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975 · Jul 2011
Ollie Knows
Now Ollie was a clever Owl
who knew a thing or two
but his answer yet to anything
was just a twit awhoo
this clever two part retort
he posted liberally
just sounds like a owl a hooting
to those brainally free
just ask him for a answer
for a crossword yet to fit
and the total of the question
is equal to a twit
you say that's not a answer
and you need another clue
we can tell what the Twit stands for
the Twit it stands for you
905 · Jul 2011
The impact of 2
a really ground shaker
a babe so fine
no wonder she's a heart breaker
this lass has curves
so smooth and sweet
to find better
it's hard to beat
just think of the best
you've ever had
then compared to this
their tried and sad
she's show you
the greatest time
in any situation
she'll blow your mind
just walk with her
into any place
and both male and females
would **** for a taste
her eyes could melt through
ever cold heart
but see those lips
the kissing part
as sweet as candy
smooth as silk
juice's cool
as creamy milk
her shoulders bare
a slender neck
a vampires dream
of blood lust take
her breast sweep up
with stunning peaks
you mouth would water
longing to meet
a body built
to laugh and play
to any music
this Lass can sway
the memory hits
and it hits hard
that I no longer
dance on her card
she moved on
to better things
success and fortune
and my heart still sings
a love that lasted
as long as it could
but years gone by
I truly would
cause she's still hot
and totally mind blowing
which you've been there
then your in the knowing
to say she's hot
you know the fact
that this Girl as had
a deep Impact
644 · Jul 2011
I'm dancing myself
Well most people dance to music
with moves so energetically outstanding
the moves you can do in your dreams
but I got my own way of moving
I do it any time of day
don't need the music to be pumping
my minds just up for the play
my feet start to shuffle their own way round
my legs join in on it to
my hip starts to flicker excitement
am I really dancing with you
but of course that I am cause your reading
this my dance floor delight
set in words on a page now
but set for real we'd ignite
cause enjoyment is set on a dance floor
just like the fun when we read
something ever so inspirational
you will the quest to succeed
I like to dance well I'm asking
don't need the sound of applause
just I like to see what's inside you
so set free your mind on the floor
for deep inside everybody is a dancer
just what floor your dancing upon
weather be music that's shaking
or which pen is writing the song
but if your shy don't worry
if you feel that you got 2 left feet
just sick to what you do best now
do your dancing on seat
use this how ever you want to
file it away on the shelf
cause sat right here I'm moving
I'm dancing here by myself
607 · Jul 2011
I feel like being
I feel like being Naughty
living my life to extremes
to get on others peoples nerves
blowing away all their dreams
I feel like being nasty
running around like a fool
where people think it's stupid
I'm doing it and it's cool
I wanna show everybody
but they'll never know that it's me
cause their to slow to realise
they have to move a lot faster to see
I' m gonna now go out and do it
dam ya I'm just having fun
maybe if you where a lot faster
you could join me it's knock a door run
566 · Jul 2011
Act 2
The first dew of the morning
sparkles on the grass
to serve as a gentle wash
as animals go walking pass
and thus beyond the tower
the light on window breaks
and as the shadows disappear
ember patterns the light it makes
whilst gazing out fair maiden
surveying on her realm
she wonders if her Romeo
once again he'll overwhelm
his words they sparked excitement
and her feelings did ignite
thou she'd never true contact made
her heart was burning bright
longing for this bairdic rogue
unsure on this desire
who lite within her very soul
aromatic teasing fire
her hand placed over her heart
to scared to miss a beat
wondering if what she wants
would ever would they meet
whilst mean while below her balcony
last sign of shadows well
a breath of true excited quotes
are flying through his brain
he trys to get in order
but he thumbles his words terrain
he slowly builds the courage
and scales the tree beside
and as he balances precariously
the trunk he gingerly hides
she opens up her window
and sadness in her sigh
and welled within her socket
a tears runs from her eyes
so holds within her falling cry
a hope a longing wish
that her heart would be rewarded
even if just with a kiss
now his eyes she the maiden crying
and he reaches for a seat
and has he swings just out of view
a branch then finds his feet
he lowers his body now
feels like a royal throne
and gentle clears his throat so soft
Fair Maiden your not alone
her eyes look at the leaves
but no sign she can see
** my heart I hear your voice
but where my heart will be
she feels her heart miss a beat
then again one or two
as he lifts the very branch
and slowly comes into view
he reaches out to grab her hand
stepping towards the window sill
and as the two reached face to face
their feelings start to fill
they lock together in hearts embrace
together their lips they lock
a surge of inner electricity
a tantalising shock
so here the start of something sweet
for time again most be
the stage is set the lovers locked
the next would be part three
514 · Jul 2011
Why Act 2
Well for those who ask the Questions
which your bound to do
where was Act 1 and 3
why you started with act 2
well act one is a enigma
for it changes every day
for Act 1 goes on different paths
to lore and hold and sway
for roses don't please everyone
or even a box of choc's
just seeing through others eye's
on how to rock their sock's
yes I write for many things
but just to make a friend
have posted that in messages
which I general send
and Act 3 Well Everyone
you know the rules of the show
so publishing is a negative
so seeing well that's a no
but some friends have yet been lucky
and have asked for a showing of
I can back up the words I written
I'm more than just a gob
so  there you are 2 answers
before I've even seen
the calls on which your gonna ask
I know your eyes are keen
so bye for now I'm going to browse
and see some others work
I will be back and fill in more
for from words I do not shirk

— The End —