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Nov 2010 · 997
More I the fool
JohnnyDod Nov 2010
More I the fool, for wasting time, for writing verse for writing rhyme
I should use my time for those who follow, as did Zeus as did Apollo
Like the god of truth and prophecy, I prepare for those that see
There is no secret rendezvous, no tryst, or hidden fond adieu
Just words set out as I see things, my look on life and all it brings
I write of nature how we abuse it, I try to show how we can use it
I write of love, its joy and pain, I write of children who cry in vain

More I the fool to think that I can show the way to happiness
Its in your hands, how things will be, if we succeed if we progress
So take this world, its for the young, not for us poets all unsung
But if you read what I have writ, more I the fool to think to quit
For if one word, one verse, one rhyme, should make you think
More I the fool, I waste no time.
Copyright..johnnydod 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.7k
September chill
JohnnyDod Sep 2010
I wake to touch the September morning chill
The early dew glistens in the mornings hue; it softens the low mist that abounds
A fox scurries away after his night of slaughter
Whilst mushrooms make their early morning rounds, only to disappear before the dew dries

As the day takes over from the dawn
Crows proclaim their territory and squabble with the rooks
The last murmurs of the morning chorus end its melodious run
A field mouse hurries away and awaits to coming of the warming sun

This September morn sends a shiver down my spine, its beauty personified by its stillness
My breath, fogs the air like a puff of smoke that mingles with the early morning mist
Only to lose its authority to the surrounding break of day haze

Crunching sounds of each step echos on the frosty grass, leaving a first impression
The only clue that I had walked this way before
Soon many will follow to hide my trace, as in my life, my achievements are marred by those more worthy of recognition
September morn I cry out to you: Be my inspiration, and warm me with your promise of the day ahead

Too soon I will bewail your passing, to soon will Mother Nature cast her winter cloak
But I know you will return once again to thrill me with your splendour
I will awake once more to touch your morning chill
© johnnydod 2010
Sep 2010 · 932
The Rose
JohnnyDod Sep 2010
The deep deep crimson  of my rose
hides its sharp protective thorns
to guard against the hand that might cut it
In its beauty, a tear trickles from deep within
to show it has a hidden feeling
from the outside you don't see
the emotions and fears.
© johnnydod 2010
Sep 2010 · 816
My rose
JohnnyDod Sep 2010
The deep deep crimson  of my rose hides its sharp protective thorns to guard against the hand that might cut it.
In its beauty, a tear trickles from deep within to show it has a hidden feeling, from the outside you don't see the emotions and fears.
© johnnydod 2010
Sep 2010 · 15.2k
JohnnyDod Sep 2010
Dragonfly with wings of Blue, what makes me wonder just like you
You hover over a yellow flower, mesmerized by her power
I see myself attracted to, the colours of life, just like you
Something bright will pull me in, to take my light deep deep within
Oh dragonfly Oh dragonfly lets savour life, just you and I
© johnnydod 2010
Sep 2010 · 903
The Kiss
JohnnyDod Sep 2010
It was our first kiss, nothing wild or licentious just a touch of moist warm lips
Coming together for a fleeting moment then parting
In that instant, a thousand wishes flooded in to fill a void It seems I had been longing for, waiting for, wanting for

My life balanced and tilted towards a happiness I never dreamed could be
We looked into each others eyes not a word spoken
I knew in that moment it was the same for her
A knowing perceptive smile began to form, as I drew her to me and kissed her once more
© johnnydod 2010
Aug 2010 · 789
And his music plays on
JohnnyDod Aug 2010
The day he died his music kept on playing
He lived his life on a plateau of insignificance
Moving from one failed love affair to another
Each time pledging it would be the last
He had only felt true love the one time
A helpless impossible love
A love which had metamorphosed into another kind of love
A love of friendship and compassion
And his music played on
The music was his heart and soul
A kind of music that kindled a fire, within us all
Music of words and feelings, open to all.
Those that listening to the music, those that allowed it to encompass them
Would feel it too
And his music will play on
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 885
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
Women come in many guises its up to you to choose

If you want her wild you will have to accept

The odd deep scratch or bruise

You could pick a hot one, but my friend

Be very very aware

You see you might get badly burnt

And this advice I share

I speak from experience because this is one

Lesson I have sorely learnt

If you play with fire you will, I guarantee get burnt

Why not pick a shy one? You just might be surprised

She might just be a sly one, and pleasing to the eye

To me, I picked a smart one; I like a woman with style

She a woman that can be all of these things

She’s hot and wild; she’s smart and shy,

And she’s very versatile.
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 653
Another poem
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
I sit at the keyboard and click another key

Another line of poetry

I click again and write some more

Finding lines to explore

Reading over what I write

How will it sound when I recite?

