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Jordin May 2018
I’m sorry,
For what I did.
Like a scared child
I ran and hid.

I didn’t realize,
The amount of pain,
A human could suffer
All in vain.

Every day I think
What would be different?
What would be the same?
Except the fate is certain
And I’m to blame.

I wanted you
In my life and still do
But you hate me now,
This I know is true.

I can’t complain,
You reap what you sow.
You were a lesson I learned
And from it will grow.

Still, I feel terrible
When nostalgia creeps in
I just wish we could talk,
Share the places we’ve been.

That’s not my place,
Anymore that is,
Because I ****** up.
And chose decedence.

I lost an amazing person,
A companion, a friend.
Someone I will always
Remember in the end.

You deserve happiness,
Or peace at least.
Your heart is so beautiful,
As for me, I’ve ceased.
Jordin Jun 2014
I love you with an ache so strong
it consumes me;
Devouring my heart without a question.
A sunbeam in eternal darkness.
A good song on a bad day.
Your hands on my side,
My lips against yours,
This is what I've been asking for.
This is the dreams Ive dreamt,
The prayers I gave to a god I didn't believe in.
You are my salvation, my destruction
My love, my hate, myself,
My darling.
Jordin Jun 2014
***** stains,
Cigarette burns,
Fornication marks,
On the sheets were we lie.
***** house, ***** mind.
All is fair in *** and drugs.

We wish we could die in the night.
Our inebriated souls
Could collapse into dust
And flutter into the starry sky.
Our brains spilling on the dashboard.
Jordin Feb 2014
Dans ton tete
tu vois cauchemars.
Tu essaye d'arrêter il
mais tu es coincee
entre enfer,
et le bonheur.
Jordin Feb 2014
Wine out of a plastic cup.
Time goes by when you're ****** up.
I'll pour you another shot,
and we can hope to not get caught.
Couple of glasses,
plenty of ***.
Jordin Feb 2014
The quilt that once
blanketed us in love
now seems to only
engulf me and my ***
in nostalgic sadness.
Jordin Feb 2014
You make it look so
easy to forget.
You make it look like
it was all a regret.
You said you loved me,
and i know you did,
but from me and your friends,
that feeling you hid.
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