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566 · Feb 2014
My Thoughts.
Joseph Sargent Feb 2014
Is *** a drug, I say yes, is it bad I say no.
Be smart with it cause you know that to much makes you slow.
Even Tylenols bad if you like to abuse, so don't misuse what mother nature grows.
And yes 15 partners makes you a ***, its quality over quantity,
Maybe you can associate *** with a handshake, but I think it has to go deeper than skin.
I want it to mean something within
Two souls yearning to become one,
Not empty kisses, fake words, and meaningless pleasure.
But two people uniting in the most intense intimacy that two humans can experience.
Something you share with someone who you know more about than they know themselves, someone who you would give everything for in a moment, someone you hold in the center of your world.
Someone you love.
I also believe in Pro-life.
Just cause your a low life, doesn't mean the baby doesn't deserve a life.
If the ****** fits, wear it,
Better to be safe than a murderer.
And I know everyone says "well what about ****."
But with over 300,000 adoptions taking place in the U.S. every year,
Even if you didn't make a mistake, theres still an escape.
I know its sad, and my heart breaks for the woman who met that fate,
But the decision of a ***** isn't the fault of a baby.
As teenagers we feel immortal,
Nothings going to happen, nothing is really important, but it is.
We take pride in our failure, we laugh at authority,
We don't try intentionally.
But theres gonna be a day outside the 4 walls of the classroom.
When the ambitious will thrive, and the apathetic won't survive,
So treat this like its a joke
Treat this like its not important
Because with a 50 % failure rate
Unless you get off your lazy ***, and even attempt to pass, then what everyone thinks about us Lake Region kids,
Is true.
378 · Feb 2014
Trapped Inside
Joseph Sargent Feb 2014
It stays hidden in the dark,
Inside my head,
Inside my heart.
It wants to escape
It pounds the walls,
But its kept trapped.
It tears into my mind with claws of fire,
Its burned its mark into my being,
It. Is. Me.

— The End —