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Mar 2017 · 431
The Pith of Respite
jonathan valonis Mar 2017
Just a dope, a mean
A dopamine
Irregular sanguine
Embroiled canteen
Surreal sunscreen
Renege lights beam
Convolute contorted
Diversely distorted
Whimsically imported
Virago recorded
Guffaws retracted
Divulged esoteric tactics
Disregarded semantics
No real advantage
Indigenous transient
Final message transmit
The wavelength extent
Doomed irrelevant
Vicariously elegant
Apr 2016 · 998
Land of Future Past Tense
jonathan valonis Apr 2016
I looked for peace in a time of war,
Saw it coming I could have sworn,
Read the books and pages,
Deteriorated over the ages,
The land debris now crumbles,
As the heavy motor rumbles,
Across the barren land,
Now a paradise of sand,
To the empty ones,
Those with the suns,
Just more territory,
For the future monarchy,
  Of inbreeds,
Take heed,
They're here
Oh dear,
Dec 2015 · 370
Who Will When
jonathan valonis Dec 2015
In the darkness of shadow,
Lies heroes and villians,
Heard among the hollow,
Floors of lavendar lineoum,

Wilting away into the midst,
Who was right who was wrong,
Arguing was a gist,
Commonly heard as a song,

Among those who have fallen,
Rose to their feet,
Time again swollen,
From the agony of defeat,

Always so close to the light,
The hereos will say,
Always so close to the night,
The villians will say,

Only to wake in the middle,
To fight either way,
With the terrible riddle,
Who will remain to stay,

To decide what remains,
How this will play,
Grab hold of the riens,
Of the wildly slain
May 2013 · 748
jonathan valonis May 2013
soon oh so soon
i shall look to the moon
to the stars on a cool afternoon

waking to flowers that bloom
smelling hope not the doom
for the earth is our room

belonging to everyone not whom

puts a flag
scores of bags
full with the bodies
an worthless commodities
not fit for the degrees

that pass in a breeze
make way of the trees
to wipe the **** from your knees

we're kneeling again
lost our own origin
thinking out our ***

speak of the crass
headless can pass
our eyes are fixed on the cash
Hal(s) edes that is the title capitalized and lower case separated. Look up the meaning for your own enjoyment.
Apr 2013 · 699
Hear and Say
jonathan valonis Apr 2013
In a single breath is a vortex
A spiral in text
A pi comes next
Reset and rest
Hear what you see
See what you hear
The difference will be
Uncertain and unclear
Mix things up
From the bottom to the top
Pour into a cup
Watch the bubbles pop
When you notice
You may stop
You know the vice
Wringing the mop
Drying you leaving residue
You are tired not renewed
Bought your own view
That seems askew
Crooked like the morning
Some can squint and glare
The glasses their putting
On to feel better unaware
Can you hear it
You ingore everyday
Can you feel it
Flowing in everyway
Not all connections
Need contacts
Just position
Positivity it can react
Feb 2013 · 576
Glimpse Into My Past
jonathan valonis Feb 2013
I remember the days of just wanting to play
Not wanting to sleep and wishing to stay
Up so late the day never went away
I was just a kid who didn't get pay

Money clothes and style I had none of those
Verbal communication overnight rose
Misunderstood by the day as it goes
My speech impaired by the no's

Respect what a dream that was
Friends and best friends is what one does
I had some on that day that was
Before I was left alone because one does

Like an effort I was lost
Like a dam at what cost
I was filling up and tossed
Back to a smile glossed

To nothing I move on
To nothing I hold on
To no one I could call on
To no one I could lean on

Just my childhood before middle school
Before I could realize I'd become another fool
I would end up repeating being the tool
Wanting to be liked to be cool

Taken years to finally awake
To realize most ******* people make
The pain they cause and partake
That most are just fake

I would go on and on
If I say to much they will come on
Those emotions I hate on
Will soon be gone

Don't Worry I Stay Strong
Dec 2012 · 926
another commodity
jonathan valonis Dec 2012
have to pay those bills keep us distracted
tell us the facts that are contracted
reversed it but none reacted
to the knowledge they say they lack it
accept or deny read between the line
instead get drunk and sip some wine
don't worry it will be fine
there is plenty of twine
to wrap us and define
who we are
your shoes your hair your car
what you eat and drink at the bar
you reach for the star
the rest don't exist
yet still you persist
to attend feeling mist
soaked and covered you twist
turn and want to yearn
you feel it in you and burn
the chances you have scorn
you want to learn
to make money and then
do the same again
just let me know when
you want to wake up and begin
to see there is more
that this life isn't a chore
don't let them bore
into your mind so you're their *****
Sep 2012 · 603
To n-one
jonathan valonis Sep 2012
Today another piece
To the puzzle
Making life fleece
The wall now muzzled

Upon gazing in awe
Silence fell upon all
To look at what they saw
Was merely a ball

Dark solid and dense
Slowly growing with each day
Casting their image behind a fence
Wondering if it will go away

