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Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Joseph Normand Jan 2012
Seems so
Jan 2012 · 744
The Curse
Joseph Normand Jan 2012
Birds fly
while tigers dance
to the sound of
dripping rain

All I can do
is write it
and hope it won’t
be tamed.
Dec 2011 · 653
The Return
Joseph Normand Dec 2011
Tonight I disappear
back to the land
of my ancestors

Back to the land
of pyramids
and burial sites

Back to the land
of zealots
and sacred rites

Of hallowed halls
and moonlit nights

Of alabaster,
smooth and white

And as I walk
through corridors

Foreign glyphs
paint walls and floors

A tongue I do not

Knowledge I can’t

.      .        .

I finally returned...
Only to find
this too is tainted.
Dec 2011 · 788
The Valley of Seven
Joseph Normand Dec 2011
Seven stone obelisks
Seven stone walls
cover the valley floor
in silver and sapphire

watching and

Things live
and things grow
while They stand

Every year
the valley floods
and They disappear
beneath the lake

And every year
They emerge
from their slumber;
Their deep thoughts
Dec 2011 · 500
A Prayer to Humanity
Joseph Normand Dec 2011
To think is to breathe
To understand is to feel
I inhale all spirits
and exhale the world.

The stars are made up of
your ears and your eyes
The space in between
is the stuff of your mind.

There is no Heaven
and there is no Hell
There is only what we
create for ourselves.
Dec 2011 · 700
A Cored Apple
Joseph Normand Dec 2011
Given the choice
I'd fall from the sky
and shatter the Earth.

If only my voice
could open your eyes,
deliver your birth.

When vict'ry brings pain
what have you gained,
what have you lost?

Does anyone stop
to see what we've got,
to think of the cost?

****** by a tree
seems funny to me,
that we would be spurned.

For wanting to know
why everything grows,
for wanting to learn.
Nov 2011 · 648
The Entrance
Joseph Normand Nov 2011
The place I want to go
is a place that I have known
for years.

The Gate is big and white
I am humbled in its sight
but tears flow from my eyes.

I revel in its majesty.
You see it and fall to your knees.
You reach to touch it gracefully
but you remember you forgot the key.

Never free.
You are never free.

But you've reached this hallowed place
beside an ancient lake
of blue.

The midnight's silver sun
still remains the only one
to show you what's inside.
I originally wrote this as a song, but I thought it could stand alone.

Part 4 of "Ode to the Seven Virgins"
Nov 2011 · 598
The White Gold Lion
Joseph Normand Nov 2011
The noble Lion
looks at me
with fire in his eyes.

The wisdom in his
face and mane
begins to make me cry.

Because I know I'll
never know
the feelings of a sage.

Because I know I'll
never catch
his beauty with a page.

And if I could I'd
surely free him
from his inky cell

I could not stand to
stop him setting
fire to the world.
Part 5 of "Ode to the Seven Virgins"
Nov 2011 · 483
A Poet's Dream
Joseph Normand Nov 2011
I'm going to capture it all
bottle it up
and let it be
the ink for my brush strokes.
Nov 2011 · 509
Star Gazer
Joseph Normand Nov 2011
Contemplate the void.
Let it fill you
with nothing.

Heads of needles lead
long silver strands
through your mind.

And how can we live
while many die
Part 7 of "Ode to the Seven Virgins"
Nov 2011 · 1.3k
Joseph Normand Nov 2011
It's funny how many people
will gather around
just to see one man on a building.

They don’t even know me
I barely even know me.

I’ve seen the gate but I've
never entered it;
never could find the **** key.

It's sick really,
they’re not here
because they care
they don’t even know who I am.

They just want to
partake in ritual sacrifice.

I’ll die like a Viking
a heroic death in combat.
I’ll be caught by Valkyries.

My body will be
of fire
and I will steal their children’s innocence.

They can shield their eyes,
but I’ll
scar the Earth,
paint her red.

A mural with my brain.

And they can see everything that’s inside.

I’ll break the **** door
right off its hinges.
You can’t make people care,
but you can force them to see.

It's cold up here,
and the city is beautiful:
constructs of man
breaking the sky.

And me, in her.

At least the wind
is on my side,
the defiled king left to die
in a labyrinth of stone.

The sewers as my
burial crypt,
rats and snakes
******* my blood.

But the remnants of a soul
long forgot
still feeds the mouths that
rely on the few with food.

Their stomachs ache and
their hearts pound to
the beat of one drum.
A drum that beckons me to the edge.

Who am I to starve the hungry?

They don’t need a break,
they need to push harder.
I planted the trees.
I planted the oak
and I killed the yew.

I’ve tasted its arils
and made peace with the Ibis
that guided me here.
And as it watches me
with craned neck,
and bent beak

I leave my throne
and descend to water those
whose shade I will never sit beneath.
Part 1 of "Ode to the Seven Virgins"

— The End —