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Lost deep wondering on what to do,

Mind drenched in thoughts of sorrow blue,

Asleep with dreams of being apart of you,

Sometimes I awake hoping my thoughts are true,

My eyes have opened, inside this dream of no fun,

Nightmares I say, seems as if they’ll never be done,

My desires betray, Reality comes in to play, the sun goes down,

I take this day, thinking everything through, and first comes you,

I think about others too, but first I think of you,

Sometimes dreams can mis-lead,

Wishing it to be real but no matter what you do its fake,

It feeds your head so much, yourself you mis-treat,

Sometimes happiness is just not yours to take,

sometimes you must show love, and happiness is yours to make,

Sometimes you have to follow your dreams outside the dream world,

To seek, to fly like a dove, to show affect,

I need nothing but her, to speak, to love, to protect,

The word right…to treat, to show, to prove my love is…

You must see it through your head that you love through mind before heart,

You must understand that you are mine before we part,

A guy wanting a girl, isnt always a desire,

sometimes its more than just a fire, sometimes you mean the world,

Me and you we arent just another ordinary boy or girl,

We see things that others cant and dont understand,

By mind you're a women and im a man,

Getting married should be the second of the plan,

First comes falling in love, and me having in my hands,

Not just another girl, but some one that makes me feel like im holding the world.

I am not thinking of me wanting you as a obsessity this is not the plight,

Im seeing,thinking, and feeling as if you are a neccessity to my life.
Youngsecretpoetry (c) Johnathan Crutchfield
Nov 2011 · 534
To Understand
I look in the mirror and I see it in my eyes,

I start to feel it in my heart,

It's all things that can make a man cry,

It is distance that we part

I didnt think it would take much for you to realize,

To read between the lines,

To look deeper inside,

Take the time,

For us to confide

It's love I wish to share,

It's something fragile I need to give,

So please listen, take a chair,

My life...with you, I want to live

One second,one minute,one moment,

I want you to give me,

To show you what Im worth,

To get you to believe

Cupid has lended me a curse,

Of falling in love with the first I see

Im sickened by you, I need a love nurse,

I really think I do, I do

They say that some phenom makes your heart skip a beat,

And I know its because of you

The thought of love, passion, or desire,

I think of it as love's heart burn,

Because my heart finds you hot like fire,

For the love teacher, I have already learned

Now I want to quit wasting time and acually experiance it,

They say choose where your heart takes you,

So I try things a bit,

because your heart is known to seek truth,

And I followed my hearts footsteps

It lead me to where I met you...

Youngsecretpoetry (c) Johnathan Crutchfield
Jun 2011 · 938
To Understand
I look in the mirror and I see it in my eyes,

I start to feel it in my heart,

It's all things that can make a man cry,

It is distance that we part

I didnt think it would take much for you to realize,

To read between the lines,

To look deeper inside,

Take the time,

For us to confide

It's love I wish to share,

It's something fragile I need to give,

So please listen, take a chair,

My life...with you, I want to live

One second,one minute,one moment,

I want you to give me,

To show you what Im worth,

To get you to believe

Cupid has lended me a curse,

Of falling in love with the first I see

Im sickened by you, I need a love nurse,

I really think I do, I do

They say that some phenom makes your heart skip a beat,

And I know its because of you

The thought of love, passion, or desire,

I think of it as love's heart burn,

Because my heart finds you hot like fire,

For the love teacher, I have already learned

Now I want to quit wasting time and acually experiance it,

They say choose where your heart takes you,

So I try things a bit,

because your heart is known to seek truth,

And I followed my hearts footsteps

It lead me to where I met you...
Youngsecretpoetry (c() Johnathan Crutchfield
Jun 2011 · 536
Pure For Her
My love for her is never in anger,

Love soo rare love endangered,

The love I will keep for her,

Eyes wide open with no blurs,

I am no stranger,

But me, I am a love ranger,

Fighting hate to keep love alive,

To fight, to protect,to love as I strive,

For the best in me and others too,

But for her I love her I do, I do,

She makes me feel warm,

She helps her friends from mourn,

I wake in dedication of her, on my mind,

when I close my eyes and on my last breath,

Of her I see, her and my love as the sign,

To awaken me, to revive me, from my own very death,

Pure poetry, pure emotions, pure love I feel,

Sucure, signifigant, important, my love's shield,

A peer she is more, magnificent, glamerous glint, perfection kills,

Can't back away, already made my choice,

Everything to me, I already miss the sound of her voice,

Cant back away, already made my choice,

Everything to me, as to half hearts' rejoice!
Feb 2011 · 676
See you and Think
I see you and I think without you.....

I would die,

When I look into your eyes,

I think wow,increditible, she'll never be by my side,

Im starting to relize I don't want you to wake up beside anybody or nobody,

why not beside me?

