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Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Joseph Norris Apr 2015
Quiet walks
Along the shore rocks
Waiting for a call
Just behind the seaweed wall

Turquoise shimmer
Dark shadows flicker
Candlelit meeting
For the one thing I've been needing

My legs become one
As I drift into the waters
Following one of Triton's daughters
Plummeting into the sea

But our time becomes limited
And back to the shore I drifted
Watching her slip away
Telling me come every other day

Looking out into the horizon's wefts
Begging God, "five minutes, please"
Love sunken with the memories
As she floats back into the oceans depths
Apr 2015 · 753
Divinity's Eyes
Joseph Norris Apr 2015
Your eyes tell a story, down a path
leading to an eternal ocean
of past lives and loved lies
basting in the hopes and dreams
of permanent destruction

Devine perfection
perceived as crippled obscurities
fearful of who's identity is portrayed
keeping signs of divinity at bay
avoiding the love of the guides
covered in humanities tainted prides
Jan 2015 · 2.2k
Joseph Norris Jan 2015
The glamour and the lights
No such thing as winter night
Celebrity sights?
Let me show you my contact lists
But there's so much untold
Open your eyes and behold
Listen on the train, to the babies fuss
Avoid the screaming man, he's ******
Beverly Hills misinterpretation 
Really lived off 7th and metro station
The man sitting next to you coming down
Was once a successful businessman downtown
There is no American Dream
Everything is a money making scheme
The single mother with those twins
She was ***** walking from work in the heights
Everybody knows everybody
But nobody's are nothing's
Cheating husband, double life
He's got a boyfriend, don't tell his wife
The city of Angeles
Not everybody wins
Watch out for the forgotten demons
Not everyone lives under city lights
Yet we all have to figure out our way
Taking any opportunity we could
But I'm living just another day
In Hollywood
Jan 2015 · 657
Joseph Norris Jan 2015

Three months pass
You go through the worst physical pain
Your body begins to drain
And you tell me during math class
I know what really happened
And how you're being shallow
There's just one thing I need to know
There's just one thing to ask for all to be cleared
Sixteen and I'm dreaming
Of our little guy
And he's gleaming
It's a boy, I know. No lie.
I dream of him playing outside
Chasing after him
Catching him at the end of the slide
Sending him off to kindergarten
Dark brown hair
Blue eyed gift
Puerto Rican, but his skin's fair
With our whole lives with him to share
But then my dream begins to dim
He's vanishing
You're screaming
And I've already fallen
Your pregnancy never went past twelve weeks
That's pretty much no time
But knowledge of truth my heart seeks
Answer me this, was he really mine...
Joseph Norris Dec 2014
Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel
There comes a time when you realize you have to live your life for you
The day will come when you find out you're all you have in the end
And you find yourself crying by yourself because everyone is gone that in
situations you always helped them through
Its okay to show your fears, you no longer need to pretend

You've done what's asked of you and so much more
Thank you for your work
You definitely deserve an encore
Close the bottle, reseal the cork

The stories to be said about you are phenomenal
But its time for them to be set on the mantle
Start your own life now, you've given everything else your all
And we'll call the past stories memoirs of an imperfect angel
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Iced Cigars, Empyy Bottles
Joseph Norris Sep 2014
Iced cigars, empty bottles
Missing clothes, crazy nights
Scratched backs, ****** nails
Bruised thighs, forgotten cares

Hit it harder, make it louder
Back shots and back strokes
Lights flash, we still smash
Intoxicated revelation

Going deeper, losing voices
Stumbling in the door
Start on the stairway
Fall to the floor

Go below the belt
Now turn over
Slow it down and pull closer
Lay it down while putting it down

Blacking out begins
The room spins
Let go of each other
Now lay there until the morning light
Joseph Norris Sep 2014
Have you ever been so in love
That your entire life gets consumed
By the thought of the one who has your heart?
What if you hadn't even mentioned how you feel?
Has love ever caused you to fear all aspects of life?
Do you even remotely understand my inevitable pain?

Have you ever questioned if you're emotionally alive,
But when you see that special one your body and soul revive?
Then, do you question how long you'll survive?
Will it all come crash down?
How can one but so bad,
Yet you always accept them back into your life?
When did something so deadly
Begin to feel so right?

All of this is a heartbreaking situation
That is uncontrollable.
Being unable to confess your love
Is the equivalent of being committed.
There's only two options:
Live in fear,
Or die in love that remains eternal.
This is my affliction.
This is my addiction.
This is my attraction.

