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jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Wake up breathing,
Heavy, Deprived, Chemicals,
Mixing the cocktail,
Harder, Then I remember,
Once was free for you & me,
Now 4 parts carbon,
Is how they like to mix the drink,
Po-is-in me,
How can living good,
Be good to do,
When clearly only select few can do,
Regardless po-is-in us,
We'll be back to the same,
Don't say we're to blame,
Cause clearly you'd already do the shame
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Globs of red and stains crusted,
Eyes removed and now is trusted,
To lend a hand for fellow man,
Always the intention a thought well planned,
Accepted by few, Denied by many
Those with eyes are those who see funny,
By the hands that feed,
Are the ones who lead,
The lemmings to a familiar sound,
That is them plummeting to the ground,
That is the ocean they hear,
It's ok everyone have no fear.
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
How's it going one says to me,
Good I can't complain how about you I reply,
Good they say politely towards me,
So where have you been lately,
Working two jobs and getting little sleep,
Man you're crazy what's the reason,
I want things quickly but don't worry I'm still cheap,
Haha that's a good one why during this season,
To much time has been wasted doing nothing,
Aren't you making enough yet,
I'm still not full time so i'm trying something,
You've been working there for long and not yet,
You're telling me it's ashame,
No but why do you stay,
At the current moment I make 11.80 can you blame,
No I'd stay,
Now with other job I can pull almost 800 on a good week,
**** how many hours do you work,
Sometimes 70 in a week,
When do you usually work,
On average I usually work from 2pm til 730am,
Wow how do you do it and when do you sleep,
Days I have one job I'm fine with them,
Usually 4 hours is all I get to sleep,
Man don't **** yourself,
I won't this will pay off,
Well keep your health,
I will when I'm off.
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I wanted close my eyes and make believe I was truly happy,
Awake from not a thought nor a dream,
I was blissfully about smiling in delusion,
Of a mildly happy place with smiles across their face,
Only to disappointed with myself again,
I enter blankly into my own space calm as can be,
Once I clock in I'm in theirs,
Every face and voice heard,
All distinct in their own special place,
Somehow I smile while at a place I hate,
All my energy  being drained,
While I must be pleasant and refrain,
My own place where no expression is needed by face,
Where sense had taken place,
Upon those had realized,
It was just waste when feelings can be traced,
By the energy they put forth in such haste,
So slip back into theirs again,
Mine is to complicated for most,
Simply a delusion in that world most call home,
While mine will slowly start to grow,
Into the next stage lets sit back and turn the page
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
always incomplete the three of them complete to make something whole but that's defeat of 1/3 and eliminates the herd from gathering information of new infatuation of situations where they could be but must always be seperated so nothing can see being ok with this all that can be said is tsk tsk tsk whenever seen together they remember the law and that's the flaw it's how they're told that's how they're mold just growing til consuming what it holds on nothing that remains just a place still the same one day its source will be gone it'll have evolved and moved on being 1/2 looking for a 1/2 becoming 1 it's longing quest nearly done til both become one and create 3 changing how everyone sees
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I feel everyday is mine,
That everyday is divine,
But reality sets in place,
Making me realize what takes place,
Simply a story afloat in space,
And we're all reading the chapter,
It's called the human "Race,"
To us that is but to the rest,
Simply a glimpse of hope doomed to fail,
A comet or comment will eventually impale,
The fragile skin of the earth,
Returning it to it's primitive birth,
Or become ashes and debris,
Will anyone get the chance to flee
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
just smile and wait,
nothing to do i just wait,
to waste into dust,
it feels so good to rust,
and break apart into something so small,
when it's already so small,
and full of **** with no room to grow,
it's ok go blow life away we're all just dust anyway,
so brush my shoulder i got some of you on me,
gone like the leaves of a tree,
branches once full now empty as can be,
only to start over this ******* cycle,
it'd be easier to recycle,
but it doesn't work forever,
it's time flush so pull the lever.
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