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Jul 2013 · 838
Jordan Jones Jul 2013
Realize real lies with real eyes when you see them.

Everyone has a facade you see
I spend my time observing, truly grey is the world
but of bleak sadness? no,
of hidden dishonesty? maybe.

Sure everyone harbors pain, but what makes up the rest?
the world is grey, almost black, from muddled colors
like a paint pallet
comprised of the inhabitants who fail to
realize real lies with real eyes when they see them.
Jordan Jones Jul 2013
I always thought I wrote poetry
long before I had intellectual friends of a-
higher caliber, in both senses of the word
I always thought I wrote poetry
long minutes I spent writing half-hearted heart-felt swill
Oh no, I thought I was oh so deep
using words like
                  care, and
I always thought I wrote poetry
what a fool I must have seemed
what a fool I always seemed
I stood so high and bright in the purposeful shadows of
Teen Angst;
Oh its so cool to be a fool it seems, I just might try it,
but when everything is heartbreak and betrayal...
I always thought I wrote poetry,
what a fool I must have seemed.
Jan 2013 · 884
Jordan Jones Jan 2013
Call to arms! my boys of fortune
we come in stride or fall behind
What is our strength? Yet to say
it just depends on how we feel that day

Sabotage! my boys of fortune
you're falling far behind
Can you catch up? who's to say
it just depends on how you feel that day

Many names for what we are
yet most are so untrue
Most disgrace the point in case
But I can see the rebel in you
Jan 2013 · 483
Millions of Thoughts
Jordan Jones Jan 2013
I have a million words written here
none of them are really mine
all of them are replications
of something for more divine
than I

We all take and take and take some more
we don't realize that we give
our words and thoughts, feelings and actions
the things that make the living want to live
as if

These words are not my own
they're handed down through time
but I don't think it really matters.
Yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine.
Jan 2013 · 586
A Tale of the Heartbroken
Jordan Jones Jan 2013
The tears, they well inside me
and start their hot, wet flow
I can't control them anymore
I miss you. Where'd you go?

It must have been so long ago
though I cry like its today
but on the off chance I was wrong
I've written to you every day

I fear i've lost you to someone else
I watched them take their grip
on your arms and legs and neck and back
I saw your face but still...

I cry on like its just today
the memories had hit me once again
its like as if I'd forgotten them
and then remembered all over again

My insides ache when I think of the one
who stole you away from me
I saw him smile a devious smile
as he forced you away form me

But one day I will find you
my love will find you too
cause one day, I am sure of it
I'll be in Heaven just like you...
Dec 2012 · 393
How I feel.
Jordan Jones Dec 2012
This is how it feels to be tired
you want to do everything, but
at the same time
you feel like dying for Christ's sake.

This is how it feels to be awake
there's never a thing to do, but
at the same time
you feel like you're wasting the day

Don't we all wish for a happy medium?
Nov 2012 · 934
Jordan Jones Nov 2012
For the unworthy stands forgiveness
and judgment, impassable
for the weak stands pity
and the shame, substantial
for the sad stands comfort
and loneliness, impenetrable

for one, I don't supply
the type of emotion needed for such an arrangement
Oct 2012 · 604
Loud noise.
Jordan Jones Oct 2012
Add a reptant  beat to the ones that already exist
hang up your headphones and turn around
Why are you ignoring me?
Oct 2012 · 718
Jordan Jones Oct 2012
Oh, where did all the thoughts go?
seems like wind blew them away
Oh, where are all the people?
I had such faith in our race

But when we're slowly killing ourselves
we aren't really thinking so much, are we.

Some think...
the government is taking us down
Some say...
we've got our head in the clouds

Haha, oh well

I won't live in a world
where my thoughts will not be heard
and you know what?
right now?
I don't care.
Sep 2012 · 659
Jordan Jones Sep 2012
Oh! I don't really know.
a chorus of answers to a simple question
you know I wonder about myself right now
about sanity and all that...

how dull for me to be alone
I have other ideas...

the tenants inside of me all fight for a voice
the first me hopes to fit in
the first me always begins
number two is coming through
I don't know how she came in

she's cruel, you know

oh, how dull is your glazed stare
why look at me?
I'm only laughing at you

number three doesn't care
number three is always there
an empty smile is usually what I show
that occupies my space

while numbers one and two fight for peace within
Aug 2012 · 521
Jordan Jones Aug 2012
I sing oh oh oh oh ooh oh ooh
and these words that I don't say reach out to me
these sounds...
they reach me.
Not to say my soul.
but my core
my being
they reach me!