I know you've been hurt in your own way,

But Let me make it up to you by dedicating my life to you ,

not just a couple of days,

You know I am in love with you,

but aren't you the right person,

Yes, I get confused and crazy too,

But "we are ment to be of one, not friends of two..."

Can you tell me what Im supposed to think of you?

We talk enough to know eachother well,

But im afriad that our friendship, something I want to be more, is getting stell,

My poems, yes your right thier all about you,

Even the ones you asked about , the sad ones yes, I felt like my love was draining out of you,

I just can't tell if what I am feeling is what you're feeling,

When I think the way of, Hate and sorrow,

It clouds me with all sorts of fears,

But when Im around you all these bad things disappear,

I feel this connection between us,

This love, my fantasies, and trust,

We are young,but when Im with you I feel the willpower of a man,

That will fight til' last man standing,and I will be the first and last to stand,

What do you feel when your talking to me?

When you were going through the painful days,

You tried to hide it,but you already knew what I can see,

But I want you to know that my love will never fade,

You may have felt like it was the end of the world,

Let me be the one you dreamed of the prefect one,

becasue when the end of the world comes? It's just going to be me and you girl.

I want to explain more but let me explain these feelings while I have a chance with you,

I'm hoping that if you understand that someday we'll say "I do,"

Because can't no one be true to you like I do,

Your love is drowning,sinking,

And Im serching looking,

and even through these kinda bad times,

Im going to always, see you....and think....

What would I do with out you ?
Embrace this moment today,

Hold you tight in everyway,

Being with you this night lets me know,

From the heart that everything is right,

The time were we both really listen,

The time were it feels like the first impression...again,

Were my love becomes my valentine,

The only one I can say to, that you're more than just mine.
Feb 2011 · 549
Why do I want you,

Why can't I give up,

What is it that makes me do...

This stupid stuff,

I can't help myself from you,

Without you I just wouldnt know what to do,

Its not the fact of what I stand my ground for,

People have dreams but you are the dream,

Its the possibilities of never opening that door,

It's the nightmares that I have seen.

I just want you ever more.
Feb 2011 · 602
I not only love but I love us,
We talk sometimes and we have found trust,
I think of you and us,
Like what would I do, If me and you weren't a must ?

It's all the time,
That you and love is on my mind,
It's you that is more than fine,
More than beautiful,the one that is always mine,

It is me that awaits the sign,
For it to come true,
For... us to valentines.

I do write these lines with perfection,
To show you my kindness of affection,
Its valentines and my heart is dark,cold, and dead,
I want you to be the very reason of its resurrection,

Just come to me, let your heart shine,
Let our love combine and intertwine,
Let us be able to say "your mine"
Let this love we show take us on a different line,
A different path, so that hate can forsake our minds,

For the 14th,
We will be Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.
Feb 2011 · 656
Freezing Moments
Our lips should always be able to meet,
Seeing you is like de'ja'vu everyday,
When we touch in any way,
Everything to me pauses,stops,plays then repeats,
Still loving you even after our ends meet,
I love you from my heart's very core,
My heart is strongly sore
but love is so strong I feel not-a-thing anymore,
I always am thinking of what can be true,
Without you I've not a clue what to do,
but to search,find, and love you.
Feb 2011 · 551
Mistakes, Too late
Their is pain in love,
and from the moment you love,
Everything seems to fall from above,
Everything you touch, everything you see,
Loving too much,changing to be what they see,
I stop walking, stopped jogging but now I'm running,
Getting tired though, so what was I thinking ?
Every time I get close you push me away,
but my heart tells me to go and stay,
Now I'm starting to think that this was a game and I'm getting played,
Don't know what sides their are but I feel betrayed,
It's from day to day I think of you,
Not knowing what to do,
Stressing on what's wrong and what's true,
but going after you and falling in love,
was two wrongs which makes no right,
but I'm still holding on,
I stopped running, now I'm just standing here, watching you run,
From me though and with my heart,
Now I feel heartless and depressed,
It's just making me stressed,
but never the less do I stop thinking of you,
Not a day, a week, or even a year,
I'm always thinking, always on what to do,
I'm thinking in a empty place in my head,
On how much love it took to love you,
Now that nothing is pumping my heart,
This is where you can say I'm feeling dead.
Jan 2011 · 498
You're the one
Stay with me through the years,bleed with me through all the tears,
I have a million reasons why your the one, I have a trillion reasons why I won,

Day by day, it shows me how much you want to stay, The present we're in,the present,a question,You're the present I open,

