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3.6k · Nov 2013
Crayon Drawing
Jordan Fox Nov 2013
If only I was a crayon drawing
Where each smiling face looks the same
Where stick figures and three fingered hands
illicit the smiles of adults and adoration
of how beautiful the picture is
of how artistic the drawer is
Despite the fact that the people are purple
and everyone has a beautiful smile.

If only I was a crayon drawing.
With the sun always shining,
though I hover off of the blob of green grass
Though I am taller than the house beside me
At least I am happy
At least people tell me I look beautiful
though I am a blue colored person
and have no feet or hands.
At least the sun is always shining
at least I am happy.

If only I was a crayon drawing.
With no need to worry about how I look.
With my family in a line beside me,
clumsy names written above us, barely readable.
But then I would be tacked to a bulletin board.
Then i would be fawned over, Oh how sweet.
See, look at the smiles on their faces! Look how
happy they are! How cute, how adorable.
See how artistic, how true to life. See the smiles?

If only I was a crayon drawing,
I could never grow up.
666 · Dec 2013
Jordan Fox Dec 2013
My grandmother says
A pretty girl like you?
I bet you have thousands of suitors.
I look at her, laugh, and say:
Su itor?
Swe itor
Swea tor

And then I put on a sweater
Because I always seem to be cold.
663 · Oct 2013
Jordan Fox Oct 2013
I have seen it all.
The memories
The love and hate
I have such stories to tell
But no one sees me.
They look past me.
To the world. To someone else.
But I was there. They look through me.
They never see me.

So I am unimportant?
So I am unneeded, unwanted?
When I weather the fiercest of storms,
Lock out that world you see through me
When I listen to every muttered story
When there is no one else in the room
And the world you see through me
Does not hear
I hear you. Talking. Talking.
But never seeing.

I have been here. I am always here!
Why do you not see?
But I cannot shatter for attention
Whenever I am
Because I would always be broken
And no one would fix me
Because they all look through me
And never see me.

I am here.
585 · Mar 2014
Jordan Fox Mar 2014
A mask
a mask of pain
of happiness
Does it matter?
What mask is a mask
Does any person
truly know
what their face looks like
I see myself in the mirror
and slowly try
to peel away
my masks of the day
like wiping off dirt
or colored paint
but when I am done
stripped bare and raw
I realize that
all I have
is a blank slate
to draw more masks on
for tomorrow.
563 · Oct 2013
Jordan Fox Oct 2013
Once she went around the bend

On a road she did not know
Now as she looks back she sees
Crimes of passion she did not mean to commit
Earning the lie of life she must now except

Once she went around a corner

Opening a door that should have stayed locked
No one to tell her she was wrong
Coincidentally, everyone left
Everyone left when she went around the bend

Once she tried to come back

On that road that she had not known
Needing the ones she had left behind
Crying out against the sins she thought
Entirely necessary at the time

Once this girl came back

Fighting the person she had become
Opening her heart again because
Really it was all her fault
Giving such hate when all she needed was love
I knew this girl and I now say
Veering from the path most traveled is never safe
Earning back trust is the game we play.
487 · Jan 2014
I can't write
Jordan Fox Jan 2014
I can't write about love
Love is not for me
I have never felt it
Lies are all that I know
In my heart there is nothing suspicion
Little crushes that no one knows
I am too scared to try
Losing my pride is much worse
Instead of taking a chance
Love hurts, so they write and say
Is there any way for me to know?
Love is a battlefield, they tell me
I have never been drafted to fight
Lost and alone forevermore
Isn't is funny to see these words?
Loving and losing hurts, you tell me. Lots.
I don't think you know or remember
Languidly writing your poems of sadness:
If you've never loved at all
"Love" hurts even more.
434 · Oct 2013
Speak Up
Jordan Fox Oct 2013
Lower your head
Take a deep breath
Pretend not to see
The pain that is left.
Feel in your heart
The wrong that is done
But say not a word
Hide from the sun.
Try not to burn
In the evil you see
It cannot be helped
Or so they tell me.
Make not a change
Try to hide safe
Keep your head down
Yet these bonds chafe

I want to make change
I want to stand tall
But how to find strength?
Lift our voices before
425 · Nov 2013
Try Hard
Jordan Fox Nov 2013
The bird flutters gently against the window.
I want in. I want in.
It pecks its beak against the pane.
Let me in. Let me in.
Crumbs of bread scattered across the sill.
Why won't you let me in? Why? Why?

The bread brought it. And now the bird is ready.
The secret will be revealed. It is ready to say.
She is ready to say it.
So let me in. Let me in.
The pane will crack soon.  The crumbs consumed.
Let her in. Let her in.

In the end, the beak shatters.
In the end, the talons, tiny, are blunted.
In the end a bird is no match for the window.
Something so easy to break.
So strong against this bird.
It. It is done.
I am done.

The bird flies away.
420 · Nov 2013
Jordan Fox Nov 2013
I look up and I see
She stares back me
slightly surprised
to find a face, eyes
looking back at her.
She surprises me every time
I don't know what I expect
But what I see isn't what I want.

Sometimes I cannot help but stare.
Sometimes I think she is beautiful
The best, brightest girl ever.
But then I blink
and she goes back to being...

is not me.
She cares about people, things and
She cares about things. She
cares. And that is not me.
Sometimes I wish it was me.
Sometimes I want to jump into her skin
and be her for real,
be the face, or mask? that she has.
The perfect mask.

But then I blink and she goes back to being...

And then I walk away from the mirror.
393 · Dec 2013
Jordan Fox Dec 2013
Is that a face I see in the window?
or perhaps it is a Shadow
looking back at me
Words meant to worry
to make me move quicker
to do better
to be better
Because Shadows are closing in
Because the world is moving quicker
to do better
to be better.
The Shadow comes quickly, they say.
you must do better, be better
They Say.

But then it is another day.
The Shadow has closed in and
I look in a window and see
another Shadow waiting
as people say that it is coming
to think ahead
Do better
Be better
Because the world keeps turning
everyday is another Shadow
and we ask ourselves
have we done enough?
Done better?
Been better?
The Best...
361 · Oct 2013
Jordan Fox Oct 2013
In one breath I take in
what my body has not yet decided
to accept.
It is not air. It is life.
I need it just as I need air.
The breath of the world
so tangible on my tongue.

I need it.

But breathing does not help.
I can not absorb it,
as others can.
I have to feel it. Touch it.
But there is nothing to touch.


What's wrong? They ask.
Why are you so sad today?
I did not find my life today.
I could not breathe it in
and my touch slid off of its surface
like the air I do not need
over my cold, dead skin.
352 · Mar 2014
A Spark
Jordan Fox Mar 2014
Ten Thousand years
under the sun
under the sea
under the grime
of life

Yet I am not sunburned
I have not drowned
And though I am not pure
I am outwardly clean
Ten Thousand years is such a long time
You begin to lose yourself.
within the years, the time
Until who you were
What you were
is lost
buried in your heart
that has become a stone
Ten Thousand years of waiting

— The End —