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338 · Sep 2014
Sep 3
Josh Bass Sep 2014
I wish I could
Inhale my morning coffee
Drink the morning air
331 · Dec 2014
Quantum Entaglement
Josh Bass Dec 2014
We came together once

I move
You move
You move me
324 · Mar 2015
Why Study Philosophy?
Josh Bass Mar 2015
When the light comes
The shadows rush forward.
The light remaines untouched.
324 · Sep 2014
Ghostman (10w)
Josh Bass Sep 2014
Can this adult life be more absurd?
Ghostman on third!
323 · Aug 2014
Josh Bass Aug 2014
My phone has been drinking,
not me.
Short one. Inspired by Tom Waits
305 · Oct 2014
The Wolf (Life Stage) 13w
Josh Bass Oct 2014
I am angrier at thirty
Than at any other age in my life
31 is looking up though.
304 · Aug 2014
Smoke Break
Josh Bass Aug 2014
As I step out the door into the gravel  lot
I can feel the coolness in the air of the coming fall
It will make itself comfortable here for the next few months

Looking down into the gravel I see
white and cork cylinders strewn about
Cigarette Butts
These are our stories
Some would say our *******

Our day becomes more bearable
when we are able to share stories
in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette
Maybe I should take up smoking

There are a years worth of stories back here
My only fear is
that they will not last longer than the
300 · Apr 2015
Morning Musing
Josh Bass Apr 2015
Puffy eyes, stayed up late
That's what they say
Broken window, glass in the seat
Who would want an empty bag
Manners lost, nothing but hate
and strife.
I hate when people can't even act
in real life.
Josh Bass Sep 2014
Today was my last day of work
Tomorrow is looking different
I sat down and stared at the
292 · Sep 2014
Josh Bass Sep 2014
Sometimes it feels like leaving home
wearing mismatched shoes
I will make my way in this
world if it's the last thing I do
288 · Oct 2014
Lovers are from Virginia
Josh Bass Oct 2014
In the dark we clutch our coffee
half as tight as we clutch each other
Breath escaping as puffs of steam
as we are illuminated by the icicle
lights that float above Davis Street
Frozen in time, we should only be so lucky

Let's grow old together
and raise a Christmas Tree Farm
283 · Sep 2014
Josh Bass Sep 2014
I might be waiting at line for Coffee
It's 2014 and I am in Starbucks
But when "As Time Goes Bye"
plays on the speaker
I am at Rick's
If only for a moment
249 · Sep 2014
Josh Bass Sep 2014
Put that song on repeat
We got comfy under my sheet
A night at the bar
When you could still puff a cigar
Oh the stuff I think, when I use my skull meat
241 · Apr 2015
Josh Bass Apr 2015
Up from the depths
Of muck, of stinging
Of being buried
I can breath again
235 · Oct 2014
This Is It
Josh Bass Oct 2014
Everybody is right
Everybody is wrong
But the truth is
Nobody knows what is going on
What it really means to be an adult
210 · Sep 2014
She Knows
Josh Bass Sep 2014
I think of you and it shows
I try to write poems but they come out as prose
I play it cool, keep it close to the vest
But DOOM said it best
She winks rainbows
203 · Oct 2014
Josh Bass Oct 2014
It is understood about me
that I can sit still in a room
by myself
And I can.
Try it again
and next time
you look up
...I am gone

— The End —