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Jul 2016 · 206
Chango73 Jul 2016
Body ,
Is born with a soul living breathing . Living life experiences goes to school educated successful being .Goes in for elective surgery dies . Why ?
What is the point ......
Lonley for the rest left behind to miss you you in the flesh.
I love you I miss you .
......everyone misses you.....
Apr 2016 · 239
Chango73 Apr 2016
Uhhhhh what are you thinking ? You never tell me .I always have to ask I'm tired of asking.But I don't want you to be mad .I want you to be in my life but we are miles apart .You are with your family I have mine I have responsibility to them .
How can this work I don't know .I'm frustrated  I want you and can't have you. Are you happy are you sad
I don't know I should but I don't. Rambling why do we want what we can't have ?
Not fair should not be this hard but is.
Reality . Why me after all these years a life time has passed between us .
I miss you .....
Apr 2016 · 215
Chango73 Apr 2016
I see your face and I wonder what it's like to look into your eyes.
I want to feel your warmth of your neck on my lips.
I want to smell your hair,I want your hair to tickle my face as I take your smell in.
I want to feel your finger tips on mine .I want to place my forehead on yours and breath the same air you breath and take you in.
I want to hold your hand inter locking fingers walking side by side anywhere.
I want to taste your lips.I want to feel your cheek next to mine and take you in feel your heartbeat feel your soul.
I want to memorize every detail of you the Cresent of your ******* to the creases of your hips I take you in .I want to hear you laugh I want to see your smile.
I lift you up in my heart my soul.
Apr 2016 · 222
Chango73 Apr 2016
I sit and hear the buzz of the lights
The bugs aimlesley flying into the lights above
The frogs croakng in the creek and the birds chirping in the trees in the distance
The night is still and alive at night
I hear my rhythmic breathing and a car driving into the black night to places unknown .Waiting waiting for the next moment the next memory to flood my mind for a moment and the next the next What moment ?
Apr 2016 · 315
Chango73 Apr 2016
There was a chance

Blown away the first time you reached out to me after all of these years.25 years later you asked me if I remembered what I gave you at prom.You graciously gave me a hint becuase I forgot it was 25 years ago.You gave me a hint a gif of a perfume bottle.Well yes!!! It was "Beautiful"
I exclaimed the memory came back Beautiful I texted back .You said yes!!
You also said "I still have it".
My world stopped I felt my heart it ached like never before. Everything stopped I forgot to breath .You brought me to my knees I've fallen for you all over again .The flood gates of emotion filled my soul like nothing I've felt before 25 years later.

— The End —