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Oct 2013 · 565
The Return
Jordan Alexander Oct 2013
Thought I left.
No sounds were heard
you heard the cricket
but not the bird
Was I gone so long?
did you miss me my dear?
I think you did, love.
(that's what i hear ;)

The road won't be easy
walking once more
perhaps some music therapy
could put my feet on the floor

Maybe it's lost
a penny in the wood
you think you could find it?
(I bet that you could ;)

There's only one G-d and one woman in my life
inspire compose my savior (my w-fe? ;)

Can't promise I'll stay any longer than before
But what I can say is, I'm walking once more.

(p.s. the last boat I boarded sorta sprung leaks and sank. but it's all been sorted, and there is an incredibly pretty girl out there to thank ;)
Nov 2010 · 2.5k
Like A Feather
Jordan Alexander Nov 2010
Take my saxophone
Take my piano
Take my guitar
Take my mandolin
Take my washboard
Take my harmonica
Take my sunglasses
Take my hairbrush
Take my Bible
Take my clothes
Take my trophies
Take my baton
Take my ballet shoes
Take my cane
Take my sword
Take my monkey
Take my collections
Take my cat
Take my house
Take my memories
Take my plans
My, that was a heavy load.
I feel so light.
Jordan Alexander Nov 2010
You can try to dodge the raindrops.
If evasion is your intent, then dive right in.
I won’t stop you,
but I will tell you.
Each raindrop you try to avoid
finds its own special way of dampening your mood.
That is, if you try to dodge the raindrops.

You can try to true the lies
If truth is you intent, then speak it.
I won’t stop you,
but I will tell you.
Each lie you try to true finds its own special way of satisfying truths.
That is, if you try to true the lies.

You can try to touch the rainbow..
If feeling is your intent, then reach out.
I won’t stop you,
but I will tell you.
Each rainbow you try to touch
finds its own special way of keeping you on the move
That is, if you try to touch the rainbow.
Nov 2010 · 602
Oh the Things I can Do
Jordan Alexander Nov 2010
I can take a great moment and tear it to shreds.

I can consume an opportunity not even knowing it was there.

I can dwell on a problem mindfully for days and make the wrong decision.

I try to write something happy and I turn it upside down.

I try to write a memoir and I write a poem.
Nov 2010 · 629
The Great Escape
Jordan Alexander Nov 2010
Expectations and accusations
can fall away
every time I play.
this time, you can sit still
and observe the sound of my thought.
Whether you come through or not
have it or don’t
I imagine we all have our moment.
You can only take it.
That’s the choice.
Nov 2010 · 578
Dylan and I
Jordan Alexander Nov 2010
I only say what I want you to know
or think.
I am only as truthful as I find fit
or allow
You don’t know me Outside and In.
I’m an Actor, a Deceiver.
I’ll turn you up, down and up again.
Sep 2010 · 697
It's not me, it's you
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
Whether you know what it means or not, you do it
Whether you see it or not, it's there
Whether you leave or not, it stays
Whether you wake up or not, it happens
Whether you make the time or not, it does
Whether you feel it or not, it's touching

Whether you know what it means
Whether you see it
Whether you leave
Whether you wake up
Whether you make the time
Whether you feel it or not

I love you.
Sep 2010 · 2.2k
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
is just another word for control freak.
But let me back up.

Who decided that things are FTW?
**** competition.
I apologize for line 4, but I wanted to make sure you know
I’m being serious.

Winning is meaningless.
The one thing the Arts had going for them
is gone.
It’s all about being the best
and it’s devastating G-d.

When I play my saxophone
at the right time with right mind
I swear John Coltrane
couldn’t recreate that.

When I write a poem
about truth or of it
I swear ee cummings couldn’t
have written it.

Expression is all that really matters,
but only to me.
The world doesn’t accept it, so
it doesn’t accept me.

That’s just the way it is.
I’m not concerned with success.
I’m not like all the rest.
I am happy and blessed.

Does my mind deceit me?
We’ll see
When I face Judge
Sep 2010 · 553
I, She, He, You
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
You could be her.
I could be him.
You could be I
and I could be him.
You could be him
and I would be I.
You could be you
and I could be her
and you could be I
and I could be you
And him could be her
and her could be him.
Her could be I.
I would be her
you would be you
and him could be him.
Him could be me
while I is you
and her is her.
Him could be her
and you would be I.
I would be you
and her him again.
But you are you.
He is he.
She is she.
and I am I
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
You rent out my hand
and abduct my mouth
to force me to speak
I will oppose
You intoxicate my legs
and hide away my feet
while returning my debt
and ***** me
just so I may speak
I oppose
You embrace me in a tea room
send me grape juice
and give me a sentence
only for me to speak
I am opposing
You amputate my brain
so I may admit to my thought
And play me a tape which is outgoing
So I might decide to say
of my needles
and say so speaking
I still oppose
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
The night is young
and I am fallen
the day is bright
I wait for night

I see you and I forget
You leave me and I know
Did you know I think you are beautiful?
My feelings I can not show.