With each passing day
People began to change
Becoming dark bleak and gray
To none it seemed strange
Aug 2011 · 614
Li Fe
jonathan valonis Aug 2011
It never cease to amaze,
The thoughts that cause a craze,
In your memory banks,
As an empty vessel or tank,
That slowly then rapidly,
Fills in the splendidly,
Void space within,
The confines of aging,
Becoming still and stagnant,
Pulled away such as a magnet,
That has begin to lose attraction,
Slowly drifting causing little reaction,
To  the once prevalent,
Cold hard element,
The core in which you are,
Eventually forgotten like a drink in a bar,
As you do your checks,
Asking while you scratch your neck,
There has to be something,
In the end there is nothing,
Except a troublesome thought,
Even though it will never be caught,
You feel it slip away,
As you wake each and everyday
Nov 2010 · 1.6k
Set Us Three
jonathan valonis Nov 2010
Ah that feeling,
Of hopeless glimmers,
A blank star,
A void stance,
In a space,
Journey through time,
Spectacular new sites,
Distance simply strung,
Across the dark,
Blanket of warmth,
Vision of light,
Fading with tears,
Raining beautiful rainbows,
Smiling with joy,
To dark despair,
By the menace,
Empty and hallow,
Bringing painful sorrow,
Taking rather borrow,
Buying not sharing,
A helping hand,
Knowledge well hidden,
An esoteric given,
Nothing in return,
Just to them,
Is corpses decaying,
Another ***** opportunity,
To magnify profit,
From the return,
Of newly born,
Slaves of society,
The common denominator,
Underlying embellished truth,
The cunning sleuth,
Has hidden dreams,
That brings fear,
To all them,
Us standing tall,
Proud and mighty,
Not falling down,
From scare tactics,
Antisemitic prophetic pathetic,
Attempts to capture,
Our soul again,
To strand us,
Here once again,
To work eternity,
All of us,
March for them,
We will work,
Together that is,
As a team,
We can stop,
Every single one,
Since we control,
All of them,
Market money religion,
Government jobs abroad,
We work them,
Stop being sheep,
Following bo peep,
Off a cliff,
Remove and uplift,
This poor foundation,
Of bad fundamentals,
Before we are,
No longer mentally,
Challenged buy this,
Story of racist,
Scary disappointing place,
Gun toting fascist,
Gangs of masochism,
Atheist a religion,
Our sins forgiving,
Forgetting friends families,
Sheltering ourselves in,
Materialistic meaningless gems,
Gas guzzling cars,
Driven by comical,
Nonsensical unpractical commercials,
Of inferior technology,
Waste products increase,
Buy the demand,
Mass production toxins,
For the air,
To breathe taxes,
The mindless soul,
Drifting into oblivion,
Not self destruction,
Instead unmoral corruption,
Now full cure,
Now full heal,
Still feel sick,
Now need rest,
This is not,
A game attest,
Before hard reset,
Need to reboot,
Not blindly salute,
A flag waving,
Unwavering biased judgment,
Claiming land over,
Those who opposed,
Their fastened weapons,
Iron and bronze,
Steel to gold,
Anything deemed precious,
They will take,
Rocks to drugs,
Food to bugs,
Grass to rugs,
Swept underneath unnoticeable,
The untrained eye,
Awe and surprise,
The attack here,
Will go unseen,
Like the chem-trails,
Released upon us,
Vaccinations we need,
That carries aids,
Strands of ***,
Water we drink,
Contaminated with e.coli,
To the plastic,
That causes cancer,
Aluminum cans causing,
You to forget,
Alzheimer to prevent,
Train your brain,
To learn everyday,
Along with stopping,
Cruel and unjust,
Punishment to others,
Whether you like,
It or not,
We are related,
We are one,
We are looking,
For our self,
We should help,
Realize we are,
Simply one self.
Oct 2010 · 769
Tangled Complexity
jonathan valonis Oct 2010
How long has it been,
How did it begin,
Did I fall and slip,
Did I jump a cliff,
Into a pit of bliss,
Or did I simply miss,
The last sign I passed,
All happened so fast,
At some point,
The impact joint,
These worlds together,
Or has moved them further,
Apart in a unknown,
World to be blown,
Peculiar thought,
Seems injected and bought,
By this current mind,
Still it blinds,
The reality from plain sight,
Even if the idea is bright,
Or then a flash of genius,
It is some how devious,
Lying in a dormant state,
To impress others,
And to destroy others,
Who and why,
To feel satisfy,
Makes no sense,
To be created to tense,
At the moment of danger,
