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513 · Jun 2010
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
So you tried to get it done,
Strengthening your resources,
Your funds,
Your needs,
Clear as day you go,
But don't see,
As billows of smoke swallow,
The buildings,
Lead by a fiery wake,
So many plots and none to take,
Never had a chance,
Did too little,
Now too late,
Those who did,
Are gunned down on this laid grid,
Boxed in all along,
The cleansing didn't take too long...
507 · Jun 2010
The Same Shit
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Crap we buy,
**** we sell,
To get by,
What the point,
Don't ask why,
These actions adjoin,
Together a lie,
Collaborated by few,
Believed by many,
All is true,
To those blind,
How it happens,
Seems surreal sublime,
A fictional story,
With no hero,
But the glory,
Satisfaction is there,
Is a shame,
None can hear,
The screams everywhere,
Flooding the streets,
With no prayer,
Ever being heard,
On deaf ears,
Most outstandingly absurd,
Is their mind,
To really seeing,
The thin line,
Of quality equality,
Life of peace,
Not of brutality
499 · Jun 2010
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Sticking finger in air,
As if number one,
But just sampling air,
Flow seems to run,
Causes a chill down,
The back of the skull,
Feeling lost of control,
Limbs all starting to fail,
Body is locked in jail,
Waiting to get out,
Wanting to flip out,
Of this state,
I've grown to hate,
But need to recuperate,
Quit standing to anticipate,
Power of freedom,
That doesn't exist,
Need to free them,
Before they persist,
To stay like an unwelcome guest,
That can't be rid of,
Time to quest,
And request control of,
Limbs that are lacking,
Feeling of exertion,
Air and blood smacking,
Into each others station,
To start a war,
Movement of limbs,
Back to tour,
Need to trim,
Into a easy moving flow,
Hurry up it's time to go
491 · Jun 2010
Find Yourself
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
How was your day,
Did it go smooth for you,
Or did you have a bumpy wave,
Did you keep it honest and true,
For yourself presenting to others,
Or did you lie and pry through,
The day trying to smother,
The irrational fear you burrow,
Let it all out and clear,
Your lungs full of toxic words,
Because holding them dear,
Will not let you move onward,
With who you really are,
Open your mouth,
See how far,
You can really amount
479 · Jun 2010
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Wake up breathing,
Heavy, Deprived, Chemicals,
Mixing the cocktail,
Harder, Then I remember,
Once was free for you & me,
Now 4 parts carbon,
Is how they like to mix the drink,
Po-is-in me,
How can living good,
Be good to do,
When clearly only select few can do,
Regardless po-is-in us,
We'll be back to the same,
Don't say we're to blame,
Cause clearly you'd already do the shame
474 · Jun 2010
Death From Above
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Came running and saw the blood,
Head was down,
Looks like it's been done,
Don't stand so close,
Or you'll be the roast,
Of disease ending up on your knees,
Gasping for air,
Be better if in a instant,
Even that takes time,
It's ok it'll soon be the end of mankind,
Spreading like butter,
Clogging all,
This is the worst thing since puke on your bedroom wall,
So time to run & hide and watch those die,
While the ones are watching from the sky...
472 · Jun 2010
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Globs of red and stains crusted,
Eyes removed and now is trusted,
To lend a hand for fellow man,
Always the intention a thought well planned,
Accepted by few, Denied by many
Those with eyes are those who see funny,
By the hands that feed,
Are the ones who lead,
The lemmings to a familiar sound,
That is them plummeting to the ground,
That is the ocean they hear,
It's ok everyone have no fear.
467 · Jun 2010
Really Ever Real
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I fell in love with a girl,
I fell in love with a women,
Both seemed real,
But lied woven,
Secrets of past,
Secrets of future,
Making moments not last,
In result lies torture,
For one to be close,
To the one who wants too,
Impressions that impose,
Will succumb and do,
More damage than calculated,
One day realizing the answer,
By then situation was elevated,
Should've just went dreaming,
But that's where I've seen it,
My mind attending a meeting,
Of moments to make one sick,
It was dream of something,
Yet to exist,
In the room coming,
  To actually to subsist,
In this reality how could this,
A premonition now in my dream,
Show how clear and crisp,
What was to happen while I dreamed,
It showed familiar faces,
Furniture set up,
Colors and spaces,
Showed me waking up,
I'll not go into detail,
I'm now awake,
Alert and in a heighten state to feel,
Most people are just fake
463 · Jun 2010
Fake Society
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Great to see,
To Be,
To breathe,
The silence that accompanies,
You and me,
Let us smack each other,
With the branch of trees,
And dismantle the rest,
Apparently we don't need,
