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Jul 2010 · 1.9k
Cocaine Alley
Jimmy ain't ******'
the cows've gone mad
Jordan's mom has breast cancer

Alex got a trophy of
a guy with a stump hand

Jordan's mom died of AIDS.
Isn't it the clams turn?
No actually, it isn't
the clam is surprisingly
far behind in line
You know who's
in front of the clam?
The leopard
I kid you not
Leopard comes before clam
If anyone every asks you
Leopard comes before clam.
Jul 2010 · 683
Steel Revolution
There's these things you put on your arms
like when kids had to hold books
when they got in trouble
but you aren't in trouble with these
it's more like a work thing
you get paid for it
but you really just got these things
on your arms
and I guess it's kind of cool
if you're a *******.
Jul 2010 · 978
Cloud City
So this guy did a backflip
off this docking bay sort of thing
and it's like he's in slow motion
just turning slowly as bullets **** by him
and you look over and in one of the planes
is a duck with a cigar in his mouth
and pilot goggles on
and he's laughing
while he shoots bullets
at the man
who's just doing a backflip off the dock
and it's a really good backflip too
Oh, and the guy has a gun in his hand.
In the great garden of the lie of Jesus
There lived a great lion
and he saw a caterpillar slowly walking by and he said,
"Hello there, kind sir"
and the caterpillar replied,
"*******, *******"
and the lion was sad
and the caterpillar looked at the lion for a second
and he said,
"Aw, I'm sorry dude, I was just ******* with you."

— The End —