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1.9k · Mar 2010
John W. Mick Mar 2010

I love the color blue
She said,
It is so regal…
And royal
Its subtle hues
Provide me with comfort
And security
But if you were to add
Just a touch of red…
The color of love
It reveals a most
wonderful purple
Purple has been my
Secret passion
Since I was very young
Purple gives me joys
I scarcely comprehend
While looking at purple
The powerful hints of red
Overwhelm me
Even to the point where
I find it difficult
To detect the blue
What a lovely palette
I have before me
What picture, I wonder
Shall I paint today…
821 · Mar 2010
John W. Mick Mar 2010
The Garden

Paradise is lost
The sun is fallen
Truth is known
Yet its way is obscured
Bitter harvests now replace
Immaculate conception
And tears flow, from eyes
That willed to see
There is no victory in the outter realms
No reward in desolation
Oh to return from whence we have fallen
To taste of fruit unforbidden
The garden has grown barren
And its hedgerow high
Who can restore its splendor
Who is worthy
I know none…..
714 · Mar 2010
John W. Mick Mar 2010

Oh mystery of mysteries
The universe unveils itself
Before me

I watch in silent wonder
Enraptured, with its

The spheres sing harmoniously
As they congregate to form
The flower

Bringing light and life
Space and time
Forever more

Their dance is entrancing
As they whirl
In perfect symetry

Coming together
In precise
Geometric form

Elements burst forth
Singing the praises
Of their birth

Combining into compounds
As matter and subsequent
Life, take form

And as one becomes all
And all becomes one
It fades, as though only a dream

And I know
That it is I
Who am the dreamer….

— The End —