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Apr 2017 · 233
Jonathan welch Apr 2017
Take the bottle to the face
To forget about yesterday
Take the bottle to the face
To remember how it used to be
Remember when I was happy?
Of course you do
Because the only time I was happy
Was being with you
I get it we all move on eventually
But why'd you leave so soon
I wanted a life with you
Now there's not much for me to do
Because you've moved on
And all that's left for me is
To take the bottle to the face
And hope for someone to fill your space
May 2015 · 593
Invisible tears
Jonathan welch May 2015
Faking a smile is what I do
Feeling alone is nothing new
I don't want people to know
Don't want them to fear
That's why I shed invisible tears
Being lost is the way I am
Feeling scared
Is the only thing I can
Miss when my life was full of cheers
Now I'm just full of invisible tears
Why is it fair to be judged?
Why is it fair to be criticized?
Why is it fair to live in fear?
I just want to live alone
With no one near
So that I can feel safe
Shedding these invisible tears
Apr 2015 · 319
When I think about you
Jonathan welch Apr 2015
When I think about you
I never know what to do
The feelings I have
Help overcome my sorrows
When I see you
I fall for you more and more
It's like I've known you my whole life
The connection grows
The feelings show
And I fall for you more everyday
I just want you to know
I'll love you with all my heart
And never let you go
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Me Without You
Jonathan welch Apr 2015
Me without you
Is like someone lost
And doesn't know what to do
Me without you
Is a heart break just waiting to happen
Me without us
Is like a lost child trying to find home
So what I'm trying to say is
Without you I'd be lost
I'd be confused
I wouldn't be the same
You changed me for the good
And I'm gonna try my best
To keep you around
Because yes it's true
I fell for you
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Why do we care?
Jonathan welch Apr 2015
Why do people lead us on
Why do we think they care
One thing you learn
Is that no one ever cares
Even the person you love the most
Is the one that's the first to leave
You could give them your heart
Even wear it on your sleeve
they'll still take advantage and leave
Since when is it fun to be alone
But its the safest for our well being
So why do people lead us on
Why do we think they care
Because they played us
And its just not fair...
Jan 2015 · 524
You and me
Jonathan welch Jan 2015
Without you I'm not myself
Without you I can't think
Thinking about you
Leaves me speechless
I can't  even describe
How much you mean to me
One day you will see
Eventually it'll just be you and me
And I'll make you happy as can be
Cause without you I can't think
And without you I'm nothing
Jan 2015 · 270
Jonathan welch Jan 2015
The things I think about
When I'm alone
Are the things
You read in a scary book
The things you're
Terrified to think about
Are the things
I face everyday
I force myself to stay
But my mind is telling me to go
To end myself to make it
Easier on you
Youll be happy I'm gone
But I can't give in
And I can't be done
I have to fight for my friends
I have to fight for my family
I can't give in to the voices
Because the voices will end
And being strong
Will decide if I'm still alive
When they're done and gone.
Jan 2015 · 823
why are you gone?
Jonathan welch Jan 2015
According to the believers
God had a reason
A reason to take you
But why you?
You were only 14
Since you've passed
I've done nothing but cry
But I know you're happy
Dancing in the sky
But you should be here
Watching after your brother and sister
You should be here
Making us laugh like usual
But you're not
And I have to deal with it
But I shouldn't be mourning
My 14 year old cousin
You had so much life ahead of you
So many more jokes
And so many laughs
But I'll never hear them again
Because you were taken
And now I'll never see my baby cousin again.....
Aug 2013 · 395
Why me?
Jonathan welch Aug 2013
Why can't I see
Why can't I be
All I want is to be happy
But not for me
My thoughts tell me to be done
But my heart says
Your love can't be gone
That's why I try
Try to make it through another day
I don't want another girl in my life
I want you
And there's not more I can say
Besides I wish you loved me too....
Aug 2013 · 483
Jonathan welch Aug 2013
Why won't they go away
I think about them everyday
The way you looked at me
Or the way we messed around
Man I can't forget those memories
Everyone tells me to move on
But I still can't believe your gone
You were my everything
Now I'm nothing
I can't think straight
For gods sake
Why can't you miss me
And all of our memories
Jul 2013 · 562
Jonathan welch Jul 2013
Depression is something to fight
You never know if you'll win
Or be looking in the light
Because depression is one big fight
Your head will spin
You'll hear the voices forcing you to sin
The demons inside you will take control
Because they'll happily take your soul
I'm the type not to acknowledge
But the thoughts will take you over the edge
Depression is One big fight
When will I win
And never face the light..
