What if your cup of life was hitting rock bottom ,and you have been running on empty for the longest time? Miracles can't be for me you think to yourself! I've messed up too badly...Not many people like me. I'm mostly alone. I'm too far gone! I'm hopeless! That good stuff is for that other person you know...That better than you person!
But what if instead of approaching your last day you decided to be so in love with life the outcome didn't matter. You really decided to love yourself and give yourself the dreams you held inside you.
You gave yourself and the world around you day by day a new beginning. You decided no effort was too much! No pain so great to stop you. Making and owning the decision in our hearts that at least our love of life could be invincible. We would reflect the light of creation onto every thought word and deed henceforth. No turning back! Thoughts proceed the words, and actions create the fabric of our lives and the world around us we live in. To make the decision to be a destiny maker...To believe if we have the courage to love and hug one person it can eventually grow a forest of love...
Patiently doing whatever we felt truly needed to be done...Resting in our effort one breath at a time... to always hold in our hearts that we matter, and those around us always matter...We are always on ground as Holy as we Let it be in our hearts...
I know it doesn't rhyme, but the purpose outweighed that to me...