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Joseph Floreta Feb 2017
I've never write a song,
That scrambles the light to dark,
A song that lift ups the humble,
A song that sings all praise,
'till the day I met you,
You are a tune of a song to me,
We are scrambled light and darkness,
that lift ups all humble songs of praise.
Joseph Floreta Jan 2017
You are the first girl I ever court with
I never lie of my feelings for you,
My heart was devastated the day you left me,
But even though it causes me severe emotional pain,
I tried every possible reasons to understand you,
I didn't listen to what other may think about you,
I don't want someone to mis-interpret your feelings,
We are the ones who trully knew each other,
Sometimes we make mistakes,
but it does not mean we're bad,
To be together,
And I'm sorry,
For all the words that is being said,
And hurt you,
I'm sorry for letting you felt like I don't care anymore,
For you I always care,
Nothing change,
For me,
You did choose a very good decision,
You're a wise lady for me,
Your hands are not Binded in my hands,
But in the hands of the Lord,
Who keeps you always as I wish to Him,
To take care of you,
May you always be happy and always positive... ^_^
Joseph Floreta Jan 2017
Listen carefully,
I wrote this,
But this isn't poetry,
Its just a list of the things I love about you ,
Jotted down in the way you make me feel.
blended with heart full of emotions.
Expressed in a way my lips couldn't find a way to say.
Through the eyes of a person who adores you.
This isn't poetry,
But the way I love you,
Is !
Joseph Floreta Jan 2017
I did it
I read
the love story
you wrote me
about us,
on the night
you said
you loved me
I am sorry
for listening
to your voice
it just sounded
so peaceful
so smooth
like honey on petals
on pavement
making every
not beautiful
I told you,
I would wait,
until you said okay,
I am sorry,
I assumed,
this no longer
I read,
this poem,
in short breaths,
this is
how i breathe now,
every breath,
a burial,
and again ,
I am sorry,
the ending
is not what
you wrote it
to be.
#Moment of Truth dude..xD
Joseph Floreta Jan 2017
I don't remember when,
I just remember the feeling,
I don't remember where,
I just remember how,
And the only thing I remember,
was pain...
After all..
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