In the moment of anger,
Even in passion,
And then ration,
These feeling as logical,
Complete and practical,
As it is none,
What is done,
Is more complex,
Then an entire complex,
Of imagined geniuses,
That create themselves,
Boxed on a shelve,
For full display,
In hopes to be carried away.
Sep 2010 · 818
jonathan valonis Sep 2010
Once long ago,
On a dismal day,
A smell of smells overwhelmed,
The pallet of taste,
A reaction with such haste,
The impression upon ones face,
Would look as if cursed,
By the unpleasant aroma,
Smelling like ammonia,
An unfamiliar familiar stench,
Knocking one back on defense,
Making their fist clench,
While wafting away,
An unbearable smell,
In sight a vision of hell,
Accompanying that retched smell,
Lay the bodies as well,
****** and torn,
Rotten and unborn,
Old and young,
The day that which begun,
With the bright illuminating light,
That it too illuminated the night,
The explosion had the might,
Of a thousand atom bombs,
How were they calm,
When watching us die,
Do they not cry,
As you and I,
Wonder why this happens,
Simply we allow it to happen.
Sep 2010 · 736
A Chance Of Reign
jonathan valonis Sep 2010
Convey to a new perception,
Not which is material,
Nor that spoils a mind,
Rather reconstitute,
An equilibrium,
See in between the lines,
Of simple complexity,
That perplexes the mind,
To ask why,
Material over intelligence,
Has such prevalence,
Over I and you,
Conduct rational thought,
That leads to logic,
Instead of inferior emotions,
An effortless current,
Of massive debris,
Lets clean this pollution,
Filled of greed, hate, envy,
***, race, money, religion,
Political, material, self loathing thoughts,
In exchange intelligence,
Efficiency, common sense,
Of practical applications,
Ranging from nothing to everything,
Let it reign intelligence,
From the skies,
Onto these dumbfounded lands,
So one day everyone knows,
c = 3.00 × 108 m/s,
Is how slow we should think,
And how fast we should move
Aug 2010 · 618
Can You Seek The End
jonathan valonis Aug 2010
Can you seek the end,
Making your mind bend,
To the sounds your hear,
To the dreams you fear,
That grip of reality,
That common ability,
To feel what you feel,
To feel what is real,
A simple answer,
Or a complicated power,
Multiplying faster than imagined,
The rate in which we sin,
Why not change,
Stop and rearrange,
Personal opinion,
Say all is forgiven,
Stop looking for god,
Cause we are god,
We are just infants,
All this for instance,
Is all brand new,
With an open view,
Into a mind of very few,
Who already knew,
That fear and destruction,
That greed and corruption,
Would be easier then self discipline,
Then promoting peace again,
Now they rule,
Stop fools from leading fools,
We strive to be great,
Gather before its to late,
Falling back into their hands,
What has happened,
To that time we actually gave a ****,
To helping others understand,
Only one to save us,
Is the one called us,
We are nothing more then divided thought,
That is being quickly bought,
Faster then the destruction of earth,
Or any other planet since birth,
Of thought to things we sought,
After all those thoughts,
We're quickly failing to maintain,
The knowledge we have attained,
Letting it rain ignorance,
On our brain a stench,
That makes us marked,
Blind to the light of dark,
And evil to prevail,
It's time to avail,
That we all seek the same,
Respect and love of our name
Aug 2010 · 702
Drift Into The Night
jonathan valonis Aug 2010
Before I rest my eyes,
Slipping into those dreams,
I yearn to hear those screams,
Of pain and discomfort,
In every magnitude,
Not practical but quite crude,
This rudimentary knowledge,
Will cease to help,
As I remorsefully yelp,
Crying from the pain,
The tortured soul,
That lacks control,
In this self claimed reality,
Merely a lost mind,
If only life were kind,
Filled words and hugs,
Most just delinquent,
Like past and future statement,
Relinquishing that hold,
Before everyone grabs on,
Then weighing a ton,
The weight shouldn't be,
Place upon anyone,
This burden upon none,
Its why there's dreams,
I can never complete,
My smile will suffer defeat,
After my eyes have rest,
Awakening to see,
I still don't like me,
For who I want to be,
A person in love
Jul 2010 · 566
Follower of None
jonathan valonis Jul 2010
No matter what
I try and be
I follow no destiny

