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O Lord, I continue to ache for Your heart of flesh!
Lovingly chastise me, with regard to improper attitudes;
my spirit will never freely soar in unity with You,
without understanding and a transcendental altitude.

Chasing earthly mirages is a waste of my precious time
and it will never satisfy or quench my unending thirst.
Living a dedicated life of self-gratification and pleasure,
won’t overcome this pain… that’s been repeatedly rehearsed.

Deep within my soul, I embrace Your genuine Love for me.
As a result, unwanted, dead things are compelled to fall away.
Concepts of selfishness, jealousy, discontentment, self-pity,
greed, addiction, and unforgiveness will no longer rule my days.

Lord, teach me to “take up my cross” daily without complaint;
Break the stony hardheartedness that hinders our relationship!
For I crave, the joy and contentment I previously possessed,
which softly undergirds our ongoing and eternal fellowship.

With Your Word hidden in my heart, I walk the “narrow path”,
since sin’s “broad path” leads only to one’s destruction.
Acting ungodly will always be a lost battle of the soul;
therefore, I cling onto Your Salvation and Resurrection…

with a proper mindset and complete surrender to You!
Self-centeredness is unhealthy to my soul’s existence;
therefore, I’m determined to purposely seek oneness with You,
while forgoing the proverbial path… of least resistance.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Ezek 11:19; 1 John 3:9-14; 2 Cor 4, 5:17; Rev 3:19;
Phil 3:10, 4:12; Gal 2:20, 6:10, 12-15; 1 Tim 5:6, 6:6-7;
1 Thes 5:15; 1 Cor 13; Mark 8:34; Matt 6:10, 33

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
With the inherent power of divine words,
I can wield spiritual swords of strength.
Although His presence can reside within me,
I must recognize His plan and truly see…

how I must conduct myself on a daily basis.
Moving forward with Faith in Christ Jesus,
I’m able to conquer all earthly circumstances
and rejoice in victory with my Lord of the Dance.

Overcoming fleshly struggles and fiery trials,
is but one aspect of the frail, human condition.
Utilizing my talents on behalf of the Kingdom’s focus,
I truly can fully recognize and fulfill my purpose.

The desire of God is to draw people unto Himself.
While remaining a yielded, humble and broken vessel,
the sacred essence of Christ in me adequately shines,
to reach hurting individuals… with His Light Divine.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
John 8:12, 12:32, 15:4-7; 1 John 1:5; Jer 31:13; Eccl 3:4;
Phil 3:8, 4:13; 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 2:20; Rom 8:9-10, 37

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
While seconds quietly and quickly elapse
under the consistent control of Time’s arrow,
the evil forebodings of Dread and vague fears
continue to lurk within Life’s long shadows.

Despite the existence of potential problems,
choose to disregard the negativity of fear.
Knowing that we are more than a conqueror,
charge forward under a Faith-filled atmosphere.

Approach the day with enthusiasm and expectation
that God continues to honor His Biblical Word.
Regardless of events, He will take care of His own;
look within to have your spiritual confidence stirred.

Speak holy words against the day’s difficulties.
Life’s worrisome ambiguities are sufficient for the day;
allow the Peace of Christ to supremely reign in your heart,
knowing that He eternally remains… the Life, Truth and Way.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Matt 6:25-34, 11:28-30; Prov 15:15; Rom 8:32;
Psa 23:4, 55:22; Num 23:19; Col 3:15; John 14:6

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
Can you spot those wild zebras,
trotting across noisy plains of green?
Can you spy them with binoculars,
huddling together in familiar scenes?

Can you observe these wild zebras,
emblazoned with their traditional stripes?
Can you recognize distinctive patterns
of opposing colors of black and white?

Can you form an opinion regarding
the thoughts of wild zebras at play?
Can any semblance of ‘Fashion Sense’
force a duality of stripes to rule the day?

Can you number the size of the herd
or even call out specific zebras by name?
See their necks encircled by dangling whistles,
as they continue… to officiate the football game.

-Joe Breunig,
Poet/Author, Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
People may question the necessity of virtues,
yet they embody virility, life and beauty.
These traits aid the development of character,
while complementing the scope of Christian duty.

There’s still a time and place for everything,
and a need of their value can still be seen.
A combination of personal conduct and inner strength
bolsters us against the tedium of Life’s routines.

Qualities of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance
combined with Faith, Hope and Charity, will assist us
in our spiritual growth and maturity for sharing…
the Brotherly Love of our beloved Christ Jesus.

Under the consistent leading of the Holy Spirit,
we may practice Courtesy, Patience and Forgiveness,
while confirming the divine principles of The Word
that should be stored within… our heart’s stillness.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Eccl 3; Psa 19:7-14; 27:1-14, 46:10; Phil 4:13;
2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Cor 13:13; Rom 12:2

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
Without faith, it’s impossible to please God.
And yet, He’s the rewarder of those who seek Him.
Know that Jehovah bequeathed His peace to us
and His perfect Love casts out unfounded fear.
Place your faith completely… in Christ Jesus.

We’re taught to give our burdens to Him,
which requires us to exercise genuine faith.
Despite our human imperfections, we’re covered…
with Christ’s righteousness and sacred armor.
Has your identity with Him, been discovered?

With purposed effort, develop divine virtue
and Godly character for true, spiritual growth.
Know that fear has an unholy component of torment,
which always remains in opposition to faith!
Stand in the gap, ready, steadfast and constant.

Be Holy Ghost filled, with your inner man renewed;
pray for strength and providential tenacity to endure.
Be in agreement with The Word; be humbly set apart.
Know that The Kingdom’s foundation is secure
and you will surely possess… an untroubled heart!
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
John 6:29, 11:40, 14:27; 1 John 4:16-18;
Eze 22:30; Isa 6:8; Phil 1:28; Heb 11:1, 11:6;
Eph 3:16, 6:16; 2 Pet 1:5

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
Moving away from unholiness is attainable,
by modifying and monitoring your godless behavior.
Know that you’re called into fellowship with Him;
begin mirroring the traits of our blessed Savior.

For you can do all things through Christ,
who joyfully and faithfully strengthens His Children;
you have been given the necessary Biblical tools
for overcoming Life’s constant pressures of sin.

Turn away from impurity of thoughts and actions;
instead focus on Christ’s perfect righteousness;
find your identity now - in Him and His Kingdom;
remember that you’re always… called to holiness!
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
1 Thes 4:7; Heb 3:1; 2 Tim 1:9; Phil 4:13;
1 Pet 1:14-16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
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