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I was once in a rough & gruff biker gang
figthing with tough as nails bikers, dang
and I knew all of the sick biker slang,
but then I woke up when my cell phone rang
1.2k · Oct 2015
Sails Across
the sea grabbed bodies, theirs and mine flaming foaming tendrils
ahold of the drifting timber trying to keep gripping, hanging
holding high salt stripped throat shouting Unhand Me, Body-
You'll not have us tonight, but the sea made  belly sounds,
bleeding even the pilot, head slipping to the murk my blood
the envy, finally fell out inside and I sank to the floor with the timber and rope-the final moments of vision the setting horison the eye and perhaps an illusion; not-blak sails drifting steady my head vapor shroud eating the sun I fell into the lap of my love, my Mathilda- royalty to seakelp and fog looking on both irises jupiter and mars and thanking the stars furyos vixens above and she stood and she smiled not-blak sails- I admired her silver linen train but a din like desperate men shouting loosed me from my vision; they had seen the sails and all surrounding the lot tantalus's envy the pilot's hands raving Not today! Not today! They feared hotel raft a permanent lodging, jumping, frightened, killing themselves their poor salt-seasoned hearts drifting again more than them no signal observing the sails flurrying trumpets it might see us-it might, it might!
1.1k · Jan 2018
Sanguine Serenade
I want to kiss
every inch of your lips,
feeling the words your tongue has bred,
if you bit me,
I would still kiss thee
long after my lips had bled,
I'd let blood trickle down
and spatter the ground
so I could keep the flowers fed;
for roses naturally bloom white,
it is only love's bite
that offers them shades of red.
920 · Dec 2014
The orphans are
mounting an assault quick,
grab your knives and your guns,
we'll show those parentless ******
that we also
know how to
have fun.
709 · Dec 2014
6. a time-sensitive piece
its one oclock
and i'm scared of the dark
why can't I be scared of snakes-
but I guess if its night
and I hear a hiss in the quiet,
Christ, that gives me the shakes.
496 · Dec 2014
eighth and least favorite
Hey, are you awake we've got lives at stake,
the hound is tearing a hole-
now she's staring right at me oh god, can't you see-she's gone,
where the hell'd the dog go?
495 · Dec 2014
10-sorry for the saturation
I don't have enough talent
to become a has-been
he then curled his lips to an
english grin,
took one step forward,
he took two back
and plunged headfirst
into the canyon.
427 · Jun 2017
To J.B.
The spring sun rises, undress
yourself from your doubt, lay bare
naked in the sun with fair
skin so the sun may caress
and warm your hands, feet, legs, and chest.
I envy the sun's gold stare,
looking on a sight so rare
as He makes the passage west.
379 · Nov 2016
mouth things
It wasn't the plan
to bite the man
and leave his hand
in strips and strands

I wanted no part
in devouring your heart
and it wasn't smart
because your heart was ****.
370 · Dec 2014
What the hell
is going on upstairs,
sounds like two honeyed hams
going at it, these paper-thin walls
do nothing to mask
my disgusting habits.
369 · Jul 2014
I'm in the shower.
My poems should never be so crass
but here i'm free to think and wash my ***.
313 · Jul 2017
A train robbery
Letting my mind wander for a moment a semifamiliar memory cropped into view,
In it a strange hand wrote on a scratchpad, three letters that spelled out:
312 · Dec 2014
iv(doesn't rhyme)
Jail and grunge, smoldering sun
and youth without decay
Ive been blessed with luck
to see her stuck
In my memory day after day.
Against my will I think about her still
the seaweed queen with foaming eyes
and there she remains
above every thought train
from now til my demise.
303 · Dec 2014
Garcon et fille
il a mange la fille
et [says] magnifique
299 · Nov 2017
Rekindle the Heart
Old ember reveals an open heart
Quenched by neither wind nor rain,
Waiting patiently a catalytic start
So it may become a flame again.
To ignite the ****** fires within
What fuel deserves this precious coal?
What must be done to overcome the din
That leaves man longing for his soul?
Inspiration sparks a gentle light,
Look into that orange-crimson plume
To embolden you; rekindle your might
And search for salvation over doom.

Only when the jungle’s burned away
Will you ever know the clear, bright, day.
278 · Oct 2017
on the killer bee
I have felt the sting
of a thousand killer bees,
and allowed my heart to sieze
upon the beatings of their wings.
201 · Oct 2018
Snort the Ozone
Like 50,000 feet high, start doing jumping jacks until you're dead tired & inhale like there's no tomorrow,
face it, there aint one, so just
Spread out and cool off where the Strato & Mesosphere meet,
I know a guy who can hook you up, he looks shady but he's good, and besides he's got connections to some solid S-Rank Ozone,
we're talking military grade,
stuff that makes you think you got wax wings dig?
Yeah, snot impossible these days to make it look any cleaner than it did since last era, the last time we inhaled
  fresh air,
its funny how one only misses that thing when its gone, but then if there's another way for nostalgia to function i'm all ears.
I am not socially concious haha
200 · Dec 2014
My mom don’t like it when I drag
She thinks I look like some big hag
With deep dark circles I swallow each breath
& tire myself out while thinking bout death
184 · May 2019
A spider's living in the pipes
of my summer Dover home
and though I share no gripes
I still am asking him to go
He shows no signs of venom
to my simple, human eye,
but still, I have no serum
for what toxin he might apply
his eight long legs still haunt me
I see them peeking from the drain
and into my eyeballs
oh the horror, shout the pain!
His sight's enough to paralyze
the bravest of the bold
but even when I grow fat and old
I'll see him gouging out my eyes!

— The End —