To increase the value of home,
Because natures needs to be left alone,
To stand for itself,
Defenseless as home,
If left alone,
It does not speak,
Unless properly equipped,
With more entirely pointless shh,
It seems to listen,
As we walk through it,
Just another sound not to check,
Just ignore and forget,
Provide and forget,
Is what it did for us,
No provide is what it did for us,
But was replaced with in dog we trust,
Something incorporated and not really needed,
Like the home not really needed,
Ironic **** it's family and make it live with it,
Only inches away,
This is how we treat it
462 · Jun 2010
I don't know
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I feel everyday is mine,
That everyday is divine,
But reality sets in place,
Making me realize what takes place,
Simply a story afloat in space,
And we're all reading the chapter,
It's called the human "Race,"
To us that is but to the rest,
Simply a glimpse of hope doomed to fail,
A comet or comment will eventually impale,
The fragile skin of the earth,
Returning it to it's primitive birth,
Or become ashes and debris,
Will anyone get the chance to flee
462 · Jun 2010
No Thought
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Glad smile sad,
Timing not be had,
So just go,
Wither and wilt,
View the angle,
Tilt your head,
Realize nothing instead,
No one brought you here,
You came to steer,
Yourself or someone else,
To a path already chosen,
That is why your mind not open,
Turn off autopilot,
Let the color be violet,
Rather than blue,
Know seeing is not believing,
To believe is to lie,
In the middle of your mind,
An explosion,
Now an implosion,
Of former self,
No thought just do,
Then you'll know what is true,
The answer there before you knew,
When the time comes it'll show you
451 · Jun 2010
Not sure
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I wanted close my eyes and make believe I was truly happy,
Awake from not a thought nor a dream,
I was blissfully about smiling in delusion,
Of a mildly happy place with smiles across their face,
Only to disappointed with myself again,
I enter blankly into my own space calm as can be,
Once I clock in I'm in theirs,
Every face and voice heard,
All distinct in their own special place,
Somehow I smile while at a place I hate,
All my energy  being drained,
While I must be pleasant and refrain,
My own place where no expression is needed by face,
Where sense had taken place,
Upon those had realized,
It was just waste when feelings can be traced,
By the energy they put forth in such haste,
So slip back into theirs again,
Mine is to complicated for most,
Simply a delusion in that world most call home,
While mine will slowly start to grow,
Into the next stage lets sit back and turn the page
450 · Jun 2010
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
always incomplete the three of them complete to make something whole but that's defeat of 1/3 and eliminates the herd from gathering information of new infatuation of situations where they could be but must always be seperated so nothing can see being ok with this all that can be said is tsk tsk tsk whenever seen together they remember the law and that's the flaw it's how they're told that's how they're mold just growing til consuming what it holds on nothing that remains just a place still the same one day its source will be gone it'll have evolved and moved on being 1/2 looking for a 1/2 becoming 1 it's longing quest nearly done til both become one and create 3 changing how everyone sees
407 · Jun 2010
Have Fun
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
burn my hair and singe my eyes,
i don't care i won't die,
blue in the face red in the eye,
choke me i won't die,
stab my back slice my skin,
i'll sit back and happily grin...
i had more but forgot where i was going with it. if you want to add more go ahead. put it in any direction you think seems right to keep it going on. any length you want it to be. don't be shy.
386 · Mar 2017
The Pith of Respite
jonathan valonis Mar 2017
Just a dope, a mean
A dopamine
Irregular sanguine
Embroiled canteen
Surreal sunscreen
Renege lights beam
Convolute contorted
Diversely distorted
Whimsically imported
Virago recorded
Guffaws retracted
Divulged esoteric tactics
Disregarded semantics
No real advantage
Indigenous transient
Final message transmit
The wavelength extent
Doomed irrelevant
Vicariously elegant
333 · Dec 2015
Who Will When
jonathan valonis Dec 2015
In the darkness of shadow,
Lies heroes and villians,
Heard among the hollow,
Floors of lavendar lineoum,

Wilting away into the midst,
Who was right who was wrong,
Arguing was a gist,
Commonly heard as a song,

Among those who have fallen,
Rose to their feet,
Time again swollen,
From the agony of defeat,

Always so close to the light,
The hereos will say,
Always so close to the night,
The villians will say,

Only to wake in the middle,
To fight either way,
With the terrible riddle,
Who will remain to stay,

To decide what remains,
How this will play,
Grab hold of the riens,
Of the wildly slain

— The End —