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65 · Feb 2020
jo march Feb 2020
I wish I got lost in a forest
At least I could see trees
And hear birds
But I'm lost in my own thoughts
I could only see darkness
I could only hear voices I didn't ask for
62 · Aug 2022
jo march Aug 2022
I built a wall
And it stayed that way
Until you came
I crushed the wall
For you
Because you told me
You’ll never give me pain
It didn’t hurt me
When you hurt me
I destroyed the wall
And destroyed me
61 · Nov 2022
when the pen hurts me
jo march Nov 2022
I watched you fade
Into the sunset
Like how i used to
When I was three
When I didn’t know
What living and dying meant
No one explained to me
Because I didn’t ask either
I still think
The sunset is pretty
And nice people
Go in there
Til inevitable things happen
And I watched my grandfather
Vanished into the pretty sky
Of January 13
I wasn’t anymore three
And now i know what it means
To stop breathing
It isn’t a pretty phrase
And the feelings aren’t pretty either
The sunset came again
And i stopped caring
56 · Feb 2020
jo march Feb 2020
I wish my ride took me forever
To reach my destination
But it said
It will only take 2 hours
And I eventually made it after 2 hours

— The End —