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Aug 2011 · 1.3k
Artistic Spark
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
Feeling there is a creative artistic spark in the air today;
what is that this blank canvas wants from me?
Is it art which you seek?
All of the colors; all of the words awaiting behind the fingertips of me.
Is it self expression, or self revival, perhaps self survival.
There is a creative artistic spark in the air today.
Have faith, watch what the heavens and I create.
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
From the ashes, black and grey she arised.
Beauty from her pain, she will never be the same.
Shame that no rainstorm could ever wash away.
And to his dismay she smiles,
Torn apart, damaged and frail.
She has broken free, free from his chains.
Now battered and bruised; she has emerged from the ashes.
Like a rose she yearns to be, but a thorn is all we shall see.

As if thirsty for blood, she has chosen wisely he will be her next victim.
With trickery up her sleeve.
She lures him into a safe haven, lures him into her cocoon into her bed.
Passionate love making she gives him all he desires, she has become all that he needs.
And just before he can utter those three words of despise
She destroys him. A necessary lesson of life someone had to teach,
and in her head she is jusitified.
Shame on him for falling for the beauty of a rose, without knowing the truth of what lies within.
He should have known what lies behind every beautiful rose.

From the ashes she has risen; like a rose is her beauty.
Beauty from her pain, she will never be the same.
Shame that no rainstorm could ever wash away.
Like a rose she yearns to be, but a thorn is all we shall see.
Aug 2011 · 527
Evolution of You
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
Welcome to the evolution of you, it is time to grow.
And as your course unfolds, sweet child of life take your time but don't miss that bus.
As time carries on let go of the dismay that may come your way.
/Leave it where you found it, dust yourself off and then move on.
./ Welcome to the evolution of you.

/What may have broken you down once before
has now under inspection become your strentgh.
Isn't it funny how life works out that way.
And the beauty of it all is that you remain you (justice served).
We are all learning to live and living to learn.  
Life something like a book, turn the page and now wiser with age./
And to live, and to learn. To grow old and now you watch the youth that was once you,
but you see this with a new set of eyes. And wonder Why is youth spent wasted on the unknowing young? / Welcome to the evolution of you.

Now take a seat sweet child of life, make a choice and receive the lesson awaiting for you.
Choose wisely, choose boldly and chose without regret./
Time does fly and knowledge is something well worth the gain.
Sweet child of life take your time but don't miss that bus.
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
I have been in love a time or two before.
I have tasted the zeal of an agape type love.
Where I love thee with a desire that I may give up my everything if it means to appease you,
anything to make you feel better
but that was in my younger days.

I have loved for all of the wrong reasons.
Whether it be the greed of green, the materialistic need, the supply and the demand.
But superficial foundations never seem to out stand.
I have been so blind and followed the ones who wanted to be my guide.
I have loved a time or two before.
And now as I grow and wisdom is well earned. I realize that what I have to offer is something sacred.

And if I could tell the young girls who share the same capacity of loving
wholeheartedly, loving so openly
I would say but my dear take your time.
Hold on to your heart, don't give it away from the start,
take your time and be smart.
I have loved a time or two before
Aug 2011 · 1.5k
Closer to my Dreams
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
Sometimes I feel like my dreams are moving farther away from me with each step I take towards them.
And the fears never seem to subside.
pushing them away I step
~~closer to my dreams~~

Upward and on, beyond the realms of reality which contain me.
I think therefore I am. Therefore I will be.
And I step once more
~~closer to my dreams~~

Sometimes it feels like I am silently screaming, and full of doubt that I arouse within me,
sometimes it feels like I can't breathe.
And then I look towards the sky close my eyes and let the heavens lead
as I take a step upward and on and keep moving
~~closer to my dreams~~

Letting go of insecurities, understanding more of what is real, understanding more of what is me.
Praying for enlightenment and seeking a greater purpose,
something deeper, something more and beyond just me.
Searching for something but not sure what it is I need
. And so I strain and I stress, and the weight then moves into my chest.

nothing will ever come I tell myself,
and I hear a voice say "never give up, just take that step".
And I pick up the pieces from the mess I have left and step
~~closer to my dreams~~
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
Words Poses power.

actions dictate progress,

motivation is a state of mind,

love is necessary and healing takes time.

The image you present to the world is simply the images of yourself that you perceive.

The most beautiful things in life are not for sale.

The days pass by like pages in the the wind.

What will be the next chapter that you have yet to write.
Aug 2011 · 542
Quiet Fears
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
I have been thinking and re-thinking everything that I think you and I could be.