My troubles escape me
when you are around,
but my thoughts consume me.
To them I am bound.

Know it is not you
who scares me away.
It is not the truth,
that I wish to delay
Sep 2010 · 630
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
My emotions fade and I drift
The road is made for those able.
I am not as swift as when I was stable.

Dead end headed.
The thing that I dreaded.

The words mean nothing.
The flame has died.
I’m looking for something.
I end up stuck inside.

Dead end headed.
The thing that I dreaded.

Flowers of beauty don’t become less
and people are just as special.
it is I that has become a mess
lost in a wood artificial.

The past provides sadness, the present offers work,
the future gives hope.

But is hope a tool for success
or is it just a fools trait?
Pray and wait.
The answer will glow.
Sep 2010 · 613
Too Slow
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
That’s what they say they say,
too slow.
That’s what I see,
too slow.
That’s what I am,
too slow.
I wish I could take things in,
too slow.
I let things pass unnoticed,
too slow.
they say that’s just the trouble.
My people are building,
too slow.
My people are dieing,
too slow.
Kindness and justice come,
too slow.
Forgiveness outdoes sin,
too slow.
I say my part too slow,
too slow.
And I make my decisions,
too slow.
That’s what they say they say,
too slow.
Based on a Nina Simone song titled "Mississippi *******"
Sep 2010 · 578
A poem
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
o for you my brother whose ills are the same
I’ll get off this wheel as it spins
Round and round

I may not succeed; I may just fall down,
But if our lives move in a circular path
recall the things you learned in geometry and math.
A circle has no beginning and A circle has no end
So do not fret my G-d sent friend
for I never began and I cannot end.
If I shall fall, I’m just leaving the world
as one day will you, you can be assured.
If it’s written in His book, and it’s as should be
then try to stay ground, try not to flee.
So if I fall down and if I’m to die
Please brother don’t frown, please brother don’t cry.
Sep 2010 · 530
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
The world around me is darkening
and I feel it’s drag, for it is contagious.
But I keep myself from getting down,
for you have asked me to write something cheerful.

Catch me in the mood, and I shall write something new.
Something splendid.
And you are right my pretty friend,
I ought to express the joy I have found.
I should smile more.

Look at you!
You are marvelous
and I know you.
That is my joy.

I have learned the way of sounds
and praise the lord with these ways.
That is my joy.

Not only has He made food sustaining,
but He has made it magnificent
in color and flavor.
That is my joy.

Open your eyes!
In all of creation is love,
it is everywhere.
The trees, the sky and you are all beautiful,
and I have held these things in my gaze.
That is my joy.

OH my pretty friend,
you are right!
I should write something joyful.
I should smile more.  :)
Sep 2010 · 583
Love and Time
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
A love for time.
There’s no time for love.
No time for time.
No love for love.
Love the time.
Time the love.
Not bound to time
To which time is bound.
Not bound to love
To which love is bound.
Love is time
Time has to love.
Time be time.
Love be love.
Love is in time.
Time is in love .
It is the time of times.
The love of all loves.
Time and love run round and round.
Love and time are never bound.
To you.
Sep 2010 · 419
Attempt to Explain
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
If you could look inside of me,

Perhaps you would cry.

Or perhaps you would laugh.

I try not to make a habit of either.

I just look the other way.
Sep 2010 · 3.3k
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
I am safe behind my sunglass
Their shine hides my eyes, which reveals much of myself.
And I wear my sunglass in the darkness
I wear my sunglass where I please.
Nothing can touch me
Because I am safely hidden behind my sunglass

If I renewed my shades
When I entered through the door
Then I would be predictable.
I be who I want to be
Safely hidden behind my sunglass.

I am a magician
I am a Dylan
I am who I want to be
Safely hidden behind my sunglass

I can see everything and yet remain unseen
I don’t need to worry
For I am safely hidden behind my sunglass

Like everything they are more than what they are
Unlike myself, they are my fearless shield.

