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jonathan valonis Aug 2010
Before I rest my eyes,
Slipping into those dreams,
I yearn to hear those screams,
Of pain and discomfort,
In every magnitude,
Not practical but quite crude,
This rudimentary knowledge,
Will cease to help,
As I remorsefully yelp,
Crying from the pain,
The tortured soul,
That lacks control,
In this self claimed reality,
Merely a lost mind,
If only life were kind,
Filled words and hugs,
Most just delinquent,
Like past and future statement,
Relinquishing that hold,
Before everyone grabs on,
Then weighing a ton,
The weight shouldn't be,
Place upon anyone,
This burden upon none,
Its why there's dreams,
I can never complete,
My smile will suffer defeat,
After my eyes have rest,
Awakening to see,
I still don't like me,
For who I want to be,
A person in love
jonathan valonis Jul 2010
No matter what
I try and be
I follow no destiny

Lines and curves
Adjectives and verbs
Description of words

Sound wave grain
With a sync delay
With a bpm fade

That sound you crave
That makes you rage
Feels like you got paid

Its my style
My dictation and flow
That makes you read fast and slow

Makes you divert attention
Forget what dimension
That you skip into

Watch your head
Take it slow
You should know

Cast a devious blow
To that precious ego
Ready to go

Another direction
To bad
Time lost is time had

Should of noted
Or should have  noticed
That note

I left long ago
In a place called hell
That cant be spaced

Has been replaced
Yup by the human race
I went there what a disgrace

Want a taste
No better off
To regurgitate poisonous waste

Straight into that mouth
And cranium full of paste
From kindergarten

No wonder so many are dumb
Ignorant to "T"
Down to the tongue they bite

Shifting to a pleasure less pain
That is sliding down my brain
Into step another step

Away from this
So I will simply
Go like this

jonathan valonis Jul 2010
I make believe and always dream,
Of nothing practical except the mean,
In all those random thoughts,
From a kid being taught,
To a teenager wanting to forget,
To an adult holding no regret,
Falling down and breaking,
Holding my stomach aching,
Searching for some kind of relief,
Not sure what it is I seek,
A thrill falling from the sky,
Pushing buttons asking why,
The sounds I hear are there,
Wondering why I have fear,
Being strong and knowing when I'm wrong,
Making art through story and song,
Exercising to the point of exhaustion,
Unable to cast even notion,
Towards verbalizing perfect silence,
While keeping peace from violence,
A guardian for some,
Wanting to fight none,
Teaching others to be honest,
And life having plenty of test,
For everyone to pass,
While many speak crass,
I know what it is,
I want to say this,
I want love,
I've tried all the above,
I'm failing but not giving up,
Not now nor abrupt,
Will this stop,
A passion from the top,
Of my heart to the bottom of my soul,
I want to give you full control,
Some say foolish I may have to agree,
However I'd rather it be,
So I will keep on going,
Confessing to you and showing,
How much I want,
Until I taunt,
Myself of your dreams,
So our lives meet at the seam,
Connecting us like a zipper,
Fastening us to deliver,
Something new to this world,
Spin around and twirl,
With that beautiful figure,
Making life even bigger,
Then we could hope,
Of having a castle with a moat,
O' how I wish,
This were a dish,
That would be served,
O' how much you deserve,
Give me your hand,
Let's walk through the sand,
Counting the stars,
Where there's no pollution or cars,
I will go on forever,
Trying to be clever,
Enough to get your attention,
And will always continue to mention,
Every time I encounter you,
I like you,
And ask you out,
I'll even shout,
Til my veins dehydrate,
Til my heart fails to cooperate,
With my brain,
To the point my eyes rain,
That I'm no longer sane,
I will fill this pane,
Of shattering proportions,
A simple solution not an illusion,
A chance worth taking,
Don't you know I'm not faking,
My feelings are real,
I don't want to steal,
Your heart and break it,
I want to mend it,
From everyone who has,
In your past,
Let me be there,
I am one who cares,
Be my girlfriend,
I'll be your boyfriend
The line "Of nothing practical except the mean" I am using the mean as if it were math. Such as, adding all the integers together then dividing by the total of number of integers, to reach the middle. To take it a step further an integer is a whole number (not a fraction) that can be positive, negative, or zero. So when it comes "the mean" it can be positive, negative, or nothing. Rather then "the mean" meaning mean.
jonathan valonis Jul 2010
I've said so many sounds,
Focused into an understanding,
Of nothing to profound,
Just creatively undermining,
The sense of organized,
Thoughts of being,
To only recognize,
It's not worth seeing,
The whole picture,
All that is fractional,
May seem obscure,
Logical is rational,
Though slightly missing,
Greater the detail,
Honed on the mission,
Information neatly entailed,
To multiple identities,
In single sense,
A whole remedy,
How thought is spent
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Thinking of nothing and being,
Knowing of certain and seeing,
There is hoping and believing,
Good and bad looks often misleading,
Where one rest eyes as they fry,
From thought one cries,
Of sorrow and remorse,
A harden shell to this course,
Actions speaking louder than words,
All spoken all toward,.
The sky with no reply,
No answer with no surprise,
Enter the void that is inside,
All alone and deprived
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Crap we buy,
**** we sell,
To get by,
What the point,
Don't ask why,
These actions adjoin,
Together a lie,
Collaborated by few,
Believed by many,
All is true,
To those blind,
How it happens,
Seems surreal sublime,
A fictional story,
With no hero,
But the glory,
Satisfaction is there,
Is a shame,
None can hear,
The screams everywhere,
Flooding the streets,
With no prayer,
Ever being heard,
On deaf ears,
Most outstandingly absurd,
Is their mind,
To really seeing,
The thin line,
Of quality equality,
Life of peace,
Not of brutality
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Sitting in my mind,
The most comfortable chair,
Relaxation making me blind,
What my ears hear,
Is sweet and innocent,
Screams of careless joy,
The background it compliments,
Running as a boy,
Growing to a man,
Losing myself to understand,
Is what I can,
With a detailed plan,
From others not myself,
Far from the path,
Straying insight of wealth,
Horrible choices I say,
Too dark to see,
Blind leading the way,
To bottom of sea,
With the bricks held,
Too much to kick,
Lungs begin to swell,
The water to thick,
To breathe any air,
As I start suffocating,
I see it clear,
I have died anticipating
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