Lines and curves
Adjectives and verbs
Description of words

Sound wave grain
With a sync delay
With a bpm fade

That sound you crave
That makes you rage
Feels like you got paid

Its my style
My dictation and flow
That makes you read fast and slow

Makes you divert attention
Forget what dimension
That you skip into

Watch your head
Take it slow
You should know

Cast a devious blow
To that precious ego
Ready to go

Another direction
To bad
Time lost is time had

Should of noted
Or should have  noticed
That note

I left long ago
In a place called hell
That cant be spaced

Has been replaced
Yup by the human race
I went there what a disgrace

Want a taste
No better off
To regurgitate poisonous waste

Straight into that mouth
And cranium full of paste
From kindergarten

No wonder so many are dumb
Ignorant to "T"
Down to the tongue they bite

Shifting to a pleasure less pain
That is sliding down my brain
Into step another step

Away from this
So I will simply
Go like this

Jul 2010 · 625
I Will Never Stop
jonathan valonis Jul 2010
I make believe and always dream,
Of nothing practical except the mean,
In all those random thoughts,
From a kid being taught,
To a teenager wanting to forget,
To an adult holding no regret,
Falling down and breaking,
Holding my stomach aching,
Searching for some kind of relief,
Not sure what it is I seek,
A thrill falling from the sky,
Pushing buttons asking why,
The sounds I hear are there,
Wondering why I have fear,
Being strong and knowing when I'm wrong,
Making art through story and song,
Exercising to the point of exhaustion,
Unable to cast even notion,
Towards verbalizing perfect silence,
While keeping peace from violence,
A guardian for some,
Wanting to fight none,
Teaching others to be honest,
And life having plenty of test,
For everyone to pass,
While many speak crass,
I know what it is,
I want to say this,
I want love,
I've tried all the above,
I'm failing but not giving up,
Not now nor abrupt,
Will this stop,
A passion from the top,
Of my heart to the bottom of my soul,
I want to give you full control,
Some say foolish I may have to agree,
However I'd rather it be,
So I will keep on going,
Confessing to you and showing,
How much I want,
Until I taunt,
Myself of your dreams,
So our lives meet at the seam,
Connecting us like a zipper,
Fastening us to deliver,
Something new to this world,
Spin around and twirl,
With that beautiful figure,
Making life even bigger,
Then we could hope,
Of having a castle with a moat,
O' how I wish,
This were a dish,
That would be served,
O' how much you deserve,
Give me your hand,
Let's walk through the sand,
Counting the stars,
Where there's no pollution or cars,
I will go on forever,
Trying to be clever,
Enough to get your attention,
And will always continue to mention,
Every time I encounter you,
I like you,
And ask you out,
I'll even shout,
Til my veins dehydrate,
Til my heart fails to cooperate,
With my brain,
To the point my eyes rain,
That I'm no longer sane,
I will fill this pane,
Of shattering proportions,
A simple solution not an illusion,
A chance worth taking,
Don't you know I'm not faking,
My feelings are real,
I don't want to steal,
Your heart and break it,
I want to mend it,
From everyone who has,
In your past,
Let me be there,
I am one who cares,
Be my girlfriend,
I'll be your boyfriend
The line "Of nothing practical except the mean" I am using the mean as if it were math. Such as, adding all the integers together then dividing by the total of number of integers, to reach the middle. To take it a step further an integer is a whole number (not a fraction) that can be positive, negative, or zero. So when it comes "the mean" it can be positive, negative, or nothing. Rather then "the mean" meaning mean.
Jul 2010 · 716
Though Slightly Missing
jonathan valonis Jul 2010
I've said so many sounds,
Focused into an understanding,
Of nothing to profound,
Just creatively undermining,
The sense of organized,
Thoughts of being,
To only recognize,
It's not worth seeing,
The whole picture,
All that is fractional,
May seem obscure,
Logical is rational,
Though slightly missing,
Greater the detail,
Honed on the mission,
Information neatly entailed,
To multiple identities,
In single sense,
A whole remedy,
How thought is spent
Jun 2010 · 544
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Thinking of nothing and being,
Knowing of certain and seeing,
There is hoping and believing,
Good and bad looks often misleading,
Where one rest eyes as they fry,
From thought one cries,
Of sorrow and remorse,
A harden shell to this course,
Actions speaking louder than words,
All spoken all toward,.
The sky with no reply,
No answer with no surprise,
Enter the void that is inside,
All alone and deprived
Jun 2010 · 535
The Same Shit
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Crap we buy,
**** we sell,
To get by,
What the point,
Don't ask why,
These actions adjoin,
Together a lie,
Collaborated by few,
Believed by many,
All is true,
To those blind,
How it happens,
Seems surreal sublime,
A fictional story,
With no hero,
But the glory,
Satisfaction is there,
Is a shame,
None can hear,
The screams everywhere,
Flooding the streets,
With no prayer,
Ever being heard,
On deaf ears,
Most outstandingly absurd,
Is their mind,
To really seeing,
The thin line,
Of quality equality,
Life of peace,
Not of brutality
Jun 2010 · 594
See The Real Answer
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Sitting in my mind,
The most comfortable chair,
Relaxation making me blind,
What my ears hear,
Is sweet and innocent,
Screams of careless joy,
The background it compliments,
Running as a boy,
Growing to a man,
Losing myself to understand,
Is what I can,
With a detailed plan,
From others not myself,
Far from the path,
Straying insight of wealth,
Horrible choices I say,
Too dark to see,
Blind leading the way,
To bottom of sea,
With the bricks held,
Too much to kick,
Lungs begin to swell,
The water to thick,
To breathe any air,
