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There is nothing here
Not the façade of a façade
Can’t you see our idea fading?
We thought we were Hobbes’ Leviathan
The modern alchemists of state
We’re nothing more than rodents!
Scurrilous, maladapted membranes
Spewing from democracy forth
Ought they to encapsulate us?
They must needs encapsulate the naïve!
Whiling away at the trough as though livestock
I’m to be ground on the wheel regardless;
Nay, stretched on the rack of modernity!
By the comforts of progress and superficiality
Sought after as if vital
By the people, “We the people!”
Rallying cry for throngs, imprisoning themselves
With society, a subtle hocus pocus
The trite, aged argument
Of those who’d force you build your very tenement
Paying rent to breathe,
Countless yet believe
Tripartite consumer, greed and slavery
Surrounding you and me
Separating ignorance from squalor
In a ghetto of the mind
You're right, we're alright

I thought that you loved me body and soul--

I thought,"Finally I made the grade."
I thought that you cared for me
deeper than deep,

just not as deep as your blade.

This was inspired by Sabrina Plight's poem called, "Depends on the Eyes" and my reaction to it.

(Something a bit different)

I have a bomb in my *****
Throbbing, pounding
Building in pressure and time is running out.
Time is running out for us.
Deep dark desperation rapes us,
Makes us ill and feeble, stressed and apathetic.
Time is ticking,
And the Void is on the Edge.
Your clear eye is the one absolutely beautiful thing.
I want to fill it with color and ducks,
The zoo of the new

Whose name you meditate --
April snowdrop, Indian pipe,

Stalk without wrinkle,
Pool in which images
Should be grand and classical

Not this troublous
Wringing of hands, this dark
Ceiling without a star.
i want to bury your roses

before they become too real

- before they realize that they have been

and begin to decay


and stinking of age

and loss

and grayness

i want to press your muzzy

sleep-warm kisses

in a cheesy paperback

- bodice ripper

so they cannot evaporate

into the commute

of my soul to yours

and only lie

innocent and wondering

at the juncture

of where we will meet
Two make two Ideas
Four 1 conspiracy so;
Now more syllables
I have mailed this writing back to my own address

— The End —