I can feel my eyes light up
and these melodies...
this voice....

everything that I'm feeling inside wants to poor out!
all these emotions that I keep locked up
the ones that I'm too scared to let go of
they come pushing against every wall
this music that someone else created
they become the catalyst for my own emotions
and I would like to thank each and every one of you
for putting these lovely beloved sounds together.

In the refrain i can here my past and future shatter as they meet
and in the chorus, my present resides
each verse is a will have, should have, am doing.

I think for myself
I become selfish
and what more can I say?

this trance
this veil
this thin sheet
this musty window
this partition
this wall that separates my reality from my thoughts
its agonizing

how I die for my imagination!

How I love my world when I listen to music.
Aug 2012 · 604
In the End
Jordan Jones Aug 2012
You know I think there's nothing left
nothing left when you have everything
you gave everything
and the high notes are the only things that ring clear through this darkness
leaving the bass to be dusted
the melody of the end has no rhythm*
These are the thoughts we think as we stand on the edge
of buildings
of sanity
of hearts
Lots of people think our life is leading to a greater end
but I know that in the end it won't really matter
we can say what we want
do what we want
as long as we are conscious of the time we have
or the quality of that time.
Now I am not a pessimistic person
even though my thoughts are dark at times
I try to live my life the way I feel is right
but its hard...
its hard when... you haven't done anything
if I died right now who would forget?
you all would
not to say I wish to die now.
I still have time to fill this empty space in my mind.
This space... void of experience.
Mar 2012 · 384
What about him?
Jordan Jones Mar 2012
What would you do...
if your only breath were taken away?
When everyone had prayed...
Surely God had more to say.
Mar 2012 · 3.0k
Kitsune Tails
Jordan Jones Mar 2012
dipped in fires of revenge
black as night and hung on edge
she calls out unto me

a wisp of smoke
and the fire pokes
now I see my soon to be

stars shine up from water, clear
silent noise is all we hear
she reaches for me desperately

over edge and pressed against
imaginary chain-link fence
but together we live separately

harrow here, yes, hurry here
be my darling kitsune, dear
*we'll be alone eventually
Mar 2012 · 540
To You.
Jordan Jones Mar 2012
Expressing myself to you...
is one of the hardest things for me to do
but even so, I'll try my best
you know...
...I've always admired you
and though I may not show it
I always have and always will.
In my eyes you are one of a kind
Someone who is incomparable.
And maybe perfect is unattainable...
but you are perfect to me.
I love you.
And I truly mean it.
Jan 2012 · 548
Insanity #1
Jordan Jones Jan 2012
I'm afraid I'm something I can't undo
I'm afraid of what I might do to you
its the simple things I don't get right
and when your gone I'll walk on by

what I want, I ask for only once
even though I just want it once
I say no and deny myself
because I want this for myself

read my mind and organize it as you go
you help me move when I'm stuck so slow
and if I bite you back...
never, never no(know) its not so!

I wanna tape over these cracks
and I really hate all these lil problems
as I quickly pace the floor
boy you... get out of my head!

I'm sorry I have problems
don't prove me wrong, I know my problems
I just really wanna be up
just.... really wanna be down
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
Run On
Jordan Jones Dec 2011
Dying with a 'y'
do you like my name
some things you never got to see
where the future takes you
know what I'm talking about
that, it isn't all
the way down
in the dark place
your hands on my arm
yourself and please defend
your self-
less is what you are
they trying to hurt us
innocent kids
always run on
that topic when
will you get that?
Dec 2011 · 965
Jordan Jones Dec 2011
your eyes, they shine
bright and warm
back into mine

an expression so smooth
but at the same, intense
I can't believe its you

your eyes are
Dec 2011 · 587
For Tears we Cry
Jordan Jones Dec 2011
listen to me
speak these words
hear me breathe
the pain that is yours
yes, your pain is on me
tide rolls up on grey shores
but the tears are all I see
standing on wood floors
but prison is where I be

a week without you
is a week without life
a week spent as two
is the peak; the height
even minutes with you
make me feel so light

all those people who pull
don't you wish you could shove?
just let your tears go
on the wings of a dove

cry for my eyes
and cry for my soul
cry for the one that you're dying to hold
up against your bare chest
to protect from the cold
and don't let them go
not for the end of the world

and don't let their heart slow
and make sure that they know
you'll do anything for their love
and their love, they will show
cause as far as they know
its the right way to go

and my love do you know?
is all I can give you
when all you want to do
is cry tears and you
don't know what to say
not even "its ok"

and its just not the day
or the way
and all you own is pain
and your heart is slain
and the thoughts won't drain
and you can't even complain