I click again another line

Another verse another rhyme

Lets take a break lets take a rest

Allow my lines to digest

Scrambling words in a new combination

Seeking out for new Inspiration

Fingers hover like a bird

As I click again another word

One more line for this rhyme

Now it’s finished just in time.
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 1.0k
As she lay Sleeping
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
The perfume of her hair blurred my senses,
as I took her in my arms, caressed her hips, just so gently
Oh the roundness of her *******
the pure marble white of her skin, the ruby softness
of her sweet sweet lips.
She turned to face me,and with a hand on my cheek,
kissed me once kissed me twice quite passionately
I was mesmerized by her beauty and charms
I love you my darling she whispered
as I carried her off to our bed in my arms.
We made love all night long and then in the morning
There she lay I gentle kiss her forehead
then her eyelids and onto her sweet pretty nose
careful not to disturb her, and in the morning I will wake her
in the favourite way shes love to be woken.
I watch her get dressed and thought to myself
how much more could one man be so wonderfully blessed
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 1.8k
Tickle me
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
Tickle my fancy come play with me
Hug me squeeze me come sit on my knee
Make me tingle lets have a fling
Stir my emotions, make me Zing

Kiss my neck and whisper softly
The things you want, to do with me
Take me to Rome
Wine and dine me
And then take me home

Wrap me in lace and Broderie Anglaise
Bath me in milk and polyurethane foam
Fly me to Rio lets dance in the streets
Make love to me Beneath silken black sheets

Tell me you love me in French and Italian
Call me a Puppy-dog and then a white stallion
So tickle me baby lets have a fling
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 756
Vicious Kiss
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
All she did was kiss me, but I was knocked for six

She drew her lips to mine, with that vicious kiss

Her tongue explored my mouth; I stood no chance at all

She took my life completely I soon began to fall

She captured me entirely Oh that vicious kiss

Mesmerizing tantalizing, which way will I turn?

She took my heart, I felt it burn  

She took my soul I felt it yearn

Now I know why I exist

I gave myself to her, with her sweet vicious kiss
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 748
Happiness is
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
To wake in the morning and hold the sun in your hand
To see a dream come to be after thoughts you had planned
To laugh with a child and to share in her tears
To hold and protect to belay all her fears

The sound of a blackbirds enchanting sweet song
To admit to yourself when you know you are wrong
To shout out aloud when you know your alone
To make good of a sin, to admit, to atone

To bathe **** in the moonlight with the one you adore
To win or to lose to miss or to score
To feel dew-wet-grass, slowly squeeze  through your toes
To share with the bees the delights of a rose
To write to compose to compile to make prose

To go on a diet, then to fit into your cloths
To be happy with life to make do with your lot
To finish a poem to the end with a dot.
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 745
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
It’s cold and wet and wild and windy

What the hell happened to spring?

I wanted to see the blossoms and primroses

And all the beauty they bring

But someone up there is messing about

Now I’m seriously beginning to doubt

Looking around it’s all very clear

Just when summer was almost here

Now the wind is really blowing

******* it’s started snowing

Things are looking really dire

Sod this I’m staying indoors to light a fire.
Copyright © johnnydod 2010
Apr 2010 · 713
The Game
JohnnyDod Apr 2010
I moved my rook towards the king and thoughtfully touched my nose

His rook took steps towards my Queen to offer her a rose

This move so bold took me aback

Was he planning to attack?

So I moved my bishop, in a sideways shift

He took hold of it and gave it a lift

This was to be his greedy fate

As I moved towards his king and with a cry

Shouted out loud a triumphant “checkmate”
Copyright © johnnydod 2010

— The End —