What no one ever tells you
Is it’s gonna be real tough
You’re gonna wanna give up
You’ll think you’ve had enough
What no one ever tells you
Is your books don’t always go
With the classes you have picked
They’re outdated and too old
What no one ever tells you
Is that High School doesn’t compare|
To the Profs and the people
To the classrooms and the chairs
What no one ever tells you
Or what they say instead
College is a bomb
It’s a party, so we’ve read
What no one ever tells you
Or rather so they say
You can fly through College
Without showing up a day
What no one tells you
And what I’m saying now
I’ve been there two days
And I’ve figured out just how
Much that no one ever tells you
And what they never say
College is important
In every single way
And what no one tells you
Most importantly of all
Is never to give up
When you think you’ve lost it all
What no one ever tells you
Is that though you are debt
You need this education
You’ll get through this yet
What no one ever tells you
Is there are people who care
To help you through these years
Make it out fair and square
What no one ever tells you
Is this is a challenge of sorts
But prepares you for the real world
Makes or breaks you of course
What no one ever tells you
Is you’re gonna make it through
With support systems and time
And people who love you