As I start suffocating,
I see it clear,
I have died anticipating
Jun 2010 · 568
Value Of What
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Equate and panic,
Situation of hesitation,
Where all stops,
Continue to go,
Forward and back,
High and low,
In any direction,
Lies a ditch,
Full of dreams,
Ideas and schemes,
Complied and tight,
Held together nothing,
Important to some,
Value of none,
What a joke,
To have or,
Not to have,
To steal or,
Not to steal,
What a bargain,
For something free
With hefty price,
Oh how nice,
It is for,
You and me
Jun 2010 · 585
War Is For What
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
War is for what,
Your eyes quickly shut,
Your child is dead,
Nothing is left said,
Just tears sad face,
Expressions sick bitter taste,
For your home land,
Really do you stand,
For greed money corruption,
Over populated mass consumption,
Of ******* land lovers,
Are blind to discover,
It is all fake,
The money they take,
Backed by absolutely nothing,
Just more people arresting,
Each other for money,
Destroying other life funny,
Is it not fair,
For wealthy to stare,
At us with pity,
Destroying all our cities,
For another pathetic dime,
Scene of the crime,
Nowhere to be found,
Nothing not a sound,
Just a quick blame,
Another lion to tame,
To stop an uproar,
Quick bankrupt the store,
File chapter eleven again,
Hear the people saying,
We can not feed,
Ourselves were we freed,
From all this intolerance,
No increase the violence,
Let blood of poor,
Middle class all pour,
So only the rich,
Are left to exist
Jun 2010 · 573
Is This Really You
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Your are a hick,
Your mind is thick,
You are an *******,
Another non caring soul,
Not even warm embrace,
To outline and trace,
Back who you are,
Nothing a fading star,
Quit telling all lies,
Making all others compromise,
To make yourself feel,
That you are real,
Leave relinquish your control,
Let life eyes behold,
Simple beautiful art forms,
Instead of creating storms,
Painfully killing raining debris,
Of anything living free,
From control you seek,
Why not educate teach,
Others to get along,
Not lie steal among,
Everyone created the same,
No winner this game,
Just champions of peace,
With common goals reached
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
So long and overdue,
The time starting askew,
Everything reversing to previous,
Views of simply devious,
Creatures of the night,
Time is now plight,
Prepare the cold grounds,
Enemies scorn those around,
It is those weak,
Who will soon peak,
Top of the charts,
Of deaths new art,
Headless gutless warriors attest,
Really trying their best,
To survive and ****,
It takes much skill,
To stomach the pain,
Not letting your brain,
See what is on,
You are a pawn,
A game called chess,
Your turn to address,
The move to take,
Decipher who is fake,
And who is real,
Background their a deal,
Waiting to be made,
By Bankers being overpaid,
While people being honest,
Will all soon protest,
If not soon enough,
It will be tough,
To stop an army,
Of ignorance will be,
Those who are controlled,
Many do as told,
What now lies ahead,
Civil obedience mindless dead,
Wandering the empty streets,
Looking for minor threats,
Yelling terrorist every corner,
More for the coroner,
Those who lived free,
In debt free society,
People traded not sold,
Their time being told,
To live meaningless life,
Throats pressed by knifes,
Told to live right,
According to someone bright,
As pile high ****,
Being full of it,
This right that wrong,
What happened came along,
In form of kids,
Passed to more kids,
Information of all lies,
Except select few hide,
Snickering as we die,
Keeping everyone under control,
Knowing what is foretold,
Is mostly not know,
Minds are closely sewn,
Together with simple lies,
Mostly ignored but disguised,
As nothing but truth,
Just another common sleuth,
Slipping between the cracks,
Not aware to react,
Used to being told,
Not to stand bold,
Against what is done,
We are of one,
United States of Dumb,
Easily manipulated fat popularity,
Contest of egocentric masculinity,
Where everyone has problems,
None actual solves them,
Differences made to keep,
Everyone nice and neat,
Happy competitive argumentative discouraged,
Four bowls of porridge,
Hot cold just right,
Fourth not in sight,
In another hidden room,
Your name on tomb
Jun 2010 · 591
One catch
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Cast my line after placing bait,
Hoping for a nibble,
Reeling back instead of trying to anticipate,
Overcast begins to drizzle,
Others begin to head in,
Foul weather beckons them,
I stay there just floating,
Singing and calling then,
Just a nibble even a bite,
Nothing is on the line,
Still I grasp tight,
I see the one and call out mine,
In my mind of course,
Setting the line with care,
Casting in probably the worse,
Weather imaginable still I sat there,
Come take a bite and get hooked,
On a feeling not many experience,
Don't swim past and overlook,
Look past the ignorance,
Start understanding with no bait no lure,
No beauty no siren no song,
No reason to come ashore,
No reason to cast all along,
I didn't mean to get you with bait,
I didn't mean to hurt you,
I just didn't know how to relate,
I apologize even though I meant too,
Just let you be happy,
Gracious in your flow,
Balanced  harmony,
Complete and mellow,
So I'll release you back,
Cast all over again,
Hoping you come back,
So I can see you again
Jun 2010 · 634
A Stand To Out-stand
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Protest and make a stand,
Make a mark and defend,
Your existence as well as others,
Make your voice heard so less will suffer,
From deception and hands of greed,
It's time for every person color and creed,
From uneducated to highly degreed
Voicing opinion is like a reed,
If left unchecked it will splinter,
Slowly decaying and soon to wither,
Into dust like your voice,
Stand up and speak while you still have a choice,
Freedom now is already limited,
