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Mar 2013 · 576
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Peaked and parked atop a hill
taking in my sense's fill.
Below my feet pastures fantastic,
works of wonder, spirit magic.

Classic examinations
virtuous root of patience
scents of wind & grass & grain
muffled rustles, passing trains

Perhaps I'll hop a boxcar,
listen to the passing night.
Lay down in fields & watch stars
track paths, signs of Heaven's might.

Littlest bits bloom in silence
in fits & bursts, acts of violence.
Kisses, sums of love dispersed,
gusts of blood & bone & Earth
Jul 2012 · 1.5k
Damn Decency!
**** Decency! I want to live as an animal, marauding the savanna. 
To shade beneath the acacia and find excited peace only when and where the shadows hide. 
To feed from the tawny grasslands and rest in the hollows of concentric sienna and obsidian.
To procure the lay of the land through deliberate exploration.
To find solace in the peach hillsides that languidly lean into vermillion valleys.
To discover that there is no edge of the world, only beautiful quirks and catenaries where the beginning is the end.
To drink from time, the cool blue stream it is, and truly taste the flux of kinetic molecules.
To prey on moments and capture them with a swift strike of the paw of perception.
To roam.
To be.

— The End —