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Dec 2012 · 700
the outlaw
Jose Diaz Dec 2012
I know you will be mine, the night would never end,
We snatched forbidden desires,
and in a moment of wild love our bodies will melt,
Come small, is what we always wanted, the stars will smile,
and as the moon never shone, the waves take us to the unknown,
and turn the heat to our bodies numb, write my name in every part of you,
no dish that tasted not found, there will be no place you're gone,
and amid the madness and neglect, will be two wild souls, the bitterness left open,
I will not be the outlaw who wanders lost dreams.
Dec 2012 · 749
El forajido
Jose Diaz Dec 2012
Seras mía lo se, la noche nunca acabara,
los deseos prohibidos nos arrebataran,
y en un instante de amor salvaje nuestros cuerpos se fundirán,
acércate  pequeña, es lo que siempre quisimos, las estrellas sonreirán,
y como nunca la luna brillara, las olas del mar nos llevaran a lo desconocido,
y  volverá el calor a nuestros cuerpos adormecidos, escribiré mi nombre en cada parte de ti,
no habrá manjar que no hallamos probado, no habrá lugar al que no hallamos ido,
y en medio de la locura y el descuido, seremos dos almas salvajes, las amarguras se abran ido,
ya no seré el forajido que vaga en sueños perdidos.
Nov 2012 · 998
Jose Diaz Nov 2012
Falls, disorders, descontrol, endless guitar solos, psychedelic endless
  turns, your head is spinning, smells, tastes, cars pass ... I do not want to be here,
I want to try, not better not ... or maybe yes. I don't know! on the day I'm restless,
dark desires...
The piano sounds fast, wanna dance, drink you all, touch all, taste you all,
neighbors put their horrendous music, ***** looks, sounds strange, I can not relax,
I feel really anxious, sweat, leaving, back to back, running, climb mountains, smoking, kissing, touching, love....
forget this!
Nov 2012 · 943
Young lion suffering
Jose Diaz Nov 2012
I still remember you, I still can hear your soft voice of little girl
  I can still feel the smell of your hair, my little girl, yet I can hear you smile
sweet September nights ¿when they will come again? jubilant days of love where did they go?
  We lie much!! I know,but we were forbidden lovers, you, beautiful flower field,
Me, a young lion suffering... Let me know if you still love me! the train still awaits us...
  You were a short summer, perhaps a lie but I still insist on back to you...
Wrap me again in your red petals, enchant me again with your sweet look
  Steal me without leaving traces, honey, just give me a moment
And you will not regret, I swear.
Nov 2012 · 697
My beloved kite
Jose Diaz Nov 2012
Silent, Don't say anything
Let' s run away together, There is no time to hesitate,
just us in a endless destination...
let our passions join with us, let the madness guide us
colors are mixed, the doors are opened, forget the past...
forget what we were or what we were not, let's play like children,
let's be kites in the sky...

We will be what we never were, we will do what we never did,
we'll kiss us in the rain, just fly with me, my beloved kite.
Nov 2012 · 3.2k
Wild heart
Jose Diaz Nov 2012
Wild heart runs through the forest,
it bathes in the River, it climbs mountains,
it flies like a bird and it screams with force
on dark nights it take refuge in the cave while the rain pass, it sings to the moon...
came out the bright sun and the heart is ready, do you smell it? it's the freedom...
maybe it's the madness... maybe it's crazy... maybe it always has been crazy,
but its soul is that of a child.

They say they hear its shouts of joy, they say it talk with the animals,
they say it grew up in nature and its youth is eternal...
its loneliness is its best friend, it never need anyone, it know what to do, i know...
its limit is the sky, I can hear its laugh
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
Jose Diaz Nov 2012
From day to day years pass,
from night to night  hours are over
    and when you blink, the clock stops.
The good days will be memories...
the blue nights will be lost.
Women, vices and love...
photos, flowers and pain.

— The End —