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Mar 2016 · 370
Just another crush
John lizotte Mar 2016
Just wanna tell you, but don't know how.
        Just wanna hold you and be with you now. 't tell her, it's better this way you see.  
         So you talk to each other just casually
         and the voice in yourself tells you it could go further so easily
        but that's just a wish so you give it a hush.
               And you wonder if she knows.    
             but it's no use trying to read a book that is closed.
          Bury this down and hope it goes
           but every time you see her it just grows.
          Can't wait to spend time around her, eyes lock you panic                                        
           Look away tell yourself avoid her it's not worth the heartache if you can't tell her.
               Just spend more time away, **** I miss her.
                  And it's the same **** week after week.
                   gonna ask her tonight cuz she just might.
                    Lose your nerve cuz your so weak.
                    Through a text maybe send out a flirt or a wink.
                    No wait that's right got anxiety.
                     Just **** it and forget it you'll get over it eventually.
                        This is your own hell you'll probably die alone but oh well.
                        Life ***** when you just don't know.
John lizotte Mar 2016
I feel like a lost little boy in the woods looking for a way out. HELP! HELP! I yell, yet no one answers I cannot handle these emotions turmoiling inside me I'm in hell I'm in ecstacy I'm no where in between love is a drug that cannot be compared it carries me to the absolute brink of the precipice and I stare down into the abyss that awaits to engulf me and devour my very being, my soul, I can't help but smile and laugh hysterically as I fall, I am absolutely elated and at the same time feel the abject terror flooding into the very core of my whole existence.  It is exhilarating.  I am in ******* agony I am in ******* intense beautiful rapture. I am skydiving without a parachute watching the ground scream towards me. I want to stay in free fall forever.

— The End —