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Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Jordan Feb 2013
Sway atop a lofty tree
I gaze upon the open sea
The north wind casts me from my mast
Into the Ocean, blue and vast
I Swim for miles, swim for days!
break a seahorse, learn his ways
He takes me to the blue abyss
and swaps for truth, what I held myth
The moon peers through the salty swells
it charms me more than I can tell
I leave behind me ebb and flow
Celestial bodies call me home
To great adventures, still unknown
Above, Beyond, Alone
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
Jordan Dec 2011
Toothless, witless men. Dancing in the shifting sands.

Rising up to **** the Man, to take a stand.

West vs. Eastern clans, fighting for each others land.

Signing deeds in guiltless blood, shed by greedy hands.

Don't let them see, they won't understand.

Don't let them look at your weak left hand.
Dec 2011 · 996
Jordan Dec 2011
Lone whales, clinging to the edge of the ocean

As they fall, their tears become pearls,

feeding the clams and making the oysters jealous.

The winds become waves of apathy

agonizing and obscure as life itself.

Resentment drives sailors to scurvy,

they are plundering their own souls!

And as the tides rise with the moon,

time turns back on itself, and we are free.

Potent with ideas of how to exist,

but to whom do we belong?

— The End —