Jul 2013 · 876
My life's a mess
Jonathan welch Jul 2013
My life's a Mess
She's not the reason
For all this stress
I don't know what to do
Cause I always think about you
But that doesn't matter
Cause I'm alone
You left me in this world
To fight on my own
My life's full of thoughts
Thoughts that kids are scared of
Thoughts that make me feel like I'm alone..
But I'll always be alone
Cause I suffer from depression
And no ones gonna know....
Jul 2013 · 424
Noone knows
Jonathan welch Jul 2013
Maybe I should go
Noone cares
Noone knows
What I think about
When I'm all alone
My life's a mess
All this stress
Makes me cry
But I ask why
Why am I the one
Who's all alone
Cause no one cares
And noone knows...
Jun 2013 · 341
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
I write poetry
To get me through the day
The type of emotion
Leaves me speechless
With nothing to say
I write poetry
Hoping you will see
I wish we were together
Just you and me
Your the love of my life
The love I had for you
Was so strong
I didn't know what to do
Now that your gone
I know what I could have done
I could have spent more time
Making sure you know
That Ill always
Love you...
Jun 2013 · 407
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Yeah I'm doing better
At realizing the truth
That you never
Want to be together
But I don't know
What I did wrong
You were my everything
And that's all gone
I want you back
Cause this is all wrong
You should be here
You should be mine
I miss you
And I'm sorry
I'm just wasting your time...
Jun 2013 · 291
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
How could I
Ever forget you
Your the one who stole my heart
Your the one who tore it apart
But I don't care how torn I am
You'll always be
The girl I fell in love with
The girl who I just want to hold
But this feeling I have for you
Is just to much for me to handle
I just want you to read this
And I want you to think
About the times we had
Even though some were bad
Just remember
Your the best I ever had...
Jun 2013 · 469
I hope
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
I hope you see this
I hope you miss me
Like the way I miss you
I wish we could be happy
Just me and you
So I hope you see this
And how much much you mean to me
I hope you text me
Just wanting to talk
I wish I could hear I love you
Come out of your mouth again
I wake up everyday
Just wanting you in my arms
I go to sleep every night
Just hoping you would want me there
But the 28th isn't the same
Now when I think of it
my head goes down in shame
Because I lost the only thing that made me happy
And I'm the one to blame..
Jun 2013 · 328
Love you
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
I miss you
I wish this all wasn't true
We haven't talked
In a week or two
But your happy
And there's not much more
That I can do
But just remember
I do and always will
Love you....
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
I wish you cared
I'm sorry that I was to scared
To tell you how I feel
Yeah I was jealous
But I never thought it was true
The way you said nothing could come in between me and you
But that was wrong
And now your gone
To live happy  with someone else...
Jun 2013 · 411
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Poetry to me
Helps me get out and see
Just how much these thoughts
Won't let me be
It helps me realize
How much you weren't by my side
Those memories will never be erased
The times I spent staring at your eyes
Or the time I couldn't stop smiling
Yeah that's because of you
But the one thing I'd go a thousand miles for
Is Just to see your smile
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Heartbroken people need love
We need to know what we did wrong
Why you left us there
Why you seem not to care
Am I the one to blame
For always feeling
Depressed and ashame
But one thing we want you to know
Well always care and never let you go
Jun 2013 · 463
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
We were supposed to last forever
Just me and you together
But things have changed
And your on your way
To live a life full of happiness
But for me
It was always meant to be
To live heartbroken and alone
For all eternity
Jun 2013 · 602
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Love is just another word
Said by millions in this cold dark world
Couples dance to lovable songs
With every thought that nothin could go wrong
Heartbroken  people suffer
But these dark days make us tougher
Make us stronger
Love is just another thing that makes life longer
Love is just another thing keeping us from reality
We will never know when
This war with love
Will ever end..
Jun 2013 · 526
No more us
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
There's no more you
There's no more me
There's no more us
and what we used to be
I wish you could see
Just how much you mean to me
So love me yes
Or love me no
I never wanted to let you go

— The End —