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5.6k · Apr 2015
Josh Rigotti Apr 2015
French Fries

Frying, sizzling, greasy,
Salty, crispy, oily, potato nastiness
French fries are gross
They have no nutritional value
They're a pile of grease that you can't put down
They're a highway to obesity that never ends
They just keep sizzling in their pool of oil
Coating themselves in a thick layer of fat  
They're greasy, salty, and down right gross
802 · Apr 2015
Josh Rigotti Apr 2015
Danger is a white shark
It lurks beneath the surface undetected
It sneaks up on you,
Scares you,
makes your pulse race,
And is always threatening
Danger is a splash of hydrenaline
And a rush of fear
Danger can make you scream and shout
Danger is a white shark
632 · Apr 2015
Times Ticking
Josh Rigotti Apr 2015
Dear Homework

Why do you waste my time
I would like to go outside
I would also like to play video games
Or watch television
But instead I'm stuck working on you for two hours each day
I could accomplish so much with those two hours
I could solve world hunger
I could create world peace
I could bring the United States out of debt
I could accomplish so much
but instead I'm stuck working on you for two hours each day
614 · Apr 2015
Open Skies
Josh Rigotti Apr 2015
I was laying in a small corn field
As the sun evanesced over the small hill
The sky was filled up with iridescent lights
The resplendent lights were all hues purple and pink
They danced across the sky as gracefully as a ballerina
Then the crickets started chirping,
quietly at first but then they crescendoed into a beautiful chorus,
like thousands of violinists smoothly flying their bows over the soft strings
The lights slowly faded away
And the crickets silenced
The day was now done  
And a new had begun
583 · Apr 2015
Maybe Next Time
Josh Rigotti Apr 2015
Dad Dad! I forgot my homework
Dad Dad! I forgot my laptop
Dad Dad! I forgot my gym shorts
Dad Dad! I forgot my backpack
Dad Dad! I forgot my uniform  

Well son
Maybe you won't forget next time
553 · Apr 2015
Michigan Winter
Josh Rigotti Apr 2015
The winds are howling,
temperature is dropping
And snow is falling

— The End —