It's only a matter of time before they stop giving it,
Whatever it is give it your best,
Let's stay strong and attest,
To achieve what we strive for,
That is harmony, peace, equality and more,
Than just an understanding,
But the original idea on the blue print planning
Jun 2010 · 528
Find Yourself
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
How was your day,
Did it go smooth for you,
Or did you have a bumpy wave,
Did you keep it honest and true,
For yourself presenting to others,
Or did you lie and pry through,
The day trying to smother,
The irrational fear you burrow,
Let it all out and clear,
Your lungs full of toxic words,
Because holding them dear,
Will not let you move onward,
With who you really are,
Open your mouth,
See how far,
You can really amount
Jun 2010 · 651
Die To Live
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
We live to die,
All that remains is black,
We cling to life but why,
The stars light will eventually lack,
The luminous glow,
Of warmth, no planets,
All the orbits will slow,
Land masses become frigid,
New sight is needed,
New life is supported,
Those not prepared,
Will be defeated,
But all starts again,
Only in another dimension,
The scenario may be pretend,
That was said before with conviction,
In another time, remember then
Jun 2010 · 490
Really Ever Real
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I fell in love with a girl,
I fell in love with a women,
Both seemed real,
But lied woven,
Secrets of past,
Secrets of future,
Making moments not last,
In result lies torture,
For one to be close,
To the one who wants too,
Impressions that impose,
Will succumb and do,
More damage than calculated,
One day realizing the answer,
By then situation was elevated,
Should've just went dreaming,
But that's where I've seen it,
My mind attending a meeting,
Of moments to make one sick,
It was dream of something,
Yet to exist,
In the room coming,
  To actually to subsist,
In this reality how could this,
A premonition now in my dream,
Show how clear and crisp,
What was to happen while I dreamed,
It showed familiar faces,
Furniture set up,
Colors and spaces,
Showed me waking up,
I'll not go into detail,
I'm now awake,
Alert and in a heighten state to feel,
Most people are just fake
Jun 2010 · 600
Thanks For Nothing
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
Rejoice and hope with this phrase,
Let all the burdens be taken away,
Just ask for forgiveness,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
May infidels die by our blades,
Let all the burdens be taken away,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
Another day I didn't OD,
I should to stop today,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
Let blood of Jews raise,
All for you we say,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
When we stopped praise,
We silenced the phrase,
All righteous will be saved
Jun 2010 · 613
Full on Empty
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Self help, self control
Hand held tight,
To grasp and behold,
The spoils of a fight,
To persist in a manner,
Of such peace,
With very little anger,
At sometime will breach,
Into an outburst of wind,
Particles wiping clear,
The galaxy that lies within,
A space too little to adhere,
It was created and destroyed,
In a instant it became distant,
All that remained was null and void,
Action, some satisfaction, persistent,
Feeling of blank,
The reaction too nothing,
Filling the empty tank,
Created something,
That needed to be emptied
Jun 2010 · 727
Two Words, Two Swords
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Nothing great, Nothing new,
Just insteresting, Just bland,
Moments enjoyed, Moments hated,
Started thinking, Started drinking,
Thoughts drifting, Thoughts sticking,
Why wake, Why sleep,
Tired life, Tired feet,
Traveled here, Traveled there,
Been backed, Been stabbed,
New faces, New taste,
Old shoes, Old fools,
How come, How dumb,
I want, I lose,
Freedom sought, Freedom bought,
Everyday now, Everyday past,
This nightmare, This reality,
Two words, Two swords,
Tongues foul, Tongues cut,
Mouths opened, Mouths shut,
See this, See nothing,
Simple mind, Simple life,
Hear all, Hear silence,
Did this, Did that,
Wait what, Wait stop,
Can't see, Can't talk,
Not now, Not ever,
Feel fear, Feel near,
Close too, Close something,
Bang gun, Bang done
Jun 2010 · 985
Have A Groovy Day
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Wake up everyday with a smile,
Another joyful day,
It's all ******* anyway,
So why not laugh it away,
Who's to get mad,
When you are the one who is glad,
That your day is not ****,
Even if it was there's no point to it,
Just have fun and relax,
Have some fun give some ex lax,
They probably need to ****,
Even more fun when it's their pants,
Or when they do the bathroom dance,
Just remember there's a chance,
To brighten your day,
Make yourself smile in another way,
Even if that joke is on you,
It's just karma doing what it do,
You can funnel a **** into a mouth,
*** on someone, say it's raining out,
Drop water balloons, from the 20th floor,
Stop denying the laugh when you crave for more,
Have a good laugh all the way to the loon,
Just tell people you're from the moon,
When you wake up just smile,
Even if it's for a little while,
It'll illuminate your day,
Just smile each and everyday
Jun 2010 · 3.4k
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Pop, Pop pop, Pop, Pop, Pop pop, Pop,
Boom, Boom boom, Bfff, Boom, Boom boom, Bfff,
Shsh, Shsh Shsh, Ffwka ffwka ffwka,
Five, Four, Three, Two, Oooooonnnnnneeeee,
Boomdth, Boomdth, Boomdth, Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwochit,
Boomdth, Boomdth, Boomdth, Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwochit,
Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwoooooochhhhhhhhitttttt,
Now get down, I get down, Now get down, I get down,
Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhhhhhhhh,
Vooooooooo Booom, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede,
Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Uuuuuuhwaaaaaaaa
Jun 2010 · 864
Bang Bang You're Dead
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Just like guns,
Cliques and Bangs,
Casting your hate,
In a forward spiral,
Impending the impact,
Explosions then debris,
That will fall or be lodged in a wall,
To have a reaction,
To those who lose it all,
Is never considered,
Since satisfaction is the center,
That makes you go and draw a weapon
Since you say someone stepped on,
What your shoes,
Oh that reputation you have to lose,
Don't you know you'll just die too,
Grow up and do something right,
Take time to turn on that light,
An idea for you that just might,
Jun 2010 · 718
Fuck Your God
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I hate human beings,
The mind is a complete waste,
Filled of dreams that never exist,
Words that only form sound,
Ignorance to time,
Knowledge always seek,
Never enough to gain,
Always plenty to lose,
It is the life that is to choose,
Killing, Senseless death,
Beating to a coma,
A never waking moment,
COvering two poison,
Everyone passed out not breathing,
When selfish start believing,
They are in control,
All they leave is bodies pumping drool,
Just rotting to sweet decay,
So they stay in amusment,
Laughing each and every day,
Crying but not in this moment,
Just smiles to those awake,
Little more to intake,
CO2 in the lungs for those who can't participate,
Death for most only left to anticipate,
The grand scheme of things,
Hate all human beings,
Cancerous fleas,
Spreading amongst each other more disease,
Get on your hands and knees,
Start to pray,
For forgiveness,
Just kidding because there is no God to witness,
The destruction of ourselves,
In our own ****** hells
Jun 2010 · 748
Who, What, Where
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Hehehe hohoho,
Who is having fun in this limbo,
Is it me, Is it you,
Wahh hahaha,
Why, Do you, Want to, Understand,
Of course I do, Of course you do,
Pffft hahaha aww man,
Where are we going,
I don't know, You don't know,
Ahh hehehe,
What are we trying to see,
Is it you, Is it me,
Haahaa ha oh dear,
How did we come here,
I don't know, You don't know
Jun 2010 · 710
A Whore Today
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Everyday it grows,
The movement thought has slowed,
By the time it encompasses,
The fragile calcium deposit,
It has already shattered the existence,
To preserve and persevere,
To conquer and obey,
Strict guidelines of absurdness,
Made of entirely nothing,
Still all is strung together,
By a thread of light,
A beacon of hope and despair,
Questioning what is wrong and fair,
When none ever is,
A balancing act to topple over,
Regaining the feeling of lost,
Completely out of place,
Seeming as if soylent waste,
The vapors all dried,
No salty tears,
No reality,
No fear,
No knowing ever,
Of what is intended,
Is friends befriending friends,
To gain so you suffer less,
Obedient to the cause,
Of your own personal agenda,
Shortly after you send,
A memo to denote the negativity,
That draws to you a magnetic force,
Being north and south,
Being a head and ***,
From top to bottom,
You flipped it,
Let it go,
Change the way,
A ***** today,
A mother tomorrow,
Put your hand out to borrow,
Change you can never pay back
Jun 2010 · 613
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Spreading into a muck,
What a giant cluster,
Stuck but running,
Out of things to hold,
Dripping the excess,
Across the dry surface,
Rough and barren but soft,
The touch of some moisture,
Applied for pleasantness,
That feeling of durable strength,
That if to apply,
Would feel good in sense,
Relieving the contents,
That lay in you,
Making you sick,
Ah, how good it is,
To blow your nose
Jun 2010 · 581
Mind as Well Waste
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Just stick it in the arm,
It's swollen beyond the arm,
The mind is fighting,
To find itself for it self,
Losing what is left,
Which losers never expect,
Nothing left to offer,
You even fought her,
But like always you bought her,
Back to the level you're at,
Your mind is completely saturated,
With the fat of your ego,
You tell people the story, the part you're a hero,
When actually you are less than zero,
****** Her, ****** Her Mind,
Now she'll have to live,
With something you can't undo,
And her mind can't forgive,
You wonder why she can't live,
In piece, with it,
You dumb ****, you play with it,
Happy, ******, sad, then, dead,
How many more bottles,
In the end, will lay next to the bed,
The one place to go, rest her head,
Before giving up in the end, instead
Jun 2010 · 601
The Disorder Of Dis Order
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Hop on the bandwagon,
Wagging your finger,
Shouting we're number one,
Stepping on others because you're bigger,
You have defeated,
All the hopes and dreams,
Of all those that completed,
Failure now justified means,
Take your **** and rub it,
Across their shattered face,
Open their mouth, let them taste,
Tell them to savor, because we're first place,
That makes US right,
U.S.A U.S.A. shouting all night,
You is a, You is a tool,
Another ******* fool,
Just a vegetable in front of a tube,
Mine as well bend over, forget the ****,
You're already *******,
Didn't even notice, they had the point of view,
From your own eyes,
Start seeing what is real and what is fake,
****, the government lies, the government takes,
It is time realign and break,
Back into the focus of your eyes,
Realize you're taking orders,
From someone, Not wise,
Come on and fix this disorder,
Before it all happens,
And those left say what happened
Jun 2010 · 582
No Title
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Your eyes as beautiful as autumn leaves,
Your mind clear as a winter sky,
The landscape of soft rolling land,
Is your body, gliding across my hand,
The shimmering strands of light on the water,
Reminds of me of the morning sun,
The warm embrace of your smile,
To start my day

