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1.1k · Dec 2010
The Village
Joseph Dec 2010
Trying so hard to numb the pain
Pick apart the horrid hallucination
Blood diluted by tears, falling like rain
Build the fragile walls of zion

Gilded paths strewn with broken memories
Penance paid, and I'll surely burn
Inflicted with this deceitful disease
All that's left is an empty urn

Upon a forgotten shelf, in your empty heart
My breath stirs a dead breeze
In the empty gardens of the souls rampart
Emotions twirled like leaves on trees

Pallid clouds against a moonlit backdrop
Silver shards paint the tattered scene
Seated in the mind, on a barren hilltop
Luminescence makes the pain gleam

As the village below so sweetly slumbers
It's guardian watches from darkened beauty
As the demon increasingly slaughters her numbers
Within city walls, lays the destroyed sanity
695 · Dec 2010
Joseph Dec 2010
What's left of me
Is all in piece's
As the voice's grow louder
The pain never ceases

Watch your step
Wouldn't want you to bleed
Get stains on the carpet
Just follow my lead

I'll guide you through
All of my insanity
The tour begins
Right here, inside of me

We'll begin with the heart
It look's a little bare
Didn't have time to decorate
I don't often dwell there

Moving on now
Next stop my mind
Sure you want to go
Never know what you'll find

Here it is
My own personal maze
The only way out
Is to follow the haze

You can't go in
It's under construction
From the last time
I suffered mental destruction

One stop left
On this tour from hell
Stop at the gift shop
We have lot's of **** to sell

If you look to the right
You'll see the grand creation
Can you feel the sorrow
Created by self-mutilation

We'll exit through the veins
In our crimson ride
This attraction is closed
Because our host has died
591 · Dec 2010
Broken Hearted
Joseph Dec 2010
What could make a world so cold
That it prevents a heart from being bold
Strip it down, so it can be bought and sold
Love conquers all, or so we are told

The heart was surrounded by fences
Tearing them down, you left me defenseless
Your eyes leave me in trances
Riddling my soul like ancient sphinxes

Like a garden of vibrant roses
Your beauty explodes like a thousand novas
As a phoenix rises from smoldering ashes
You lifted me above lifeless corpses

Out of a perfect dream, I suddenly awoke
From my chest poured a horrid smoke
As everything good began to choke
I realized my heart finally broke

Dropping to the floor and starting to crawl
In every direction an impassable wall
Your name I'd desperately call
Doesn't Love conquer all?

— The End —