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817 · Nov 2013
Jordan Smith Nov 2013
Oh, what is a worry but a prayer to the devil?
A dream deferred, confidence by anxiety disheveled.

As human beings we are infinitely capable—
And limited but by our minds, to which we keep the gate.
“You can’t succeed! Why even try? Your plate is more than full.”
Discouragement relentless, formed by clever demon bulls
Such demons though, have nothing, save for petty, worthless hate.
Disguised as Fear of Failure, feeble minds they infiltrate;
Attacking dreams and goals: each aspiration, one by one
Until the mind targeted to internal doubt succumbs.

The greatest tool bestowed upon us is our own free will:
As mighty as the sword by which the strongest bulls are killed.
So succumb not to self-doubt challenging your mighty soul—
Only when we believe we can, are we completely whole.

— The End —