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794 · Dec 2014
The beginning
Jonny Mayle Dec 2014
Wasted youth stagnated years
Eating away subconscious fears
Broken spirit, minds aloof
Ignorance can't hide the truth

Anxious of loss, alone without light
Chronic wanking took his sight
Arise kindred spirits he found the gap
A Painful exit a misplaced map

Behind his ear lay a match
He struck some light and dropped his stash
Tunnel vision show no remorse
No longer could he stoke the corpse

We will not speak of her again
The apprehensive road began
A twilight spark caught his phone
But he was yet to hear her tone

Captivated by her curse
Anticipates her soulful verse
A stranger unveiled his hidden might
To extract the mind and regain sight
Sent from my iPhone
549 · Dec 2014
Jonny Mayle Dec 2014
Hashtag pow, shot down with ease
Legs spring up Hes on his knees
A quick ko jumps off the floor
Auto pilot needs some more

Can't avoid with feints and blocks
Sucker punched he lost his socks
Floats like a peacock, waves like the sea
He can't sidestep what he can't see

Brains confused, oh my daze
Perplexing head  shot in a maze
No White towel he's conscious still
Been struck before he knows the deal

Experience will hide the pain
Gamblers will earn their gain
A short sharp shock, hit with bricks
My once a week goldie fix

Sent from my iPhone

— The End —