The past we forget,the mistakes we admit,the future in hands,
Now we make our stop our love is at land.
© Youngsecret Poetry ©
Dec 2010 · 541
One Girl
One girl ,

never leaves the mind,

means the world,

but the love I just cant find,

One girl,

the one yet to ever be seen by true eyes,

means the world,

but doesnt relize something that can die,

One girl,

wiats to long,

means the world,

To a person who's love is strong.
YoungsecretPoetry © Johnathan Crutchfield
Dec 2010 · 798
Love For You
As my love for you seeps away,
As I lie here with nothing to say,
And all this time,it fly's by,
My heart grows smaller,and starts to die,
The vision of you,it starts to loose its touch,
My heart is big for you,
now not so much,I'm loosing love,gaining nothing,
I thought mylove for you,was acually something,
Feeling sorrow, but I cant admit it,
Here in solitude,thinking about it,
I'm not absorbing hate,
But I'm starting to believe somthing called fate.
Even though I just said all this stuff,
Im going to still love you,
but just not as such.
Bad things can happen to great friends,
for a moment their I felt as if my soul had to decend.
Now I'm feeling the letting off of sympathy,
and my soul coming to harmony,
but I still dont know why you were starting to feel,far from me.
Now as I open my eyes,
I see that nothing is intentional,
and how love can seem so non-fictional.
Love really gets to some people,
But to me it seems 2 dimensional,
Like ones real and the other is unbelieviable,
Love can control what we have,
believe it or not its decieviable.
But as I stumble on this path,
I soon began to relize that its always pleadable.
A scar on the heart, a **** on love,
And how it can cross ones heart,
And leave a cruel and happy story of true art,
From people of true parts,
That soon come together,
In the mixed emotions of bad weather.
Youngsecret Poetry © Johnathan Crutchfield!/pages/Poetrywriterspoems-youngsecret-/111156695600866
Dec 2010 · 443
Not Enough
Love inclines for every step I take to reach, Hate that eats my soul as I weaken,it fieasts,Every time I take the time to look in something that shines,I get love sick because my love went to find,We sometimes try to back away but can't because the walls incline,
We all want to walk away at some moment,But we cant because of the signs that tells us to go and present. We all ask with what? Someone whispers what do they call the very time your in? we say the present,we wake up and thank our lord for this very present,We ponder about tomorrow til it comes and we see the one we need, The ones heart that feeds, ours, We all wish to have the courage to ask but we cant because of the power ..isnt enough.
Youngsecret © Johnathan Cructhfield!/pages/Poetrywriterspoems-youngsecret-/111156695600866
Dec 2010 · 666
The Best Of A Day
Here I see the grace,
All in one day,
I see the light, laughter, and joy,
created yet to be destroyed,
All this of a friend,
I wish to share my truest mend,
How this bring me to the right time,
To get to rejoice and join the shrine,
The shrine that heals ones darkest memeries and scars,
To protect you from it by afar,
Your the one I cant ignore,
The one I love everyday,more and more,
Complete my heart shall be,
If your forever by a side with me.
Youngsecret © Johnathan Cructfield!/pages/Poetrywriterspoems-youngsecret-/111156695600866
Dec 2010 · 551
Passing Down A Great Life
Being here,
lets me know Im doing well,
No signs of hate nor fear,
But joy and happiness something I dwell,
My success is bright and never fails,

I try to succeed,
To have a future planned out,
I strive and bleed,
And yet I still go on without a doubt,

Success? I count !
Trophies? I mount !  
Failure makes not a sound,
Success is the word the most profound...

Now you come and make my life great,
See what we have in common so that we can relate,
Maybe we'll be the most imperfect mates to make the perfect date..
Lets not stop our generations lets pass down our traits..
To beautiful kids,
So they can have a great life just like I did.
Youngsecret © Johnathan Crutchfield!/pages/Poetrywriterspoems-youngsecret-/111156695600866
Dec 2010 · 2.8k
Walking Away
The urge to let my mind free!

But scared of the reality,

I want to let my heart burst ,

And give quiench to my hearts' love's thirst,

Why does life want to push some one so hard?


I know what is wrong from right,

But I,I...I just cant hold off my hearts fight.

Love is a strong emotion, superior to my might.

my fatal death is in its sight.

My story maybe long,

My love maybe, strong,

But helping a friend is the life song,

Im "walking away", away from advantagement,

keeping my life going staying leginiment,

Love maybe the way to go,

but friendship is the one to show.

My life will not be held at low,

I refuse to give in,i choose to walk within,

To express myself to God,

Dont be absurd, I have chosen no sin,

God shall help me with an angel,his daughter,

I keep my head striaght,held high,

never looking down,never too the ground,

I shall speak the truth and keep no lie's,

{whispering} : I shall keep my love for her at a low sound,

But my friendship is greater then you "my love" , too profound,

Im going to do whats right,

because if I have nothing nice to say then I wont say it at all.

I wont let you ruin my life not even a day,

because.... Im ... Im !! {calmly} : walking away
YoungsecretPoetry © Johnathan Crutchfield!/pages/Poetrywriterspoems-youngsecret-/111156695600866

— The End —