you in my bed
But not under the sheets

This is my fault
I only show you little cut-outs
Of the love letter I've been writing

I'd mail it to you with my eyes
But your gaze strikes me
I drop it everytime
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
I want to bang you in a wicker basket
With ropes around us
And a ball of hot air above us

I want to almost fall out
At least five times
And then realize it's ok
Because I'd love to die
While free-fall ******* you

I want to do it in a storm
With thunder in the distance
And right between us

I want the wind to pick us up
And carry us toward a mountaintop
So we can have a picnic
In a grassy area looking over
And you can sit on my shoulders
To see just a little bit further

I've never been in a hot air balloon
But I want start with you
Dec 2013 · 694
Weeping Willow
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
Budded branches leak into the fresh spring air-

Blowing freely,
          her long soft hair

She's beautiful from this lakeside view.
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
I want to know your story
I want to know the context
In which our faces met
in a sweet assault of one another

I want to know where you were
And what lead you to the spot
In which I asked you to dance

I don't want your number
But i want to see you again
In some other time
Just as spontaneous
Electric, and consuming

I only know the image of your face
In a dimly lit room
Like so many other dimly lit faces
I wish to know more
Dec 2013 · 556
She's too fast
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
You run by me like a train-
Bound for the edge,
Of my last day.

My clock betrays
Me in my sleep.
And I have no recourse,
For what has passed me by.

You are relentless
Even in my softest days.
You surround me
But I can hardly grasp you
Dec 2013 · 448
To My Mother
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
There's something to be said
For all the things you do
Even the silly things
That make me smile in my sleep

You've seen my every step
And shown me how to manage

The first ones
The fast ones
The tough ones
The slow ones

The ones that made you laugh
And the ones that made me stronger

But there's a few more steps I have to take
Up those steps to shake a hand
And hear my name read, at the stand

Society deems this as the moment
We part our ways
But only our bodies, not our hearts

You won't be there to fold my clothes
Or keep my dates
Or even talk to me
About my day

But you will always be there
As the one who loved me along the way
And the one who raised me
To the man I am today

I hope to never see a time
Where I don't miss you-
The precious women I call:
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Twisted Flow
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
Twisted, Slow
his brain works
fumbling with the puzzle
he can never quite solve

His mind bends like the river rapids
winding, grinding, snap!
like a child on the on/off switch
his mind flips thoughts.

Trying to escape the psychosis
all the delusions and false conclusions
that badger his rationality

Whatever is left of that chicken soup brain
wanders around his jumbled thoughts
like a man lost in the amazon

Stimulation sends him spinning
gives him thoughts that frighten,
and tighten the grip on his mind

of love, devoid,
Dec 2013 · 927
Safe Haven
Joshua Coffey Dec 2013
For the woman
Standing in the rain
The cold, and the darkness:

Come in.

Let your bags at the door
Strip off the shoes
You have used to tread the graveled road.

The rain still slips down your face
like tears,
I sense a tremble in your voice
like fears,
Not yet expressed.

You stand at the mirror
And see yourself strangely
You see the dirt
Speckled on your socks
Yet, I see the beauty
Speckled on your cheeks

Your glasses, I see
Broken, cracked and bent
Let me hold them,
Mend them
And give you perspective

Your heart, I feel
Broken, tired and spent
Let me stir it
And open it once more
To the love that stands knocking

For the woman
Standing in the rain
Come in, and rest
This is your safe haven.

— The End —