shifty-eyed sundays/summer smiles.
green backyards child-full,
meat eaters meat-eating,
bellies & throats conversation/food-filled.
young families flocking fawn-eyed to communion barbeques,
sweaty raspings/of feeding minds;
living-room, reading-room, lessons & phonics
shortwinded swindlings at tables of breakfast (equal portions)
systems of classifying,
lessons limping/near succeeding.
trekking inglorious [tired] track laps---round laps of track,
tried feet feet-walking
waking, taking rests.
@ intervals,
(splashes of time) clock/clock-time.
sleep, repose, health profits;
restless prophets. word-of-mouth.
strange tongues, th'creaking of breaths,
classical forebodings---brow beating, war breeding.
wrist flickings/blurred strokes
communicating---language speaking.
positive consensus
> press play.
un-buttoning buttons
soirée is overfinished, overture.
shirts come up/over/off---
bath's running---taps run-running,
clippings clipped from papers,
crashing/slicing blades of scissors,
television evening sign-off/lights off.
an elegy..
wrote this a few years back on the 1933 underwood, was playing around with a coupla things:
1) how much punctuation i could include in the piece without detracting from the flow and keeping the pace i desired,
and 2) trying to write a performance piece as suggested by good old Erin from the karma marketplace.
any thoughts? i'd love to hear 'em if you have a couple..