I'll be there to love you all the same

and when I can't help but cry
please stay by my side
please don't try to hide
please hold me tight
and tell me its alright

let me know you're there for me
show me what its like to be
loved more than possible, please

a tear stained page
I'm aware of my young age
but Love is all over this page
and its not like I'm filled with rage

Love has taken center stage
my heart is all over this page
and I really love
                       -this tear stained page
Dec 2011 · 553
Jordan Jones Dec 2011
blinded by the sight of life
caught up in its daily strife
where truth decays and bodies lay
and no one wants to save the day
no one wants to dare to say
that something must be done today
no one wants to change the way
we've lied and cheated
                                          - forgot to pay
and when i ask and wonder why
it always comes back to that same lie
the everything is fine and good
that everything is the way it should
that nothings wrong and your messed up
when they're the ones all ****** up
they're the ones who beat you down
and now we're scared to make a sound
and now we cry ourselves to sleep
next to bodies piled in one big heap

where's the love and all the compassion?
don't you know that you should take action?

extend a hand and help a friend
or maybe just stick until the end
prove to me you're more than cold
prove to us that you are bold
show the world you really care
write it down; its time to share
before you've fallen just too deep
so at night you can soundly sleep
Nov 2011 · 648
King David
Jordan Jones Nov 2011
He knows better than you do
He knows what you do
not to mention how to deal with it

He'll never admit He's wrong
He thinks He's just so strong
but hey! I can fix that

just soften up my voice
it leaves Him with no choice
yeah, He's putty in my hands

King David fell for me
as I'm sure you all can see
just call me Queen Julie
Nov 2011 · 854
Jordan Jones Nov 2011
at last its shown itself
brought together
our hands, they're held together
do you miss me?
like I miss you
I love you

all you've done for me
and I can't compare
sweet and slow
you brush aside my hair
kiss me, then you kiss me
Nov 2011 · 533
My Riches
Jordan Jones Nov 2011
they are jealous
of my riches
but there's something
that I'm missing
missing you
miss kissing you

not that far
but not right here

yeah, I have all that
but you...
your more than that

they are jealous
of my riches
but there's something
that I'm missing
you and me
live happily
and ever after

yeah, I have all that
but you...
just so much more
Nov 2011 · 706
Lit by Lamplight
Jordan Jones Nov 2011
I'll remember it
and you so sweet
so warm you kept me there
but now your gone
and I miss you

if someone said we're not perfect
they are just a lie
trying to bring us down from our spot on cloud nine
they don't know who we are
and aren't worth our time
stick with me and we'll be just fine

do you love me? I love you
they don't know me the way you do
sit with me, can you keep me warm?
I like you for who you are
and do you feel the same?
I believe you
and I love you, too

you and me
the memories play
a dream to make true
you know that I love you
Nov 2011 · 430
You Miss
Jordan Jones Nov 2011
they didn't hear
they didn't see
they don't care
don't bother me
if you don't want it
then neither do I
up, down, left, right,
where'd you go?
the finish is the start
its all the same but they don't care
I'm not them and they're not me
like Halloween
a world of masks
covering up everyones past
cause you felt the same
you felt it, too
you know it happened to you
like a spring you jump away
from anything to bring it back
you buried it deep
but its still the same
out of sight
but is it really out of mind?
are you really that ok?
your not fine
you don't want that sympathy
so you say your fine
time after time
and you believe your own lies
you try and try
to really be fine
cause those who care...
they care too much
don't complain
don't lay your problems on them
but time flies by
it seems so slow
but its gone before it comes

you miss the love
Oct 2011 · 402
Jordan Jones Oct 2011
I can't help myself
you make it hard
to stay away

you make it hard
to stay away
and be alone

to stay away
and be alone
kills me

I love you.
Sep 2011 · 2.2k
Jordan Jones Sep 2011
Always here and always there
little else that can compare
as if to say it is a ghost
would be saying more than most

stress oh stress oh stress galore
I just can't take it anymore

it breaks me down
it makes me cry
i feel the pain behind my eyes
all in all its all a lie

bright yet dim
it stays within
trapped inside our minds

never sees the light of day
oh what more can I say?

stress oh stress oh stress galore
I just can't take it anymore

— The End —