I'm an assassin's victim of love arrows.
This feels like poison by what or whom seems to be unknown.
I beg of you,
Be my cure.
I do love you.
Jun 2014 · 494
Who You've Shown
Joseph Norris Jun 2014
The fact that everything is about you anymore is killing me.
The fact you put everybody before me hurts, you see.
Your right, I don't know you anymore.
Nothing left is in store.

I guess it was fun while it lasted.
Good luck with your career, hope you get casted.
I'm tired of this childish game.
It's just not the same.

I've known for months it was coming to this.
But, I was hoping it was less of a hit than a miss.
Your selfish, and I hate that.
Good round, to you, off I take my hat.

I give too much and I'm too nice.
I guess for that, now I pay the price.
From now on, your on your own.
I hate the person you've shown.
May 2014 · 592
After Work, Work Begins
Joseph Norris May 2014
Kick off those Valentino's
Tell me about your day
Take a sigh of relief
Let me pour you a drink

Lean up on me, body to body
Relax as I kiss your neck
Ya know, that spot behind your ear
As I unbutton your blouse slowly

Notice I wore your favourite cologne
Pull your leg up to my waist for a tease
Close your eyes as I gently massage your shoulders
Candles dripping on your spine

Sorry I tore your skirt
Here let me kiss your lips to show I care
I'll captivate you in our love lair
Anticipate as I kiss down your body, each peck

Feel my fingers grace down from your naval
Promise you won't even hurt
Don't fear
It's your turn, I'll pay
May 2014 · 597
I Never Stopped Loving Her
Joseph Norris May 2014
So beautiful
So elegant
So independent
So free spirited

Her eyes, stormy blue
Her hair, curly and brown
Her smile, angelic
Her heart, well, it was mine

God broke the mould when he made her
God made her for me, I know
God has a special plan for her
God gave her strength

If I could here's something's I'd say
No matter who I'm now with
There's none comparable to you
I never meant to hurt you, swear
Because without you, there's no air

Your destiny, I beg you fulfil
I'm sorry we've ended
I'll never give up though
There's always hope, right

I've always pictured you in a wedding gown
But now my vision has begun to drown
My heart's sunk all the way to hell
But let it burn with all the memories

These things she'll never know
Like how much she's missed
Especially when I think of that first kiss
But most importantly, I never stopped loving her
May 2014 · 1.3k
Summers Past
Joseph Norris May 2014
Summer night bonfires
Tanning days
Hella beach babes
Party all night
Here take a flyer

Our shades were Gucci
Is it always this bright
Phone calls until sunrise
Search for similarities
Good head that's the prize

New girls everyday
Short shorts and high tops
Grind on me when the beat drops
Loud pack don't forget to pay
Take your top off just for a tease, circled nah ellipse

Summer's ended
We all went different ways
Xbox live? No one plays
Now all we leave is our legacy
We were the kids everybody wanted to be
Aug 2013 · 870
The girl in my dreams..
Joseph Norris Aug 2013
She's everything I could wish for
Perfect, that's for sure
I see her approaching
Feel my heart's intense beating
The flow of her hair
The clothes she wears
Those hazel eyes
But they turn blue when she cries
Her ora is so fierce
Love arrows shot
She's everything I sought
Delicately my heart was pierced
Infatuated by her glow
She comes to me on a cloud
Continue the trance show
Keep me from the ground
Once a heavenly reality
Always set me free
But we wanted two different things
**Now I visit you in my nightly dreams
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
Stranger Lover
Joseph Norris Aug 2013
Another broken dish
Another door off the hinge
Who am I with
You're not my wish
Listen to the walls
This relationship falls
These bruises
Those cuts
I stopped trying to understand
So I begin to lift my hand
Now trembling, I shake
Hearts begin to break
Those eyes aren't the same
So why do I stay
I'm the one to blame
This isn't a game
Where was our first date
What's my favorite song
This has gone on too long
Tarnished slate, stained plate
New person masked
In a casing of the past
Leave again and see
You won't have me
Aug 2013 · 3.1k
Joseph Norris Aug 2013
They say follow the rules
There's a predetermined path
Disregard the heart
Obey the minds morality
But choose your own destiny
No more cliched love stories
No xy algebra , but 1+1 math
Go back to a more simplistic start
Monopoly of cloned society slaves
Working for similar goals until their graves
Discrepancy is rejected
Individuality gets neglected
Pour your soul into the ocean now
The deeper it goes
The safer it gets
Watch it fall as the sun bastes on the waves
Jul 2013 · 2.0k
All For the Memory
Joseph Norris Jul 2013
All for the memory
Take me higher than before
Make it even more lively
Cloud nine, I want to soar

