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Sep 2015 · 517
the devil sequence #2
Joli-Anne Harper Sep 2015
The Devil and the girl danced a dance no one had ever heard of. Their bodies moved in sync and sequence. Although from afar they looked amazing; up close, their eyes were very stern and heart breaking. They looked at each other with determination as if their mission was to destroy the other. The beauty in their actions was memorizing but it was also extremely cold. Somehow, the Devil and the girl turned something so beautiful into something horrendous.
Sep 2015 · 452
the devil sequence #1
Joli-Anne Harper Sep 2015
He was the devil with his words; he pretended to genuinely care. He listened but never intervened. When he did speak his mind, he was careful with his words but he lured you in with his charm and perfect smile. The indestructible girl who was little too protective of her heart let her guard down for the Devil. He swallowed it whole and left her aching with a hole in her chest and no one to mend her soul.
Dec 2014 · 606
Late Night Thoughts
Joli-Anne Harper Dec 2014
Tonight I realized that I am madly in love with you.
But that won't change your mind, because I am nothing but a scratch in your skin.
I didn't treat you right and your heart wasn't ready for this.
I wanted to be your everything, you wanted me to be suppress your memory.
The pain I feel now looking back, is completely disgusting and I don't know why anyone would put themselves through this much torture.
So long happiness, goodbye madness.
Dec 2014 · 471
Joli-Anne Harper Dec 2014
Every day I would wake up to a life full of hatred. I could not glance at myself without wanting to smash all of the distorted images in the mirror.
Society made me feel as if I was a ripped corner piece of paper in a novel with coffee stains and  leaked ink.
I felt as if everything I said or did would come back to haunt me in the long hours of the night; that some day I would not wake up because while sleeping in a cold bed, the images in my corrupted mind would make me feel so much better than the real world.
They were right about me all along.They would knock me down and drag my heartstrings all around until I was nothing but a beating pulse in someone else's ego; they were right.
And I used to tell myself that I was everything they said I would become and that the only place I'd end up would be in a 6 foot grave dug by my own memory of loss and pain.
But, as time grew longer and as I met people wiser, I realized that not only was the judgment that they were making wrong, but also, they were the ones who looked into that distorted mirror and cried because their life was nothing they wanted it to be.
They would be the ones lying in bed with hopes of falling back to sleep because their thoughts were more alive; more truthful in their head.
That day, I woke up to find myself staring at a beautiful figure in the mirror; one with many scars and faults. That day, I accepted that I was beautiful; that I was supposed to be alive in this world. I was to make others feel good about themselves so that they would not feel as I once did.
That day, I picked up that tattered book and I began to read it. All the details and the emotions. That book may have been a horrible thing to look at at first glance, but the minute you open it up, you will read the most beautiful story in the world. And that story; that story, is all about you.
Nov 2014 · 550
Joli-Anne Harper Nov 2014
“What’s your poison?” She said softly, her head against his beating chest.
“Heartbreak,” He replied reluctantly, “and the thought of being in love.”
“I’ve never heard that before. I’m not too sure I understand what you’re trying to say.”
“Heartbreak is a terrible thing but it’s completely infatuating. When someone knows your biggest, darkest secrets and they still want to be around you. That’s something I crave for. It may be poison, but it’s never tasted so good.”

— The End —