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Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Poetry to me
Helps me get out and see
Just how much these thoughts
Won't let me be
It helps me realize
How much you weren't by my side
Those memories will never be erased
The times I spent staring at your eyes
Or the time I couldn't stop smiling
Yeah that's because of you
But the one thing I'd go a thousand miles for
Is Just to see your smile
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Heartbroken people need love
We need to know what we did wrong
Why you left us there
Why you seem not to care
Am I the one to blame
For always feeling
Depressed and ashame
But one thing we want you to know
Well always care and never let you go
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
We were supposed to last forever
Just me and you together
But things have changed
And your on your way
To live a life full of happiness
But for me
It was always meant to be
To live heartbroken and alone
For all eternity
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
Love is just another word
Said by millions in this cold dark world
Couples dance to lovable songs
With every thought that nothin could go wrong
Heartbroken  people suffer
But these dark days make us tougher
Make us stronger
Love is just another thing that makes life longer
Love is just another thing keeping us from reality
We will never know when
This war with love
Will ever end..
Jonathan welch Jun 2013
There's no more you
There's no more me
There's no more us
and what we used to be
I wish you could see
Just how much you mean to me
So love me yes
Or love me no
I never wanted to let you go

— The End —