High class roll up
Diamond filled jay
Miscado in the cup
Take it in before the fray

Shadows crossing
Paths interchanging
Rainbow colors shimmering brightly
Final destination called trippy

Is it you or the moment
Timeless time spent
Doing wrong for the right
Morning isn't coming so we party all night

Without you this would be pointless
Shame covers the immaculate mess
Nobody will know how much it means to me
That's why I do it all for the memory
Jun 2013 · 820
Broken Love & Love Lost
Joseph Norris Jun 2013
I believe in broken love and love lost,
Which may seem like two separate things;
However, they are in unison.
Love has grown to become so cliche and overplayed;
But in it's most pure form is spectacular and divine Until taken advantage of.
Love can come young,
but it is rarely understood, ever.
When love is misinterpreted,
There is chance for it to become broken.
Then, after the love breaks,
It leaks out until lost
In a deep ocean of emotions and thoughts.

Three years ago,
My first serious relationship had started.
I was completely clueless to what had started happening.
I knew I had felt different.
I began developing a sense of "we" instead of "me".
I had never been so happy, intrigued, or fascinated.
All this by another mortal human being.

After a few months,
I realized I had finally started experiencing what seemed to be true love;
And as time progressed,
I lost myself
For what I thought was the relationship itself.
I attempted to regain independence,
But one thing lead to another
And hate began overpowering the love and affection.

Though I never left,
I found another lover.
Well, I guess one could say another found me. Misconstruing love and lust,
I drifted into a world of sin and slickness.
My needs were finally being catered to
As I indulged in the best of both worlds.

I felt as if I finally deserved this.
I had been faithful for two years,
So shouldn't I get some free time?
After all, I stayed after they cheated.
They can do the same,
Especially since I won't keep this up for long.
I thought this was acceptable in my own eyes,
Yet I ignored the agonizing conviction that laid within my heart of being wrong.

One night, things had come to a ******
Between the new lover and I.
In the moment,
Boundaries of existence were broken.
However, afterwards I realized I had soiled the upmost precious thing I had ever possessed,
And that would be true love.
How could I have done this for pleasure?

Within a week, guilt had overtaken me.
I had to either come clean or leave.
I knew I would hurt her if I had told the truth
More than if I left.
I said that we were no longer meant to be
Because our love had been broken with fighting and deceit.

She cried for a week,
Begging me to come back.
I realized I had done something so horrid.
I could never take it back.
I left someone good for someone great.
So, why did I feel so bad?

Now, I am without either
Because of the guilt trip I went through.
I had broken a love.
And now, love was lost in the sea of emotions,
Sinking to the infinite depths of darkness
To never be found again.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Miscellaneous Adolescent
Joseph Norris Jun 2013
Innocence and full of hope
Quickly became disparity and anguish
Nothing left, sold some dope
Miracles were needed, not a wish
Sleepless nights
Sickness began to start
Tunnels continue with no lights
Conscientiously loosing heart
Parental disconnection
Being alone and the one
Purity vanished
Gone farther than "just kissed"
Cupid doesn't like resistance
But we had no chance
2.5 years of a roller coaster
Then I lost her
Learned who I was
Living in a sobriety buzz
Dagger to the heart
Found a poetic art
Going across the country
It's more than just a dream
Not just a quick scheme
And finally doing it for me
May 2013 · 1.4k
Unconquerable Dreams
Joseph Norris May 2013
When we're young,
We're filled with goals and dreams
In those goals and dreams we hope for someone, whom in the, believes
Talents galore, but undeveloped songs unsung

Passionate drives fervently burning
However, flames have difficulty quenching
Cries want to come out from pointless trying
Dreams falling to the wayside, tranquilly

Forever fighting strong feelings
Painfully building new strengths
Like a high-perched eagles gliding down, hope falls
This is the story of unconquerable dreams
May 2013 · 1.2k
High School Days
Joseph Norris May 2013
Carefree days
No worries, it's high school days
Always skipping class
Facebook status: smash or pass

I don't know much abut biology
It's alright, though 'cause in 5 years it won't affect me
But, I can tell you about rolling this half
Dime by the dozen, that's when I know math

Wake up and fall back asleep
Show up late look the best because I'm not cheap
Friday night party and I just might go
Leave out at 1 AM, trying not to get caught
But then again you never know

Make a couple friends
Let them know the new me
Creating memories to last until the world ends
High school days, get to know me

— The End —