And you know how indecisive I can be. But then you say it's you and I think it's me.

And you are just as complicated as me. So we sit here and stare and keep inside all of our quiet fears.

I must admit you are the first person I have ever met who is so much like me on the inside.

And on the outside appearing so well prepared for the world and whateva awaits there.

But I know we should not  let life's fears interfer. And it's not fair that you hold your past against me.

Like it was I who commited such crimes.

I am so ready to flee and somehow you keep me.
Aug 2011 · 589
Soul Mate
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
I have been waiting for you. Perfecting myself for you.

Although I am sure I have passed you a time or two before on the streets.

Maybe we have even locked eyes and felt that spark.

But I was running late and you still think that he is the one.

I know late at night, When I am alone and starring out my window gazing into the stars.

I get the most intoxicating feeling and I can feel you by my side.

It's a beautiful presence, like your spirit has found its way

to my side. The warmth, the love that this brings makes me miss you.

Only time will reveal what Destiny has signed and sealed.
Aug 2011 · 637
It Never Fails,
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
And it never fails. The messes I make.
The things I do. It's like I must self destruct, like I live to clean it up.
And time after time I find myself here.
Not sure what I am looking for but I make it that much harder.
Living it to learn it.  And here I am with my head in my hands and running out of answered prayers.
How many more times must I find myself here? I fear I am drifting, and there is so much to do but I can't move. So far from orthodox and so far from conventional. Something like a gypsy and these people I meet their faces are all starting to look the same to me.

The anger has learned to manage itself. So where does the road led from here? Maybe I am a little darker than I ever thought because I don't seem to have that light like them so happy and so bright.
Here I am once again, my head in my hands and running out of answered prayers. And it feels like no one can relate.
Take a deep breathe and be prepared to **** it all up again. Never letting anyone get to close, always ready to move. Always staying on my toes.
Why can I not keep still? But all that there is to do is let go and move on.
Pick up the pieces to the mess that has been made put it in your bag throw it over your shoulder and carry on.
Aug 2011 · 3.7k
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
So u have the answers huh?
So you know what is best, is that right?
Well, I will tango around your empty materialistic ways,
dancing my way to fame.
Laughing at your play by the rules mentality.
Individuality, originality yes it's me unique and unimpressed with your routine.
So excuse me as I stay the same.
Like a tango is my rhyme, so strong and a passion that is all mine.
Divine, divine is my state of mind!
So you have all the answers huh?
You know what is best, is that right?
Aug 2011 · 619
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
We have been doing this for a while now and I think it's getting out of control.

I'm the gasoline and you have the match. Eyes on you, are you going to ignite that fire.

Watch the flames, burn and then it's my turn.

I'll take the blame, take your match and lite the flame.

The heart beats still late at night....
Aug 2011 · 2.5k
Leave the Past Behind
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
Here it goes again, another try.
Dry your eyes. for another day has come to arise.
So many pieces of you shattered and scattered here, there and everywhere.
It is time to repair, mend your wings so that you can soar further than before.
Something was broken inside of you from a dark past that you hide.
Dig deeper; because your beauty will prevail.
Dig deeper; because you have something to prove.
Dig deeper; because you refuse to lose.
After the rain, after despair.
It is said that a rainbow will come to light,  life does  becomes more clear.
Look at that beautiful face, learn to love yourself for a change.
Here it goes again, with nothing but a beacon of fate
Nothing but the determination that you will not break.
How cruel the world can be, making you feel inadequate and insecure.
To leave the past behind, not an easy affair.
And as the cracks of you begin to show.
I will love you still, I will be here while you heal.
Mend your wings, so you may soar further than before.
You are stronger now, that is assured.
Here it goes again, another try.
Dry your eyes, for another day has come to arise.
Aug 2011 · 626
New Love
Jordyn C Taylor Aug 2011
I may not be sure what I am getting myself into.
I know that you feel what I feel when you and I are alone.
But our stories are so different, it seems as though you and I are from two different sides of the track.
And yet I would gladly meet you in the middle everyday.
I want to be judgmental, and at times I think I should.
But I see something deep inside of you that I saw from day one.
So now what am I supposed to do?
Because I have begun thinking for two. Let's move slow, let's not lose control.
Did I start something that I don't want to finish?
And why with you?
There is no denying the vibe that lingers between you and me.
You touch my leg and the butterflies in my stomach come out to play.
So what now?
I feel there may be something I can learn.
There may be a curious adventure in you that I have yet to explore.  
Before you clasp on too tight I should have told you,
I have been known to run!

— The End —