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Aug 2010 · 16.2k
Real Beauty Is Rare Beauty
Jonathan Johnson Aug 2010
Up until now I’ve never seen beauty
The way it's been presented before me.
Your beauty is as rare as a desert rose,
Covering you from the top of your head
To the very end of your toes.

I’ve seen how beauty illuminates from your skin
And shines directly from your very heart within.
I’ve seen how you looked with your big beautiful brown eyes
Revealing to the world the place where love resides.

It’s not every day that I see beauty like this in all its exposure.
When real beauty to me has been kept in its enclosure.
Baby, it’s not because of the clothes you wear,
Or the way you comb you hair,
It’s not by the voice you carry
But by the character you carry.

Your beauty is so rare.
Because girl, you continue to show that you care.
Your beauty becomes real
When you continue to show your loving smile.
And, baby, that becomes a big deal
When you’re full of determination to go the extra mile.

Beauty isn’t real and does not become so rare
By the look of your body.
Girl, that’s not why I care,
To me it’s not what you are as a whole.
You carry that uncommon unmatchless beauty
That makes me wanna get to know you better
And see very well into your soul.

Sweetheart, your beauty is real because it does come from within.
And I continue to believe that it’s always been.
Your beauty is an exotic treasure that’s beyond compare.
And that’s what makes it so precious and rare.
Written by: Jonathan Johnson
July 12, 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
Keep an Eye Out
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
Keep an eye out of what God has for you to do
He called you for a specific reason
Now is the time, now is the season
For you to do what you have been called to do
So be watchful and keep an eye out

Be watchful of all the distractions that Satan
Tries to throw your way
Be watchful of the words coming from your mouth
Because you have what you say
Taken from Proverbs 18 and 21:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”
So be careful cuz you can’t take back what you say
What was said is what was done
Don’t get discouraged now because the battle is already won

Keep an eye out for the Lord’s return
Are you ready or is the news of His second coming
Causing you to cringe and your stomach to turn?
Get yourself prepared now because any second
He’s gonna call His children home
Keep an eye out

Be watchful of the things Satan does to you
He’s trying to cause decrease
But by God’s mercy He blocked it-He said you are to increase
Keep an eye out

Stay in prayer every day
God wants to help you in any possible way
Talk to Him and receive your answer

God said that you have the ability to do anything
You have the ability to do anything by His grace
Through His supernatural abilities you can win the race
Keep your eyes open for God working in your life
When you put your hands to do just about anything
Written March 23, 2010
Jun 2010 · 942
This Thing
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
I don’t think I’ve told anyone about this thing in my life
Don’t know exactly what it is just yet
But, I just think it’s too much for them to handle
Too much to sink in to their overbearing brains
But the connection from this thing that I continue to hold on to
Got it totally linked in
Making me feel totally insane
As if I’ve lost all control of the situations that this thing got me in

I didn’t at first want anyone to know about it
Too afraid of what their responses was gonna be
So I left it for myself and for the rest of the world to see
So I told the world about it
And only they know the situation
Only they know what goes on what everyone else couldn’t see about me

This thing left me a choice
Telling me I’ve got a choice I need to make
Decisions of two I need to choose from
But the overwhelming power of this thing
Is making it hard to do
But something else within me with even a greater force
Is making its way to the front to battle this thing
Helping me to come to grips of greater truth
Written April 28, 2010
Jun 2010 · 766
About Her
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
My feelings for her grow deeper and more stronger everyday
Everyday I try to hide my feelings,
But somehow, I just can't
I try as hard as I can in every possible way.
Continually, I tell myself
That she s only a friend and nothing else
The feelings that I continue to hold for her
I mean, it’s not as if she doesn’t know
I’ve told her once before
So therefore, I think, shell always know
Its hard for me to keep lying to myself
That all she is, at this time, is just a friend
But how long can I keep this up?
How long can I keep pretending to myself that nothing is there?
And with a quick glance at her simply turns into a stare.
As much as I want us to be something more
I don t think that’s going to happen anytime soon
Our friendship is too precious to be risked over this
Can't help but notice that
Her smile contains the magical essence of the moon.
And the majesty and grace of her person is nothing to miss.
But, for now, I guess
Being my girl is an impossible wish.
Written January 1, 2010
Jun 2010 · 888
Question for Our Friendship
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
Remember, how strong our friendship used to be?
I mean, right before I started falling for you
And sending you poems and love letters?
We used to talk every day before the notes and letters.
But, now we don’t talk at all like we used to.
Isn’t it something I could do?
Anything at all that would make our friendship better?
Written January 8, 2010
Jun 2010 · 787
She Becomes the Poetry
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
She becomes the poetry that we as writers write
So warm and gentle, hot like fire
Fiery and magnetic-pierces my heart with desire
And spills from heartbreak the words of me-my light