And I shall remain safely hidden behind my sunglass.
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
Out in the Ocean
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
There’s nothing to hold on to
out in the ocean.
There’s nothing to see
out in the ocean
but the ocean.
And all of the water in the ocean
can not quench your thirst.
And the miles of it
make escape futile.
It was only but a
matter of time before
I drowned.
But I saw the sunset
spread on the horizon and die like a flame
out in the ocean.
So if you are ever
out in the ocean,
wait until sunset.
It is like nothing
you have seen before.
There’s nothing to hold on to
out in the ocean.
There’s nothing to see
out in the ocean.
There I drowned,
out in the ocean.
But there I saw the sunset.
And let me make it very clear,
I would not trade that moment
for anything.
Oh, how I wish I could go back,
out in the ocean.
Sep 2010 · 468
The Difference
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
Where is the battle, the sword and the shield?
Where is the power you wield?
Where are the flames to scorch the deceiver?
The great throne that awaits the believer?

When will you bask in your glory,
admit to your magnificence,]
and indulge yourself with reward?
When will you shine on every shore,
And brag of your innocence?

Smite us with brimstone
Leave us alone
Rule with your fist
How can you resist?

Love is not a tool for war,
so what is it for?
Why do you keep it always?
Where are your warrior ways?

The fight is unseen,
but your grace is not subtle.
You are the lover
of unloveable.
Sep 2010 · 769
In Time
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
I will walk
And I will not turn
I will not speak.
I will walk

and the world will know
what I am about
because I walk

My mind will have it's troubles
My heart will shatter
and my muscles will be strained
But I will walk on
as I did when I was young
And the world will learn with their eyes
and I will teach.
I will walk.

It's not about me.
I may not even believe
but I will walk.
And bit by bit
they will talk
about how I walk.
The will murmur to themselves
and I will know how they murmur.
And I will walk.
I will walk to the sound
of the murmurs
ignoring the roaring pain
of my mind
and slowly
bit by bit I will be.
I will walk.
And then I will fly.

They will walk around their houses
their streets
their parks
imitating my image
and slowly bit by bit
they will walk.
Their imitations will become their walk
They will walk.

And when I fly away
they will walk.
And slowly
bit by bit
they will be.
And then they will fly.

And then it's perfect
Sep 2010 · 479
Point of View
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
I’m on everybody’s side
but no one’s on mine.
I give
while everyone takes.
I weep with those weeping
but everyone’s rejoicing.
I rejoice with those rejoicing
but everyone’s weeping.
I listen while
everyone speaks.
I speak
to walls.
I sing
to trees
because they know how it feels
to be unheard
Sep 2010 · 892
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
There are a lot of sticks to pick up.
Many things to explain and discuss.
A lot of words yet to be said.
Feelings unexpressed.
A lot to take in.
Even more to keep locked up inside.
But let us enjoy today.
Sep 2010 · 461
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
Trouble and shame fall like rain
on those who strain to fight the pain
but those who remain do not but gain
respect from all of those that are sane
which in the main is seen as a good thing
but they that are lame get none of the fame
do not have anything to claim
yet do not obtain or yet refrain
the hope that they might walk again
that a single grain can feed the same
as a three course meal made
by an all powerful masters maid
with debts all paid
cause one was slain
every man woman and child
blessed be his name
is was and will be saved.
Sep 2010 · 660
I've had enough
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
That’s it. Once you start adding rules to art
You just start ******* me off.
I thought poetry was about writing what I feel.
It’s good because I say it’s good.
I didn’t write my poem for people like you,
So don’t tell me you don’t like it.
It wasn’t meant for you in the first place.

I like music, but you’re ruining it for me.
If I like the sound I’m making,
Why should I give a **** about posture?
You’re ******* me off again.
See what I mean?
I write what I think.
No symbolism, no metaphor,
Just thought.
****’s are no fun
so stop being one.

Why should your talent give you authority?
You clearly don’t deserve the responsibility.
Your insanity is keeping me awake.
I can’t discuss this anymore,
I’m exhausted.
I’m going to bed
I’ve turned off the light

Good Night!
I prefer to listen, read, and look at art with my heart, not my mind.
Sep 2010 · 619
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
He sat and he waited until he had faded.
He lived in a family of six,
five of which
were successful in all their endeavors.
The sixth one wasn’t so clever.

So he thought he would automatically be the same
as his three wondrous brothers that lived without shame,
but sooner than soon, he found he was not
and like a balloon bound by fate to pop,
he realized his life was a million to one shot.

