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Jonathan Scott May 2013
Why for miss dost thou torment me so?

Hath I harmed thee in any such way?

For 'tis your beauty that does not let me go

I am captured by it from day to day.

Art thou an angel among the rest?

This cannot be, impossible I say!

For the love of thee is all I request

My heart, lacking thy love, shall decay.

But one should not find their love for I vigor.

Therefor if this love isn't meant to be,

I shall end this charade with one trigger

You can see, you may be the end of me.

But until such day, I shall bind thee tight

For in me, 'tis a fire you light.
Jonathan Scott May 2013
I live without light because of many things

I wish not to see or come to terms with.

For the pain it may cause; feelings it brings.

Yes, it’s love.  Just an illusion or myth.

Once I thought I had it in my own palm,

Yet it fell like rain from a dark gray sky.

The “Love” we create is just a time bomb

Waiting to explode in the blink of an eye.

But what is it that we create desperately?

A story-tale ending, searching breathlessly–

We fool ourselves with simple chemistry

We go endlessly to find our “destiny”.

But I can guarantee that all it is

Is nothing more than heavenly ecstasy.
Jonathan Scott May 2013
I lay in a room (After a night of intoxication)

I will be up soon (I awaken and find the causation)

Feeling the chilly air (In my pocket I feel a vibration)

Dazed and confused I stare at (My phone, only that)

My situation; complete loneliness.
Jonathan Scott May 2013
These lights, they shine so bright,

These colors, they are so vivid,

These sounds so loud, but these feelings. . .

So empty.

Is this real?

It must be.

See the colorful lights,

Hear the loud sounds,

From the illuminated screens

And the elongated speakers.

This must be real.

But is it?

Can a light truly shine if it does not fill the void inside me?

Can a sound truly roar if my ears do not fill me with emotion?

It is what I see and what I hear.  They must be real.  Mustn't they be?
Jonathan Scott May 2013
I’m not the one from which she wants flowers.

Yet I’m content,

Thinking of her

At night, in my showers.

During the day,

I’ll go about normally,

Throwing a wink,

Denial- nonchalantly.

For my mind sees

What my body cannot,

And he envisions her

From her head to her knees.

There are many,

They're not kind,

They cause war

Between body and mind.

But you must remember the body is blind.

— The End —