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Johnnie Alvarado Jun 2017
You make me
I am a dragon,
You make me fiery.
Every time I am around you,
You make my blood boil.
I can't help but look at you with bedroom eyes.
Dreaming about the day we'll set this world on fire.
Johnnie Alvarado Apr 2017
She says, "tell me more about you handsome"
I tell her I am Johnnie Alvarado, I am soul searching
She says, "No, tell me what makes you different from the rest"

I tell her I am expressive as the Italians,
I am passionate as the French,
I speak as **** as the Spaniards,
I am artistic like the late Pablo Picasso,
I play with words like captain J Cole,
I am as adventurous like "Captain Jack Sparrow"
I am handsome as the African men, but a rare gem
I am like Naruto Uzumaki I never give up
I am an African and I pride myself in that
I tell her I have a will of fire and that i am a museum full of untold tales waiting to be told.

She can't help but but say "You've touched me without touching me"
Johnnie Alvarado Apr 2017
you are like volcano,
you make me erupt,
and I am like the perfect storm,
together we destroy everything in our path!

— The End —