So he thought about ways to spite his history
but nothing he conjured ended up happily.
He thought about this and thought about that,
he couldn’t think standing, so sighing he sat.

Woe! How cruel can this world be!
What’s in a life if you can not be free?
There is no shame in a rich life that’s poor,
but there is something to be said about a king that asks for more.
I am neither the poor nor the king.
I’m just another poet slowly dying.

I’m sad, no direction, and tied in a knot.
Blind and insensitive, stuck between tick and tock.
One hundred percent there, yet I’m already gone.
I’m close to the edge, which I be a-strollin’ along.
I believe in you, in Him, and even in me,
I’m not a fighter, you’re not there, and He is a mystery.

Sure I love to sing, to play and to dance,
but it’s to imagine ever getting the chance.
The way I feel is that I can not be
whatever I wasn’t yet, I know the absurdity.

When will you love me, and say it’s okay?
When will you say it’s over and take the pain?
I’m sitting here patient deciding what’s fair,
I’ve been waiting for no one but you, and you’re not there.

I take great pride in people around me
though I know I did nothing
but watch them impress magnificently.
I comfort myself, that you soon will come,
but my hope’s running thin
yet I’ll never be done

Hit me one time!
Hit me again!
I won’t stop standing,
I’m addicted to pain.

Addicted to life
Addicted to you
Addicted to knife
Addicted to truth

So I say I’m standing neutrally, not a single intent.
Can’t you see the subtle serenity? Speak not of he sent.

I can’t say what I mean.
I get in my way.
My senses are not keen
and I wait for the day.

The day! Bright day! Joyous day!
He IS coming, and he’s coming to stay
I’m not naïve
This is what I believe.

here for a reason uncertain, a reason well hidden,
I wonder but I do not doubt him.
That is treason.
That is forbidden.

Music, a wondrous thing, perfect in its true form
sails me through the lightning, the darkness, the storm.
Do not belittle the storm for it is meant to terrify.
Do not riddle the snake for it is meant to deceive,
Not to clarify.

Where are the lonely?
Let them come in.
Where are the evildoers?
Forgive them their sin.

I am young, simple and fragile.
I am not strong, I am simply agile.

So yes I’m confused, but I know my fate.
How will I get there?
I sit here and wait.
This is me.
Sep 2010 · 4.8k
Bad Timing/I Love You
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
I want to be a good person
for you.
I want you to look at me
how I look at you
without feeling the pain.
When we finish a conversation
I want you to smile at me
and say
“We must do this again sometime”
And I want to do it again.
I want to leave and show up again
and hug you every time.
I want to look into your eyes
and not blink.
I think I love you.
True, it is possible you are
like all the rest, and that I will
forget you and move on.
It is possible, that I am just
going through the motion of loving you.
I don’t think so though.
I think you are special.
I think that when you smile,
G-d remembers why He loves the human race.
You are the most beautiful girl
I have ever seen,
You always will be.
If only this love was
without pain.
If only you could stay,
or maybe I could go with you.
I think we would be good together.
I think you make me
truly happy, and that I
can cheer you up too.
I want to spend a day
with you.
And talk.
About anything. Everything.
You are beautiful inside and out.
It kills me when you walk by.
I know you don’t look at me
like that. It’s okay though.
It’s just, well, I think
if you thought about it
you could see us together too.
You inspire me,
but you are unavailable to me,
So that inspiration only goes so far.
And not far enough.
I love you.
It hurts me.
I even met your family
and I think they’re great.
Why are you leaving?
I can’t believe this.
My parents like you too.
I know they would.
How can’t they. You’re perfect.
I’m trying to imagine
meeting someone I’d
be with, but I can’t.
Because of you.
Because of your kindness.
Your long lovely hair.
Your unimaginable smile.
Your wit and mind.
Your laugh and your humor.
It’s all beautiful.
Everything about you makes
me hurt when I don’t
tell you “I love you”.
But I know my place.
And that’s weird.
It’s not the time or place,
or maybe even the person,
but our friendship is good
and I wouldn’t trade it for
the world. Perhaps I
will tell you some day.
You are so wondrous.
I apologize that my vocabulary
is small, and I can not
do justice to you.
Perhaps I will write a song,
maybe I can tell you like that.
But words come too fast
and have too much possibility
for miscommunication and error.
I love you.
So much.
I’m out of place.
That’s why I won’t say it.
So I’ll keep it on this paper.
If only things were different.
I swear it bugs the hell out of me
that things can’t be different.
I knew a pretty girl, and I still know her. I hope to know her in the future.

— The End —