From the beginning of it all, from the start of the poem
She may have thought that this story was about her
I don’t know if that’s the case-subject image became blank
The light that was shown from me did the searching
Traveled through the storm
But the idea of this girl still became a blur

She becomes the story that I write
So interesting, so full of detail, filled with life, and yet so compelling
Captivating and motivating-she entices my mind
With every waking moment from the story that she herself is telling

The light returns back to me
With a story of its own to tell me
It tells of this girl who happened to have always been in back of me
Never once on my own turned to see who it happened to be
Never thought I had to-I’ll give my reason why
I’ve always wrote of one in a story-one who caught my eye
She becomes what I write-she becomes my poetry
She becomes my light and my destiny

She becomes everything that I hoped she would be
Reaching out to grab her hand
I come to realize that she's been here all along
Never been non-existent, never been behind the shadows
She's been here once again playing her daily song.

The light turned her into the poetry that I choose to read
Never wanting to put her down, never wanting to let her go
I never want to stop listening to what she has to say
Because she's the story that I want to read each and every day.
Written February 10, 2010
Jun 2010 · 844
I Became a Child of God
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
I came to a place to find you
I came to a place to love you
I came to a place to accept you

My pastor taught your Word
My pastor preached your message
My pastor spoke your revelation
When He spoke…I heard you

I then found you

I came before you in your presence
I came before you and worshipped your name

You healed me of my pain
You healed me of my distress
You healed me of my sicknesses

You’ve gotten me through the test

With you I conquered over Satan
With you I conquered over Evil
With you I conquered darkness in my mind
With you I conquered through it all
Now thanks to you I have a clear and sound mind

I became victorious
I became a conquerer
I became a winner

With a joyful and humble heart
I became a child of God
Written April 16, 2010
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
The world isn’t going to give you what you need
It’s not gonna give you your purpose
What’s in your way, you have to crack it
What’s’ in your way, you have to fight it

On the other side of the mountain
Is the very thing you need to know
Though you may feel like giving up
Keep on going and don’t let go

What do you need to break Satan’s walls?
You may need the Word of God
What do you need to break the walls of Darkness?
What exactly are you gonna do?
Whatever it is it needs to work for you
Light the candle, light the room!
What do you have to break the walls of Darkness?
You may need the Word of God.

Where will you be when it all comes crashing down?
I hope you’re still standing through it all
The negative circumstances and events of your past
The memory of it all will soon fade away
And Satan’s methods of attack will fade away

Do you have what you need to make it forward?
Do you possess the very power to push you on?
Are you standing on the Word of God?
Written May 25, 2010
Jun 2010 · 2.2k
Footprints in the Sand
Jonathan Johnson Jun 2010
I can open up my ears and listen to you talk
I can open up my heart and receive everything you have to say
I know I can continue to trust in the words that come from your mouth
While you hold my hand as we walk together
Making footprints in the sand

I never doubted what you spoke over me
I never doubted what you held in your hands for me
And though naturally I’ve only seen one set of footprints
I know spiritually there was another set right next to me in the sand
Whenever I felt I was falling
You was there to help me stand
You always remained true to me
And in my darkest nights
You opened my eyes and revealed your light

You held me and carried me through when I couldn’t see two
When we would make our footprints in the sand
You promised me that you’ll always be with me
As I make my way treading and conquering this land

I trust and believe what you say
When I was lost and didn’t know what else to do
You spoke to my heart and you made a way
I’ve never lost faith in you
I never hardened my heart or closed myself off to you
Instead I softened my heart and let you in
My life wouldn’t be what is without you
That’s why I never drifted away from you
I chose to walk with you making my way in this land
Making footprints in the sand
Written May 31, 2010

— The End —