Your thoughts, Your stories,
Your wars, Your negotiations,
Your wins, Your losses,
I'll listen to all,
Your joy, Your sad,
Your tiredness, Your power,
Your speech, Your point,
I'll listen to all
Jun 2010 · 652
Starting Over
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Hi, The Sickness,
The Thought, The Action,
The Vomiting Satisfaction,
Life Feeling Not Relieved,
This Must Leave,
Bye, The Presence,
The Happy, The Sad,
The Exploiting Time Not Had,
Life Of Happy Moments,
Now Empty Contents
Jun 2010 · 480
No Thought
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Glad smile sad,
Timing not be had,
So just go,
Wither and wilt,
View the angle,
Tilt your head,
Realize nothing instead,
No one brought you here,
You came to steer,
Yourself or someone else,
To a path already chosen,
That is why your mind not open,
Turn off autopilot,
Let the color be violet,
Rather than blue,
Know seeing is not believing,
To believe is to lie,
In the middle of your mind,
An explosion,
Now an implosion,
Of former self,
No thought just do,
Then you'll know what is true,
The answer there before you knew,
When the time comes it'll show you
Jun 2010 · 597
Something Different Yet Not
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Starting a long time ago,
I became a victim,
Never knowing I had inherited the symptoms,
Of a mind full death,
How simple the idea,
Then one day woke up,
In this Hell,
So let the blood pour,
SO much to make a bank,
Letting the rest rot,
Just the same as any bank,
Blood of the corrupt,
Will soon rupture from this pressure,
Down the sides of faces,
Knee high in their karmic waste,
How sweet once one now none,
MMMmm the taste of their doom,
With a glee the thought soon fled,
The freedom once bleed now them,
Continue to stomp restrictions to fight the frictions,
Of life and religion,
All will be forgiven
Jun 2010 · 813
Market Competition
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Damaged the goods,
The product just a knock off,
Not even real food,
Mine as well be a trough,
For a pig to feast,
On itself and others,
Pay attention to the yeast,
You'll soon discover,
Nothing is real,
All manufactured in control,
Environments that are sealed,
And packages that roll,
Off the line to enter,
The mouths of the hungry,
Not knowing to grow,
Their own food for free,
Did no one learn to sow,
It's ok the process may be slow,
But then you'll grow what you need,
Also you should know,
Maybe then people won't exceed,
Past the point of a pig,
Becoming bloated beyond recognition,
And be able to keep their fig,
******* market competition
Jun 2010 · 557
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
It is amazing
This feeling worth sharing
It is death
It is carbon breathe
It is what compels
It is what propels
Pushing forward
That gust toward
A new direction
To allow correction
Of an overflowing
Dam of indigestion
Improperly taking waste
Turning it to paste
Sticking you with the bill
All you do is the ill
Resentment of frivolous class
Actions to pass
Judgment on to the kids
When all together we'll rid
These fleas to a new host
So celebrate and toast
The new spoils delegated
To the air that evaporated
Jun 2010 · 483
Fake Society
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Great to see,
To Be,
To breathe,
The silence that accompanies,
You and me,
Let us smack each other,
With the branch of trees,
And dismantle the rest,
Apparently we don't need,
To increase the value of home,
Because natures needs to be left alone,
To stand for itself,
Defenseless as home,
If left alone,
It does not speak,
Unless properly equipped,
With more entirely pointless shh,
It seems to listen,
As we walk through it,
Just another sound not to check,
Just ignore and forget,
Provide and forget,
Is what it did for us,
No provide is what it did for us,
But was replaced with in dog we trust,
Something incorporated and not really needed,
Like the home not really needed,
Ironic **** it's family and make it live with it,
Only inches away,
This is how we treat it
Jun 2010 · 514
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Sticking finger in air,
As if number one,
But just sampling air,
Flow seems to run,
Causes a chill down,
The back of the skull,
Feeling lost of control,
Limbs all starting to fail,
Body is locked in jail,
Waiting to get out,
Wanting to flip out,
Of this state,
I've grown to hate,
But need to recuperate,
Quit standing to anticipate,
Power of freedom,
That doesn't exist,
Need to free them,
Before they persist,
To stay like an unwelcome guest,
That can't be rid of,
Time to quest,
And request control of,
Limbs that are lacking,
Feeling of exertion,
Air and blood smacking,
Into each others station,
To start a war,
Movement of limbs,
Back to tour,
Need to trim,
Into a easy moving flow,
Hurry up it's time to go
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